“”Have the people in various places panicked because of the coming of the sky curtain?”

Li Shimin took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

In addition to worrying about the change of the course of history, he also worried about the unrest of the people.

If the court wanted to be stable, it had to ensure the stability of the people.

In fact, although the current Tang Dynasty was very strong, it was not without enemies.

A few days ago, he got a rumor that scouts sent by a huge empire in the West discovered the existence of the Tang Dynasty. He was worried that the forces were secretly plotting against the Tang Dynasty.

The more he thought about it, the more irritated he became.

In the end, he simply sat down on the dragon throne.

“The people did not react much, and I have ordered the governors of various counties to inspect and appease the people to ensure that no accidents will happen.”

Du Ruhui saw Li Shimin’s inner irritability and spoke softly

“Fortunately, you are by my side……”

Li Shimin sighed.

However, just as he was halfway through his words, a noisy sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

People couldn’t help but look up.

They saw a picture on the right side of the screen, which was the parallel world of Daqin.

After seeing the picture clearly, the two couldn’t help but feel a little numb.

【In a valley, the soldiers of Han are stationed here.】

【It was evening, smoke was rising, some people were living, some were tidying up things.】

【Suddenly, roars rang out from the peaks on both sides, and then, terrifying crossbow arrows slanted down.】

【In an instant, the valley was filled with screams.】

【Countless amounts of blood flowed out from the corpses, staining the ground red. It was so shocking.】

【In just a short time, thousands of Korean soldiers were killed.】

【”Pass on this general’s order to take out the ships hidden in the dark, cross the river, and conquer Han!” Neishiteng stood on the chariot in the middle of the army and gave the order coldly.】

【Qin soldiers quickly began to clean up the battlefield in an orderly manner】

【The dead Han soldiers took off their food and equipment as trophies, and then a group of people were assigned to take these things away and transport them back to Daqin.】

【In ancient times, equipment was extremely precious, so it would not be wasted.】

【Moreover, if these equipments were thrown here, once Han Di picked them up again, he could easily rebuild an army.】

【After the area was cleaned up, the Qin army headed towards the Yellow River in the distance.】

【A group of soldiers launched several warships hidden in the cave nearby.】

【The soldiers boarded the warship in an orderly manner and set sail】

【The boat was huge, nearly 100 meters long, lying across the river like a giant.】

【With the sails hoisted, the boat was like an arrow shot from a bow, quickly riding the wind and waves and breaking through the river surface.】

【It happened that a light mist rose from the river, making it look even more majestic.】

【The boat was very fast, and after half a day, it crossed the Yellow River and arrived at the other side.】

【This Qin army had 30,000 soldiers, but they didn’t make any noise during the landing. They were extremely well-trained.】

【After everyone landed, a group of soldiers came out from the dark and led out the horses that had been prepared.】

【People then realized that Qin had already arranged for spies to pick them up.】

【Since then, we have entered the Korean border】

【Neishiteng raised his hand, waved it lightly, jumped onto the chariot, and led the army forward.】

【The march was not very fast and it took seven days to reach Xinzheng.】

【Because everyone is on the road, resting while moving forward】

【Only by letting the soldiers rest well can they fully exert their strength.】

【As night fell, the Qin army was divided into three parts. One part, as the vanguard, hunched over, holding long spears in their hands, approached the city wall.】

【Another part is responsible for flanking on both wings.】

【The last group of people stayed behind to prevent a surprise attack.】

【It sounds slow, but in reality, it all happened in a flash.】

【After an incense stick of time, the soldiers at the front arrived at the foot of the city wall.】

【Bang! The siege ladder was placed against the wall, and the soldier took two steps at a time, stepped on it, and jumped lightly, directly onto the wall.】

【The city wall of Han is not very high, only about four or five meters in total.】

【It was not until the Qin soldiers stepped onto the city wall that the Han soldiers reacted and immediately began to shout.】

【But before the patrolling scout could shout, a Qin soldier quickly took out a Qin crossbow from his waist and fired without hesitation.】

【The Qin crossbow made a sound of breaking through the air, and hit the soldier’s neck very accurately, leaving him speechless.】

【The Korean soldier died without even having time to speak. He just lay straight on the ground.】

【No one spoke. The Qin soldiers, like a group of executioners who only knew how to kill, started the killing.】

【After half an hour, screams were heard from inside the city wall. Someone shouted that the enemy was attacking the city.】………….. ps: Brothers, the new book is launched, and I am begging for flowers to support it. As long as you have a hundred flowers, there will be ten more chapters on the first day. I am begging for flowers!

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