【There are so many things involved in unification that it is difficult to complete them in a short period of time.】

【And this only sets the tone, the specific details have not yet been implemented】

【Everyone desperately needs a break】

【Two days later】

【Ying Zheng sat in the main seat of the Qilin Hall, with civil and military officials standing on both sides】

【”Your Majesty, although our Great Qin has initially completed unification, there are still many things that have not been resolved.”】

【”The Qin State and the other six states used different measurement methods, which made it extremely difficult for the people to trade.”】

【”In addition, the currency used is different”】

【”The seven countries have different scripts. Although they can communicate normally, they cannot use scripts. Without scripts, there is no way to pass on.”】

【”In addition, the wheelbase of the chariots of the Qin Dynasty was different from that of the other six countries. This caused a problem. For example, if the grain and grass of the Qin Dynasty were to be transported to the Qi State, the carriages had to be changed at least three times on the way, which was extremely cumbersome.”】

【Li Si took the lead and said respectfully】

【These problems may seem insignificant, but they are fatal.】

【If the problem is not solved, people in all countries will feel strange.】

【It is difficult to fully integrate into Daqin】

【The other officials frowned, wondering what to do.】

【”Your Majesty, I suggest that we, the Great Qin, send officials to various counties to teach the people of the six countries. In this way, all problems can be solved.”】

【After thinking for a while, Li Si stood up and said slowly】

【He stayed up all night thinking about it, just to be able to appear in front of the First Emperor today.】

【After thinking for a while, all the officials nodded.】

【This is indeed the best way at the moment.】

【”The people in various places already have deep resentment towards our Great Qin. How can they be willing to accept it if we ask them to learn something?”】

【”Aren’t all these things unified? If so, let’s unify them.”】

【Ying Zheng’s eyes were calm, his expression was full of indifference.】

【There is a kind of aura of transcendence on the sky.

The people watching the sky curtain instantly felt heroic.

When Qin Shihuang said”Let’s unify”, many people even jumped up excitedly.

Did you see it?

This is our ancestor!

To be precise.

The destruction of the six countries is not the real unification. The same track, writing, and weights and measures are the real unification.

In addition to war, culture and life are also needed. Assimilation in all aspects.

“I really didn’t expect that I would have the opportunity to witness such a grand scene in my lifetime.”

“I can’t do it anymore. I really can’t do it anymore. Seeing my blood boiling, I must run two laps immediately.”

“Who was that Sakura idiot who was yelling the other day? I’m going to chop off his head right now”

“Have you heard? A few days ago, the Rabbit Daily published the news of the conscription. I have decided that I will join the army.”

“How can we miss such an opportunity to bring honor to our family?”

Many people in Rabbit Country went to the conscription office to sign up without hesitation.

The scene of Qin Shihuang unifying the six kingdoms completely stimulated everyone.

Unlike the people in Rabbit Country who were full of passion, Westerners were all full of resentment.

: Why was it Qin Shihuang who unified the six kingdoms and unified the measurement? Why!

: Alas, if it was Alexander who unified all this, it would be great. I wouldn’t have to apply for a visa just to take a plane

: Although they are in hostile forces to each other, I have to admit that Qin Shihuang is really amazing

: It’s a pity that Qin Shihuang and our Alexander the Great could not meet, otherwise I really want to see who is stronger and who is weaker.

Many Western netizens sighed.

To say that they are not jealous.

That’s absolutely false.

【”Your Majesty, if you force everyone to change their living habits, I am afraid they will not be able to accept it.”】

【Li Si frowned slightly and said hesitantly】

【For example, people in the Central Plains are used to drinking Hu La Tang, but suddenly they are asked to eat hot dry noodles.】

【Although you can eat it, you will feel unhappy.】

【No one likes a peaceful life to be disrupted by others.】

【”Your Majesty, it is indeed possible to provoke the people of the six countries and make them hate our Great Qin even more.”】

【”I suggest that we follow the advice of the Left Prime Minister and proceed step by step.”】

【Meng Yi stood up and suggested】

【It’s easy to say, just a matter of words, but it’s really hard to do it.】

【It is likely to have a counter-effect】

【”It took the Great Qin Dynasty ten years to unify the six kingdoms. The surrounding Qiang, Baiyue, Xiongnu and other forces must have heard the news.”】

【”The six nations must be brought back to their feet as soon as possible, otherwise accidents are likely to happen.”】

【”If there are troublemakers who openly oppose, they will be caught and killed, beheaded in public as a warning to others.”】

【”Those who are willing to obey orders for reform will be given certain rewards.”】

【”Meng Tian, you are responsible for this matter”】

【Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and shook his head gently.】

【Although he unified the six kingdoms and became the first emperor, accomplishing a feat that no one had ever accomplished before and after, Qin Shihuang did not become arrogant because of this. On the contrary, he was very calm.】

【Know clearly that now is not the end, but a beginning】

【It is imperative to stabilize the turbulent Qin.】

【”Censor, after the unification of the six kingdoms this time, apart from the rewards given to the soldiers, there should be a lot of food, fodder, gold, silver and jewelry left, right?”】

【Ying Zheng seemed to have suddenly thought of something and suddenly said】

【The Imperial Censor Feng Jie, who was standing next to him, was startled at first, then he immediately stood up and nodded respectfully.】

【In the past ten years, Daqin was almost completely emptied, but after destroying the six kingdoms, the various things obtained made up for some of the losses.】

【”Take out all the money and distribute it as a reward to the people of the six countries who are willing to accept the order.”】

【”However, only half of the people in each region are eligible to receive the reward. Once more than half of the people agree to accept unification, the gift will be cancelled.”】

Listening to Qin Shihuang’s instructions, people in later generations couldn’t help but look at him strangely.

They were very emotional in their hearts.

They didn’t expect that the first emperor was so good at controlling people’s hearts.

If only rewards were given, most people might be tempted, but not necessarily at heart.

Because it was too easy to get.

The easier it is to get something, the less people cherish it.

This is the nature of human bones and has nothing to do with the era.

Qin Shihuang ordered the first half of the people, which means that the number of places is limited.

The people of various countries will naturally take the initiative to accept the rule of Daqin.

In addition.

People are also somewhat moved in their hearts.

Qin Shihuang could clearly use the army to make these people recognize the rule of Daqin, but he did not do so, but chose to use soft means.

It can be seen that Qin Shihuang was not as tyrannical as the legend said.

He had the people in his heart.

He really regarded the people of the six countries as his own people.

People will only be cruel and indifferent when facing things they don’t care about.

………………………….. ps: Thank you brothers for the flowers, ratings and comments, thank you!

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