Chapter 147: The Trade Center That Shocked the World

“Don’t worry, Xiao’er, these ah, have long been prepared.”

“After regaining my youth, I always feel that I have endless energy, and I couldn’t finish reviewing the folds before, but now I can easily review them all.”

“I don’t know if it’s because of the eternal life, but I feel that my energy is quite abundant at any time.

During this time, I have improved a lot of work efficiency, and I can have today, it all depends on you, Xiao’er~” Yun Zheng just met, and he praised Ying Yunxiao fiercely.

Having said that, what Win Zheng said is indeed not false at all.

After regaining his youth, he felt the changes in his body very clearly.

In addition to those old problems in the past, my body is much easier, and my energy is also quite vigorous.

At this point in normal times, he would have rested long ago.

How can I have the energy to continue working? But now it’s really different.

After regaining his youth, the whole person is really full of vitality.

“Father, you still have to pay attention to your body, you, ah, have indeed regained your youth, but what, the body is always your own, people’s energy is always limited.”

“After recovering young, you must also take good care of your body, so that you can really live a long life and never grow old, if you consume your body functions excessively, you still can’t bear to age!”

There is nothing wrong with this, it is true.

Winning Zheng gained eternal life not because he took any panacea.

This claim simply does not exist.

The reason he gained eternal life was because his genes were modified.

The end-chain enzyme can indeed regenerate indefinitely, but if he does not care about his own problems, one day, the end-chain enzyme will still be depleted.

It is not that the end-chain enzyme cannot be produced indefinitely after the transformation, but it is afraid that the speed of output cannot keep up with the speed of consumption, and if Yun Zheng still does not take the body seriously and nurtures it well, there may still be aging.

“Okay, Xiao’er, the father and the emperor know, they are coming, why don’t you drink two cups with the father and the emperor”?

It is difficult to recover the young winning government, naturally to indulge a good part, take out what you did not dare to do before, and do it again, otherwise you will really be sorry for your young body.

If you want to come up with so many materials in a short time, Qin State can indeed do it, Qin State has such a skill.

If nothing else, the labor force is really abundant, and there are a lot of materials in reserve.

Therefore, Winzheng is very confident that the materials are all ready.

“Hey, Father, it’s not that simple, the trade that the sons and daughters want to build in the northern territory

Yi Zhong is going to shock the world, and he needs even more materials than he needed when he built the palace.”

“Father, this is not a small amount.”

After hearing this, Win Zheng reacted, he seemed to think about this matter a little too simply.

“Father, what the son wants to build is indeed a trade center, but this trade center will be very cleverly designed, not only with trading facilities, but also with defensive facilities and offensive facilities.”

“Moreover, as you know, the place where the Xiongnu are located is a place that extends in all directions, and when the time comes, Erchen told all nearby countries through the Tiandao live broadcast that they must participate in trade.”

“I don’t believe any country would dare to disobey this order.”


He wins in the clouds, he does have this ability, and the world must also give him this face.

Because no one can bear his anger.

In ancient times, a trading center was more than just a trading center.

By controlling a country’s economy, you can influence a lot of things in that country, and you can influence a lot of decisions in that country.

He really didn’t look at those small countries, and he really didn’t pose any threat to the Qin State.

But again, it’s better to do anything than less.

The reason why this thing is beautiful is because there are many differences in this world.

If there was only one nation left in this world, there would be a lot less fun.

“Xiao’er, you don’t have to report these things to me, no matter what kind of decision, as long as you make the decision, the father emperor will not spare any effort to support you, although now the father emperor is the emperor of Daqin, but the rights in the hands of the recovery have basically been divided among you, so, the father emperor will definitely support you~”

Since that’s the case, Ying Yunxiao doesn’t plan to say anything else.

“Father, I haven’t hunted for a long time, so it’s better to organize a hunting competition to win Yunxiao’s suggestion just put forward, and Yun Zheng is interested.

Since becoming emperor, he has devoted all his time to the country.

He hardly has any leisure time for himself.

Although I didn’t become an emperor before, I can usually go sightseeing with my best friends and hunt in hunting grounds when I have time.

It’s not a happy life like that.

But since he became the emperor of the Qin State, after becoming the emperor of the entire Chinese Xia, all his leisure and entertainment time has been stripped away.

So much so that he now has his own time and doesn’t know what else he can do.

He seems to have become accustomed to being busy and no longer knows how to relax,.

This suggestion made Ying Yunxiao make a lot of memories immediately flood his mind.

The happy times of the past kept flashing in his mind.

“~ Xiao’er, this proposal of yours is very good, it just so happens that the recent performance has been approved, and the father and emperor are still worried that there is nothing to do, this proposal is really good.”

After hearing this proposal, Yun Zheng couldn’t help but lower his head and look at his young muscles.

If he hadn’t regained his youth, he wouldn’t have dared to think about it.

Now that it has been restored, it is not the same when young.

He even had a scene in his mind of himself racing horses with the two brothers Meng Tian Mengyi when he was young and despising kung fu together.

Those images are still fresh in my mind.

When he was young, Yun Zheng’s skills were also good, and he was able to get a lot of benefits from the hands of these two brothers every time, and he did not win the game less.

But as he ascended the throne and sat in the palace all day long, his physical fitness was no longer good.

He hasn’t won over these two brothers for a long, long time.

Now, his opportunity has come!

Having regained his youth, that is, the peak of his body, won’t he be able to do it again? On the other hand, those two brothers have indeed grown a lot over the years, but they are older.

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