【It’s not that Li Si and Wang Jian have a grudge, nor is it that they deliberately want to target him. It’s purely for the overall consideration.】

【The news that Qin destroyed Han has spread, and the surrounding countries will certainly be on high alert.】

【Moreover, Zhao is not weak, not much worse than Qin. In this case, attacking is not a good choice.】

【The ministers around him nodded, thinking that what Li Si said made sense.】

【The best option is to rest and recuperate first, and then slowly swallow it step by step.】

【”Even the left prime minister thinks so, so Zhao Wangqian must think so too. This time I just want to play a psychological trick.”】

【”Everyone thinks that the Qin Dynasty doesn’t dare to attack, so it has to attack.”】

【”As for Li Mu, I have found a way to deal with him. I will definitely not lose him this time.”】

【General Wang Jian stood up and said in a decisive tone:】


【Everyone looked at Qin Shi Huang sitting on the throne.】

【Only Qin Shi Huang could make the final decision.】

【”Wang Jian, this time I appoint you as the general to conquer Zhao…….It is time to start the unification cause.”】

【Ying Zheng’s eyes moved slightly, and without hesitation, he gave the order calmly:】

【His expression was full of indifference, as if he didn’t take Zhao State seriously.】

【He has an aura that is transcendent and unparalleled in history.】

【”Thank you, Your Majesty. I will not let you down.”Wang Jian’s eyes lit up and he said respectfully.】

【After receiving the order, he said nothing more, turned around and left to mobilize the troops.】

【”Yushi, you are in charge of the transportation of grain and grass. Now that you have started, you must completely take down Zhao. Otherwise, it will be difficult to succeed if you wait for Zhao to catch his breath.”】

【Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his head and looked at the Imperial Censor Feng Jie beside him, and gave the order:】

【Sending out an army is not just a matter of words, it is extremely complicated and requires selecting the right generals and ensuring logistical supplies.】

【If there is a problem with food and grass, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers will be greatly reduced.】

【”Please rest assured, Your Majesty. I guarantee with my life that the grain and grass will arrive at the border of Zhao State before General Wang Jian.”Feng Jie stood up and said respectfully】

【After Ying Zheng arranged some tasks, he announced the end of the morning court session.】

【The Great Qin Dynasty completely opened the prelude to unification.

At this moment.

The Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Rabbit Kingdom… people of all ages can’t help but feel complicated.

The Qin people’s belligerence and the decisiveness of Qin Shihuang once again refreshed people’s cognition.

Many people asked themselves in their hearts, if it were them, they would never dare to be so bold. They would definitely take some time to recuperate and then slowly plan.

It’s not that no one, like Wang Jian, thought of going the other way.


Even if they thought of it, no one dared to take the risk.

The cost of failure is too high.

Once it fails, the Great Qin will surely fall apart.

As people of later generations, they know that Qin Shihuang will be able to unify the six countries, so they won’t worry, but Qin Shihuang is different. Qin Shihuang doesn’t know that he will succeed.

This shows how confident Qin Shihuang is in himself.

People can’t help but wonder, has Qin Shihuang ever thought about what to do if he fails…

Not long after the Great Qin sky curtain in the parallel world went out, another sky curtain lit up.

When they saw it clearly, everyone couldn’t help but shudder.

Liu Bang, Li Shimin, Zhu Yuanzhang and others wanted to jump up and curse.

【Main World Daqin】

【Zhangtai Palace】

【Ying Zheng lay on the maid’s thigh, squinting his eyes, looking like he was enjoying himself.】

【Li Si, Nei Shiteng and others stood outside the Zhangtai Palace, their faces filled with anxiety.】

【Your Majesty, all the civil and military officials are waiting outside the gate, requesting an audience, hoping that you can order an attack on Han.”】

【”Recently, Han has suffered from famine and has also been attacked by Zhao, Wei, and Qi. The country’s strength has been greatly weakened. Now is the best time to attack.”】

【”If we don’t send troops, Han will probably be occupied by others. If they use it as a springboard to attack our Qin, we will be controlled by them everywhere.”】

【Meng Yi, the confidant, stood beside Ying Zheng and whispered】

【He kept pacing back and forth, his face full of anxiety.】

【I can’t understand why His Majesty has become like this.】

【”I have a kind heart and regard the people of the world as my own people. I pity the suffering of the people and cannot bear to see them fall into chaos.”】

【”The people in Han are already suffering enough. If we send troops to attack them now, wouldn’t that be taking advantage of the situation? No, absolutely not.”】

【”Back off, no need to persuade me anymore, I have made up my mind, I will not be that villain no matter what”】

【Ying Zheng rested his head on the maid’s thigh, slowly opened his eyes, and said righteously:”


Hearing this, people in later generations were completely furious.

Many people even pointed at Ying Zheng’s nose and cursed.

This was the first time they saw a general saying that he dared not send troops so openly.

But when the curse came to their lips, they were silent again.

Because before this, they fully agreed that Ying Zheng did not send troops.

If he accused him at this time, it would be like slapping himself in the face.

At this moment, many people were at a loss.

Were all his past thoughts wrong?

Comparing the two worlds, this is the best proof.

It proves that the first emperor’s conquest of the six countries was the best choice.

Not to mention other things, just reducing the casualties of 200,000 people can be regarded as the reincarnation of Buddha.

If this were placed in Buddhism, it would at least be the realm of Buddha’s light.

“The Qin Shi Huang in the parallel world has already started to attack the State of Zhao, but the Qin Shi Huang in our main world has no plans to attack the State of Han?”

“As expected, humans are creatures that fear comparison the most. I feel like I am going to die of anger.”

“Alas, I really shot myself in the foot.”

“Who could have thought that things would turn out like this?

Many people sighed there, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Suddenly, a terrible thought suddenly emerged from the depths of everyone’s hearts……………………..

Ps: The tenth update is here! Thanks to the flowers from the readers, Xiao Pujie finally has flowers. Woohoo, I’m so touched. The number of flowers will soon exceed one thousand. Keep asking for flowers!!!

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