Logically speaking, the strength of Qin is far inferior to that of Ming Dynasty.

After all,

Ming Dynasty at that time had developed firearms, which was a cross-era development.

But don’t forget that the current Sakura Country is still in the primitive tribal era.

If Ming Dynasty wants to conquer Sakura, it needs to go through more than ten times more difficulties than Qin Dynasty.

As long as Qin Dynasty invents warships and overcomes the wind and waves at sea, it can kill Sakura Country.

It doesn’t need to bring many people, just a few thousand soldiers are enough.

When Xu Fu went to sea, he only brought a few hundred soldiers and completely occupied Sakura Country.

Moreover, there is the most important point. In the Sakura Country during the Ming Dynasty, the sky can be seen.

You can also hear the sound of system prompts.

This means that they will arrange defense facilities on the coastline, so it will be more difficult for Lao Zhu to attack Sakura.

As for when to start attacking Sakura, Ying Zheng doesn’t know.

It all depends on the development speed of warships.

Since the attack on Sakura does not require the main force of Qin Dynasty, you only need to send out a team of people at random, so there is no need to worry about being restrained by the six countries.

From the mouth of the canal, you can go directly downstream.

The routes passed along the way will hardly encounter the six countries.

As for the speed problem, there is no need to worry.

Although there are no steam engines or engines nowadays, with a compass, as long as the direction remains unchanged, it will take at most a month to reach the Sakura Country.

Historically, the reason why Jianzhen took six years to reach the Sakura Country was partly because he got lost and partly because of the strong winds and waves on the sea.

This is why the compass is called one of the four great inventions.

Most people do not use a compass in their lives and subconsciously think it is not important.

In fact, it is not the case.


At this moment, the happiest person is the Sakura Kingdom.

The Sakura Emperor sat in his office, listening to the system prompt sound in his ears, and his mouth almost opened.

He swore that this was definitely the best news he had ever heard in his life.

Although the Sakura Kingdom was ready to go to the Rabbit Kingdom for a share of the pie, the Sakura Emperor knew very well that with the current strength of the Sakura Kingdom, it would not be able to get much.

Those big forces will definitely take the lion’s share.

It’s different now. History has been changed, and the strength of the Sakura will increase rapidly.

Moreover, if the Sakura Emperor of the Ming Dynasty worked hard to govern and directly occupied the Ming Dynasty…

He wouldn’t even have to fight, and could just sit back and reap the benefits.

The more the Sakura Emperor thought about it, the more excited he became.

Not only him.

The people of the Sakura Kingdom were also extremely excited.

: We thought we would continue to decline, but unexpectedly, we would have the opportunity to rise

: We have to thank Heavenly Khan Li Shimin for all this, thank you so much

: That’s right, if it weren’t for Heavenly Khan Li Shimin, we would never have this opportunity

: It makes me laugh to death, Li Shimin can even do such a thing as aiding the enemy

: Our ancestors relied on the crappy technology provided by the Tang Dynasty to develop to the present level. I can’t imagine how strong we will be with the core technology provided by the Tang Dynasty

: Maybe one day when we wake up from a sleep, the Rabbit Country will be gone

: With the strength of our ancestors, it is more than enough to conquer the Tang Empire

: Since ancient times, the ancient Eastern country has no advantages except for its large population. Countless Sakura people are smiling.

What’s more.

They directly ridiculed the netizens of the Rabbit Country.

Some people are dancing the same dance as before and laughing wildly.

The Sakura Country is even more lively than the Chinese New Year


Eagle Sauce

“Li Shimin was really incapable of success and more of a failure than a success. He actually helped the Sakura Kingdom grow”

“Sir, why don’t we just kill them now?”

“Although the Sakura Country is subservient to us on the surface, this nation is so mean that once it becomes powerful, it will definitely kick us away.”

“Judging from its various actions, it may even bite us back.”

In the office of the King of Understanding, a five-star general stood up and said coldly.

Over the years, the reason why Sakura Country has been kept is partly because Sakura Country is obedient, and partly because Sakura Country is weak.

Now it is different.

History has changed, and Sakura Country has become stronger.

He has a hunch that Sakura Country will definitely betray him.

Just as Sakura Country betrayed the Tang Dynasty, it is a truth.

“My Lord, I also think there is no point in keeping them.”

“If it were in the past, I would definitely think that your ideas were a bit extreme, but after seeing him stabbed the Tang Dynasty twice, I also voted to kill Sakura!”

“If we don’t kill them now, they will surely become trouble in the future.”

The other three generals beside him stood up and said without hesitation.

The parallel world Sakura Country took the benefits of the Tang Dynasty, but in the end, it swung the butcher knife to the Rabbit Country.

The main world Sakura Country accepted the benefits of Li Shimin, but in the end, it refused to send troops.

Both of these things show that the evil of Sakura Country is evil in its bones.

“We don’t have much hatred with the Sakura Country. Even if they want to bite us, they will definitely swing their butcher knife towards the Rabbit Country first.”

“Keep them and let them consume the strength of the Rabbit Country”

“Don’t worry, no matter how much they develop, they will definitely not be the opponent of my Eagle Sauce.”

After thinking for a moment, the King of Understanding shook his head gently.

It’s not that he felt sorry for the Sakura people, but he had finally raised a dog for so many years. If he didn’t let it play its value, wouldn’t it be a huge waste?

The Sakura Country and the Rabbit Country are sworn enemies. Once a war breaks out, these two forces will definitely be the first to fight.

He wants to use the Sakura Country to weaken the strength of the Rabbit Country.

“Sir, I think you are playing with fire. If you are not careful, an accident may happen.”

The admiral frowned slightly.

Killing him directly is the most convenient solution.

This will ensure that no accidents will occur.

“Sakura is not strong, but if we send troops, we will have to pay a price, more or less.”

“At this time, any straw can break the camel’s back.”

“Before we completely defeat the Rabbit Kingdom, we must maintain our undefeated strength.”

“Don’t forget that the Russian Empire, the Indian Empire, and several other forces are all watching.”

King Dong raised his hand and pointed at the map on the table, and said meaningfully.

In short, he didn’t want to waste any bullets.

“Well, if that’s the case, then we’ll just watch the two forces fight each other, and then we’ll reap the benefits.”

After thinking for a moment, the generals could only reluctantly agree………………………… ps: Thank you for the flowers from all the readers. I am really grateful. Finally it broke 5,000!

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