Ying Zheng calmly said, "What do you want to report?"

Hu Hai had no foreshadowing at all, so he went straight to the point and said: "Father, my son, I heard that the national teacher had just found a poor ranger, and asked him to lead the elite soldiers to attack the holy city of the Mo family. This matter... the national teacher is really It's too impulsive, it's too playful, he didn't think about our Daqin at all, he..."


Before Hu Hai finished speaking, Ying Zheng immediately reprimanded Hu Hai for stopping.

His eyes were cold, full of stern imperial power, and he said coldly, "Hu Hai, who told you this!"

Huhedun felt as if he was frozen.

The huge pressure made him almost lie on the ground.

He hurriedly said: "Father, this... this is what my son heard by accident."

"The boy didn't mean to speak ill of the national teacher, but the national teacher was really wrong this time!"

Hu Hai was afraid that Ying Zheng would not let him finish, so he quickly said, "There will be so many available in Xianyang City now."

"Let's not talk about General Wang Jian and Wang Ben, let's talk about General Zhang Han, he is not much stronger than that Han Xin? That Han Xin has never joined the army, has never killed an enemy, and has no dignity as a coward. Compared with General Zhang Han and the others, such people are simply the difference between clouds and mud!"

"Therefore, there are better choices, but the national teacher is so playful... He clearly doesn't believe in General Zhang Han and the others!"

"It's clearly—"

"shut up!"

Ying Zheng slapped the table and made a bang.

The terrifying Qi machine directly sent Hu Hai flying!

The bet between the national teacher and the Confucianists was a secret, and only a few of them knew about Ying Zheng.

So whether Hu Hai or Zhang Han, they don't know.

They didn't even know that the national teacher was working hard for the future of Daqin.

Instead, he was shouting and shouting here, and even said such heart-wrenching remarks. If Zhang Han really listened to it, wouldn't he want to leave the seeds of dissatisfaction in his heart?

Although Ying Zheng is a father, he is also an emperor, the emperor of Da Qin!

He will never allow anyone to slander the national teacher who paid so much for Da Qin!

He said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense any more! If you don't understand anything, stop talking nonsense!"

Hu Hai's heart ached so badly, he got up in a hurry, he knew that this was his only chance.

If you don't bring down that national teacher, you will have no chance in the future!

He said, "Father, you were deceived by that national teacher!"

"He, Han Xu, clearly didn't take you and Da Qin in his eyes!"

"He doesn't know at all, if the Han Xin he dispatched loses, what kind of blow will it be to my Daqin general!"

"My Daqin has won hundreds of battles. We have never lost a single game, but this time, Han Xu has let us lose. That will be a huge blow to Daqin's prestige and majesty!"

"Children are all for the sake of Da Qin!"

Ying Zheng said coldly: "How do you know that Han Xin can't win?"

"How could he possibly win?"

Hu Hai said, "The boy just asked General Zhang Han, and he said that he can't win in a short time, so this Han Xin has no ability, no guts, no dignity, and is very weak. How could he possibly win?"

"Baby thinks that the national teacher chose Han Xin, maybe he has some selfish motives. He knows that Han Xin can't win, but he still stubbornly sends Han Xin to fight. There must be some hidden secrets in it. The child hopes that the father and the emperor can strictly investigate and be able to— —”


at this time.

When Ying Zheng sneered and wanted to hear how many words this unfilial son could say to make him angry, Zhang Han's shocked voice suddenly sounded from outside, directly interrupting Hu Hai's words.

Hu Hai looked out subconsciously.

Seeing that Zhang Han was extremely excited and excited.

Zhang Han's voice was full of shock and disbelief, and he said loudly, "Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty!"

"Great victory, great victory!"

"Han Xin, appointed by the national teacher, just now broke the defense of the Mo Family Holy City, destroyed the Mo Family's formation, and is slaughtering the city!"

"Han Xin won, Han Xin really won!"

"The national teacher is really too powerful. Han Xin can win in just a few hours with five thousand soldiers and horses. This... This is a great talent! The last generals are inferior!"

Zhang Han's excited voice echoed in the hall.

Ying Zheng was startled for a moment, then burst out laughing.

But Hu Hai, who had just berated Han Xu, suddenly sat on the ground at this moment.

He widened his eyes and stared at Zhang Han, his whole being like falling into an ice cave.

If you prepared a belly, at this moment, all of them were stillborn.

Hu Hai, stupid. .

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