"Can you really move mountains and fill the sea?"

Ying Zheng looked at Ying Yan with interest.

After listening to Wang Jian's story that day, he was overjoyed. He always wanted to witness it with his own eyes, but unfortunately he was too busy these days.

Today, when he was a little free, he summoned Ying Yan.

Hearing Ying Zheng's question, Ying Yan smiled faintly.

He walked three feet in front of Ying Zheng, and then stretched out his hand:"Please give me your hand, father."

Ying Zheng was a little confused, but he did as he was told.

He also wanted to see how Ying Yan would demonstrate his abilities.

Just when he grabbed Ying Yan, a light golden halo suddenly spread from Ying Yan.

The light golden light was like mist, and in an instant it enveloped Ying Zheng and Ying Yan.

This change made Ying Zheng feel a little surprised.

Although he was prepared in his heart, when the light golden light spread, he was also a little curious.

The ability displayed by Ying Yan today seemed to be different from what Wang Jian said that day.

Ying Zheng was about to ask, but he suddenly felt dazed.

When he came to his senses, he found that the light golden light had quietly disappeared.

"In other words...."Ying Zheng just opened his mouth to ask.

But he suddenly froze on the spot.

He found that he was no longer in the Qin Palace.

In fact, he was not in Xianyang!

The surrounding view was wide and rocky.

There were fiery red maple leaves fluttering in the wind, which was also a wonder of the world.

"here it is...."

Ying Zheng looked closely and observed the surroundings carefully.

"This is Mount Li." Ying Yan said calmly.

"Mount Li?!"Ying Zheng was completely shocked.

He didn't expect that in just a moment of trance, he could cross a hundred miles from the Qin Palace to the top of Mount Li?!...

Even if Wang Jian, a military genius, wanted to get from the Qin Palace to Mount Li, he would definitely not be able to do it so quickly!

Not to mention that when he came here, he was just a little dazed and didn't feel any fluctuations at all.

Even his feet on the ground didn't feel strange at all.

How did Ying Yan do it?

Ying Zheng was shocked and even more confused.

But all this is not the point.

The point is that the ability that Ying Yan showed today has far exceeded Ying Zheng's imagination.

He thought that controlling rocks was already the limit of Ying Yan.

But he didn't expect that he could do this.

This is completely and thoroughly controlling the earth!

"It's really so miraculous!"

Ying Zheng said in a lost voice, his tone was full of disbelief.

But soon, he burst into laughter.

"Now that we are sweeping across the six kingdoms, Yan'er, you are so capable, it is true that the Qin Dynasty is prosperous, and my son is also prosperous!"

That day, when he heard Wang Jian say that Ying Yan was a person of great luck, Ying Zheng still had some doubts.

After all, since the Shang Dynasty, there has been no such person.

Those people of great luck are all heroes who created an era!

How could they reappear?

However, after seeing him today, he dispelled all his doubts.

Not only that, he was even more excited.

You know, the Qin Dynasty is about to unify the world.

With this ability, the time for the Qin Dynasty to unify can be shortened by at least 50%!

What are the six kingdoms in Shandong!


Ying Yan said lightly, attracting Ying Zheng's attention.

He looked up into the distance, his eyes as bright as stars.

"From here, you can overlook the entire Xianyang City. What do you see, father?"

Ying Zheng followed Ying Yan's gaze and looked towards the distant Xianyang City.

Outside Xianyang City, a large number of troops were stationed and assembled.

The extremely ferocious evil spirit was like a barrier, protecting Xianyang City firmly.

Inside the city, there was also laughter and joy, and the people all had smiles on their faces.

It was especially because it was near the end of the year, and there were lights and decorations everywhere, and it was a festive occasion.

Seeing this, Ying Zheng became more determined to destroy the six countries.

However , he didn't know what Ying Yan's real purpose was.

This son has been extremely intelligent since he was a child, and now he has specially brought him to the top of Mount Li.

Presumably it's not just to let him see what Xianyang City is like.

He knew that Ying Yan must have something to say, but he couldn't guess what it was going to say.

So he just smiled lightly and waited for the rest.

Ying Yan said:"Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Daqin has been advancing triumphantly all the way, conquering all directions, and has developed from a small border country into the behemoth it is today."

"Our Great Qin has many talented people and famous generals. Now we are going to sweep across the six kingdoms and unify the world."

"But I know that what father wants is not just the world."

Ever since Ying Yan revealed his ability, he has not thought about hiding anything.

So today he will tell Ying Zheng everything.

Hearing this,

Ying Zheng smiled bitterly.

How could he not want the territory of Daqin to connect the heaven and earth and reach an unprecedented grandeur?

When he was young, he also dreamed of making the whole world belong to Daqin.

But after taking power, he found that everything was not that simple.

Ying Zheng sighed and said,"I also want to, but human power is limited. Unifying the six countries is the limit of what my father can do."

It can be seen that Ying Yan's words touched Ying Zheng's heart.

Ying Yan looked at Ying Zheng seriously with a firm look in his eyes.

He said,"Father said that human power is limited, but my power is divine power! Is divine power limited?"

"Therefore, my goal is not as simple as the Shandong Six Nations"

"Oh?" Ying Zheng looked at Ying Yan, his eyes sparkling.

Divine power!

Only when it is endless can it be called divine power!

He said excitedly:"How far can you go?"

Ying Yan looked into the distance again, and his voice rang in Ying Zheng's ears.

"I want all the land where the sun and the moon shine and where the rivers flow to be Qin's land!"

"I want everyone in this world to be Qin people!"

"I want everyone in Daqin to be like a dragon!"

"This! This is what I want to do."

The voice fell.

Ying Zheng felt deafened, and his heart was inexplicably shocked.

He thought his ambition was big enough, but he didn't expect that this third son was even more ambitious than him. He could hear a power in Ying Yan's calm voice.

It was a power that could destroy everything.

Perhaps what he said could really come true....

Ying Zheng looked at Ying Yan and laughed even more wantonly.

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