Zhang Han was completely speechless.

He only hoped that Han Xin would not betray the trust of the national teacher!

After all, the national teachers have never trusted themselves like this...

Zhang Han felt a little sour in his heart, but without any delay, he quickly turned around and left.

Looking at the back of Zhang Han's departure, Ying Zheng's eyes were serious: "I just hope that Han Xin will not disappoint the national teacher."


Soon, Zhang Han gave [-] elite soldiers to Han Xin.

Han Xin didn't talk too much, and after expressing his thanks to Zhang Han, he took these soldiers and horses directly into the teleportation array and quickly teleported away.

Looking at the emptiness of the teleportation array after the light flashed.

Zhang Han sighed.

He felt increasingly unreliable.

Originally, he thought that even if this Han Xin had never been a soldier or fought a war, at least his strength should not be bad, right?

But when I saw it just now, Zhang Han's heart almost went cold.

Han Xin was so thin that he could crush it with one palm.

What Han Xin wears is also too desolate.

And this Han Xin, who is the main general, doesn't even have a real sword, but a wooden sword hanging from his waist...

Zhang Han didn't want to say anything anymore.

He just hoped that Han Xin would not lose too badly.


With the teleportation array, Han Xin led [-] elite soldiers and quickly arrived at the Mojia Holy Land.

And with the arrival of Han Xin's troops, the hundreds of schools of thought and people from all major forces also knew about Da Qin's actions.

The Mo family ranked first on the list of chaotic ministers and thieves on the list of gods.

It is Da Qin's biggest heart thorn!

Therefore, now that Daqin finally took action, it was naturally the first time that he was immediately paid attention by hundreds of schools of thought and major forces.

The holy place of Yin and Yang.

At this moment, the Yin Yang family has completely hidden their holy land with secret techniques and formations.

This made it impossible for people from all major forces who wanted to exchange the lives of the Yin-Yang family for rewards to find their targets in a short period of time.

At this moment, the Yin-Yang family, who could not see the sun like a mouse, also received the news for the first time.

"Da Qin has attacked the Mo family!"

"Really? Who shot it? That terrifying Great Qin Guoshi?"

"It's not the Great Qin Guoshi, and the Mo family is also worthy of letting the Great Qin Guoshi take action?"

"Who is that?"

"It seems to be a down-and-out ranger who led Daqin's [-] troops to attack the holy city of the Mo family."

"What? Desperate Ranger? Was it a mistake?"

"And there are only [-] soldiers and horses. The Holy City of the Mo Family is a holy place for mechanical techniques. There are countless dangerous institutions, and the defense equipment is even more amazing. Five thousand people can have a fart!"

"Is this news wrong?"

"There can be no mistake. We spent a lot of money to buy the news. It can never be wrong, and all the major forces know it."

"But... This, what did Da Qin think? To use a ranger to lead [-] people, just want to break the holy city of the Mo family. It's not like that in a dream, right?"

"Does Da Qin think that they are so powerful that they have drifted away and can't recognize reality?"

"Actually, Da Qin didn't want to break the Mo family at all, just to disgust the Mo family, right?"

"Definitely yes, otherwise Daqin would not send not a single general, nor would he only send such a few people. Now Daqin has sent a little-known and unrecognizable ranger, just to disgust the Mo family!"

"The Mo family is so miserable. Fortunately, we hid quickly, otherwise we would be disgusted to death!"

"Da Qin is so sinister!"

In the attic of the Holy Land of Yin and Yang.

The Venerable Yin Yang family frowned slightly when he listened to the discussion of the Yin Yang family outside.

He didn't think that the mysterious, terrifying and powerful Grand Master of Qin would do such a simple and disgusting thing.

But he didn't even think that a small ranger could destroy the Mo family with only [-] troops.

So...what the hell is going on here?

Venerable Yin Yang family frowned.

"Master Qin, what is your purpose? Why do you want to do something that you can't do?"


Soldier's Holy Land.

on the virtual battlefield.

A man in battle armor looked at the information he had just received.

He looked away in the direction of the Mo Family Holy Land, frowning slightly.

"A ranger, or a ranger who has never joined the army, has never participated in a battle, let him directly lead five thousand troops... just trying to break the holy city of the Mo family?"

"It seems that the Great Qin National Teacher also has shortcomings."

"He doesn't understand the military!"


Huaiyin County, inside Han Xin's leaky house.

Liu Bang's eyes widened. Hearing what Xiao He told him, he was shocked: "Han Xin actually went to Daqin to lead the army, and he wants to attack the Holy Land of the Mo Family?"


Inside the Mohist Holy City.

Everyone in the Mo family was furious, they just felt that they had been insulted!

"The Great Qin Guoshi is too deceiving, and he even used a ranger to insult us!"

"We must give them some color to see!"

"Since Da Qin took the initiative to send [-] soldiers and horses for us to kill, then we are welcome!"

"Master, I would like to fight and kill the head of this ranger named Han Xin!"

After listening to everyone's words quietly, the Mo clan tycoon said in an indifferent voice, "Since Da Qin underestimated us and insulted us with Han Xin, then we will let Da Qin know... underestimate our fate!"

"Everyone in the world thinks that my Mo clan only knows how to do tricks, but they don't know that my Mo clan secretly learned the tactics of war!"

"This time, we'll let everyone know that... marching to fight, I, the Mo family, will not lose to anyone!"

"What is the number one cavalry in the world of Daqin, and I, the magic soldier of the Mo family, is the real number one in the world!"

When everyone in the Mo family heard this, their eyes lit up, they were full of confidence, and they immediately cheered!


And outside the Mojia Holy City.

The ranger with the wooden sword hanging from his waist is squinting at the moment, looking at the heavily guarded Mohist holy city in front of him.

He suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and said to himself: "The guard with many loopholes, breaking it, it will take a day, tonight, it will be broken!"


PS: It’s another big chapter. I don’t want to break the chapter. Please support me. Flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets, please vote for some support. *

Chapter [-] An interesting scene in the Holy Land of the Mo Family!

The Mohist Holy Land at this moment has attracted worldwide attention!

All the forces, at this moment, are staring closely at the Holy Land of the Mo Family.

Some people think that Da Qin is deliberately disgusting the Mo family, some people think that Da Qin is getting more arrogant and ignores the Mo family at all, and some people think that Da Qin may have other tricks...

And no matter which party, no one thinks... Han Xin will win!

After all, Han Xin was like a weak ant to them.

A ranger who has no name, a ranger who doesn't even have a weapon and can only hang a wooden sword, how can he do what they can't do together?

For a time, there are audiences and onlookers.

Some people expected the Mo family to jump up and down with anger, and some people expected the Mo family to show off their mighty power and defeat Da Qin's arrogance.

At this time, above the Tianji Pavilion.

Han Xu, in fluttering white clothes, chuckled lightly, "It's really lively."

"I didn't expect that the gambling between us would make the world watch lively."

The white-haired and white-bearded Xunzi looked calm. He heard those arguments, and these arguments were completely in line with his inner thoughts.

He said lightly: "The world is watching, this time, even if you want to help Han Xin secretly, you can't help it."

Han Xu said with a smile, "Why did Xun Sheng think me so bad?"

"Since I said a fair test, then naturally I won't sneak a shot."

Xunzi didn't believe Han Xu's words at all.

He said coldly: "Your words are the most unbelievable in this world."

"Whether it's Su Qin Zhang Yi or Sun Bin Pang Juan, how many of those who believed in their words ended up in good health?"

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