Hundreds of thousands of troops moved at the same time.

Even if they were dozens of miles apart, they could feel the ground shaking.

Not to mention Ying Yan, who was in constant communication with the earth veins and could control the earth.

He had just left the Stone City Fortress not far when he noticed something.

Ying Yan escaped from the earth veins.

Then he reduced his own gravity and floated high into the sky.

Looking far away.

Hundreds of miles away, there was a thick black rushing.

Like a black wave, it rushed towards Dangyin on the ground.

And Wang Jian's army trapped in Dangyin also took action at this moment.

"Is this the beginning of the decisive battle?...."

After a little thought, Ying Yan understood the reason.

However, if the war started now, he would not be able to go and kill King Zhao as planned.

Although the Qin Dynasty could afford this 300,000-man army, it would definitely be a huge loss.

Moreover, it would slow down the pace of Qin's unification.

"Forget it, let's join the army first and then attack Handan directly."

Ying Yan thought for a while and returned the same way.

Soon, he reappeared in the Stone City Fortress.

"" Sir, have you contacted General Wang Jian so quickly?"

Meng Tian looked at Ying Yan who had reappeared, and his face was also surprised.

Ying Yan shook his head and said,"That's not the case. The war has already begun."

"What?! Are the three kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, and Yan really going to war with the general at all costs?"

Meng Tian was stunned, with an expression of disbelief on his face. Now that the other party is going to war with the 300,000-strong army of the Qin Dynasty, don't they consider the consequences? Or do they have other plans? Ying Yan said calmly:"I'm afraid this is because of me. I killed 100,000 troops before, which made them afraid.


"If they were to disregard everything and destroy these 300,000 troops now, they would have a chance of survival."

After hearing Ying Yan's explanation, Meng Tian immediately understood everything.

But if this is the case, then wouldn't it be meaningless to store food and grass here?

"How many troops does Shicheng have now?" Ying Yan spoke again.

"Third Master, there are only 5,000 soldiers left here, and the rest have returned to Hangu to prepare food and grass."

Meng Tian reported truthfully.

But this time, he was not as flustered and worried as last time.

He had seen Ying Yan's methods.

As long as Ying Yan took action, he would definitely be able to reverse the situation!

"Send a message to Hangu Pass, asking the two thousand soldiers to wait for a while, and then evacuate all the soldiers in the fortress."Ying Yan ordered.

""Sir, what are you doing?" Meng Tian was a little puzzled.

Ying Yan said lightly:"I need a lot of rocks, and this fortress is not needed for the time being."

If you want to influence the war situation over there now, you can't change anything with just 5,000 troops.

When I looked at it from the sky just now, the two sides were very close.

I'm afraid that by the time I get over there, a melee will have broken out.

Although he has means of large-scale killing, it is not easy to use once a melee starts.

Because it is very likely to hurt friendly forces.

Although Ying Yan is decisive in killing, he never attacks his own people.

He is ruthless to the enemy just because the other party is an enemy.

It's that simple.

So he plans to change a method and create enough rock puppets.

In this way, he can open up the situation.

However, the creation of rock puppets requires a large amount of rocks.

Although the compressed soil can also be strong enough , but it takes too much time.

Returning to Shicheng, it is also because this place is full of rocks.


Meng Tian led 5,000 cavalry out of the Shicheng Fortress, and the sturdy city became a completely empty city.

Ying Yan stood in the sky.

With a stroke of his left hand, dozens of earth spirits rose from the earth and appeared in front of him.

When he waved his right hand, the rocks on the ground began to tremble.

Then, in the incredible eyes of everyone, it turned into a rock puppet.

Now the rock puppet summoned by Ying Yan looks even more majestic.

The height is three feet (six meters), and the whole body is full of a sense of power.

Although it is not as delicate as in the previous battle, it gives people a very terrifying sense of oppression.

""Go!" Ying Yan's faint voice sounded.

The earth spirits surrounding him suddenly rushed into the rock puppet and merged with it.

This is the process of infusing spirits.

With these earth spirits as the leaders, these rock puppets will no longer be dead objects.

They have their own thoughts and even more terrifying lethality.

Ying Yan waved his hands.

Rock puppets rose from the ground. After being fused with the earth spirits, they became more agile.


Hundred Heads....

Thousand Heads....

The number of rock puppets has reached 5,000.

Ying Yan stopped his action.

It's not that it's difficult to make them, but the rocks here have been hollowed out by him.

However, with these 5,000 rock puppets, it can handle this battle.


Ying Yan shouted, and landed on the warhorse that Meng Tian had prepared long ago.



Although there were only 5,000 brave cavalrymen, they roared in unison and a strong military spirit erupted.



Those rock puppets also shouted like the five thousand brave cavalrymen, but only the echo of the whistling wind came.


The five thousand brave cavalrymen ran wildly in front, and their horses' hooves were like thunder.

The five thousand rock puppets followed closely behind, but their speed was not slower than the running cavalrymen. The more Ying Yan watched, the more satisfied he felt with these rock puppets.

This strangely composed army marched towards Dangyin.

In this battle, they would join forces with Wang Jian and then destroy Zhao!......

On the other side.

The 300,000 troops led by Wang Jian had already collided with the 250,000 soldiers of the State of Zhao led by Lian Po.

As soon as they met, they fought each other.

There was no words, no challenge.

The two countries have been mortal enemies since the Battle of Changping.

Wang Jian sat in the center of the army, staring at Lian Po opposite him.

Lian Po did the same.

Both of them were waiting.

Lian Po was waiting for the reinforcements from the State of Yan and the State of Wei to come, so as to encircle and kill the 300,000 troops in one fell swoop.

Wang Jian was waiting for the moment when the army's momentum was the strongest.

That was when he would take action!

Once Wang Jian took action, he could open a path through the army.

At that time, the army could use this gap to escape the encirclement!



The army shouted angrily, and blood and flesh flew everywhere. In just a moment, the ground was covered with blood.

The battlefield is always the most ruthless grinding wheel of blood and flesh.

And Ying Yan was still a hundred miles away from here......

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