Chapter 119: Immortal Surgery, Complete! Win Zheng Changsheng!

Chapter 119: Immortal Surgery, Complete! Win Zheng Changsheng!

“This guy Ying Yunxiao, doesn’t he want to be the emperor?”

“How could he do such a big contrarian thing?”

“Didn’t His Majesty the First Emperor say that he would give him the throne? Obviously it can be inherited logically, why ~ why do it?”

The picture played on the big screen of Tiandao Live made all the people of the Qin Kingdom dumbfounded.

Win Yunxiao What is this doing? Holding the saber and inserting it directly into his father’s body, this is also too cruel – right?

And what is clearly at your fingertips, why use it in this way?

Do you have to be reviled by people all over the world?

Yun Zheng only felt that after he closed his eyes, the movement around him was a little big, and it seemed that he had caused some commotion, and this matter seemed to have something to do with him.

So, Win Zheng subconsciously opened his eyes.

The second he opened his eyes, he was also dumbfounded.

“Xiao’er, you, what are you doing here?”

Yun Zheng never expected that this son, who he trusted and was most proud of, would actually do something to himself?

Why? Why? Why, exactly?

Everything can be given to him, why would he do it? But the next second, Win Zheng sensed that something was wrong.

Ying Yunxiao held Griffin, in his body, sliding rapidly, as if cutting the organs in his body.

But at this moment, Yun Zheng did not feel any pain.

Could it be that he is hallucinating?

Yun Zheng tried to pinch himself, it hurt!

“Father, I told you, let you close your eyes, don’t worry about anything, rest assured to give it to the sons, just fine~”

Ying Yunxiao’s face was still that kind smile, and there was not a trace of murderous aura at all on his face.

Yun Zheng did not resist, he believed in this child of his own.

Because there is no need to kill him at all for Yin Yunxiao, and there is no need to lie to him at all.

Because of his strength to stand at the top of the world, he is doomed to be the law of everything, and he can have the final say in everything in this world.

Win Zheng nodded, and without saying anything, he let Ying Yunxiao stir in his body with his own accessories.

All the audience also sensed that something was wrong at this moment.

If Ying Yunxiao really planned to kill Yingzheng, why did Yingyunxiao’s Griffin enter Yingzheng’s body and did not cause Yingzheng to bleed?

Moreover, his griffin is simply dancing inside the body of the winning government.

If it is really killing the winning government, presumably the winning government at this moment has become a pile of meat puree.

“What the hell is this guy doing?”

In the north, all the Huns are watching this scene.

Originally, he thought that Ying Yunxiao would be like himself, kill his useless father and guide his country further.

But the result made him astonished.

“What’s wrong with his knife?”

Watching the winning Griffin dancing in the body of the winning government, Mao Don really couldn’t figure it out.

“Could it be that after he ate the so-called fruit of surgery, he became a weak person who couldn’t hurt people with a sword?”

Maunton was guessing.

Who can understand it?

Isn’t this question asked in vain?

If Ying Yunxiao doesn’t explain, who can understand it?

But one thing is certain, that is, Ying Yunxiao will definitely not be the kind of person who kills his father and seizes power.

This strange operation made everyone’s scalps tingle and goosebumps on their bodies.

On the one hand, I couldn’t understand his operation, and on the other hand, I was shocked by his operation.

Since his sword could not hurt Yun Zheng, and Yun Zheng didn’t seem to feel any discomfort, why did he dance the sword so seriously?

Moreover, Win Yunxiao looks a little tired.

His breathing began to quicken, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

What an incredible thing.

You know, he used his overlord color domineering to stun all the civilians of Songhai City, and he did not show any fatigue, and at this moment, his bells and whistles made him look a little strenuous.

No! He’s definitely doing something very complicated.

“Your Majesty, this is performing immortal surgery?”

The well-informed Shenping voiced his conjectures.

This blue fat man is not so dazzling in the Seven Martial Seas.

Because this blue fat man does not have any fruit ability, and he does not show any special combat skills at present.

It’s just that his destructive power is quite strong.

….. 0..

Immortal surgeries???

“Well, it should be, it’s the first time I’ve seen beads of sweat on His Majesty’s head, I’ve known His Majesty for so long, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he can always solve the problem with ease.”

“Presumably, except for the immortal surgery that can give people eternal life, there is nothing that can make Your Majesty so strained.”

At this moment Hawkeye Mihawk also spoke.

His guess is well-founded and also explains what immortal surgery is.

Isn’t immortality equal to eternal life?

It turns out that Win Yunxiao is doing this.

I thought that eternal life would only happen to Ying Yunxiao, after all, he was the guy who was anti-human.

Unexpectedly, he was really able to give people eternal life.

What the???

Is it to hold a sword and slash indiscriminately in the human body, you can give people eternal life? It’s too perverted.

For a moment, countless people wanted to be the one who was danced on his body with a knife by Yingyunxiao.

“Are you sure this guy isn’t chopping indiscriminately? What can you do with such a fast knife speed?”

“If you can obtain the ability of eternal life so easily, then this eternal life is too perfunctory, right?”

“Really fake? Can you get eternal life if you are cut by him? And why did he continue to cut for so long a day?”

Several emperors are questioning the ability to win Yunxiao.

On the surface, it seems that Ying Yunxiao is indeed holding Griffin in Yun Zheng’s body, slashing all over the place.

But at this moment, what Yingyunxiao is doing is a very exquisite operation.

Why do people age? Because the end-chain enzymes used on DNA for cell replication are depleted.

In this way, cells can only continue to age, and people are also constantly aging.

If we want eternal life, we must change this status quo.

What Ying Yunxiao is doing now is to change Yingzheng’s DNA and let him have unlimited end-chain enzymes, so that he can achieve eternal life!

As Ying Yunxiao’s last knife fell, he finally pulled out Griffin from Yun Zheng’s body.

The next second, the unthinkable happened.

Win Zheng’s appearance and body shape are rapidly recovering his youth at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, it is fixed on his twenty-year-old appearance and body shape three.

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