The various forces were not angry about this, and they continued to express their goodwill tirelessly.

Because this was one of the few opportunities for them.

However, the

Rabbit Country completely ignored this.

“Lao Zhang, what do you think should be written on the second piece of paper? We only have two chances.”

“No matter what, this time can’t be wasted.”

Old General Wang threw the secret letter sent by various forces beside him into the trash can without even looking at it.

He frowned and said. He didn’t even bother to read the trash talk of these forces.

Now these forces look very pious, and they can’t wait to put their faces close to you for you to hit.

That’s because they are strong enough.

He can’t forget the ugly faces of these forces a few days ago.

At that time, dozens of forces all wanted to come to Rabbit Country to share a piece of the pie.

“In my opinion, it is better not to contact the First Emperor of the Main World in the short term. I think he is still angry.”

Old Zhang spread his hands and said helplessly.

When they first received the system reward, they thought that this time it would be a cross-era reward.

Who would have thought that it would turn out like this.

What bothered them most was that they didn’t know how much advanced technology this Ying Zheng of the Main World knew.

If he knew everything, it didn’t matter if they couldn’t contact him.

If he didn’t know the advanced technology and didn’t practice just because he was angry, then it would be a lot of fun.

He would miss the golden period of development.

“Old Wang, how long do you think our main world’s first emperor has left to live?”

Old Zhang spoke suddenly, as if he had thought of something.

He suddenly realized a problem.

The Xiongnu attacked Daqin in 5 BC.

Qin Shihuang died in 210 BC.

That means there are five years left, or more than four years to be exact.

How long can Ying Zheng of the main world live?

If Ying Zheng of the main world wrote down or invented all the technologies he knew before he died, Daqin could continue to develop. But if he died suddenly…

Old Zhang’s face turned bitter.

Because according to historical records, Qin Shihuang died of sudden death, and heavy metal poisoning was only one aspect.

“The second piece of paper, let’s remind the main world Ying Zheng that he has an itch and must be treated as soon as possible?”

Old Wang raised his eyebrows and showed a thoughtful look.

It is indeed a good breakthrough.

But soon, he hesitated again.

Because the opportunity is too precious, he is reluctant to waste it.


They don’t know what the medical skills of the Qin Dynasty are.

Treating Qin Shihuang is not a problem for future generations, but that is in the Qin Dynasty!

“Forget it, let’s take a long-term view on this matter and think about it more.”

After a moment of hesitation, Mr. Wang shook his head gently.

He picked up another piece of ordinary paper from the side and wrote this plan on the top.

As the first echelon plan

“Let’s discuss this now.……”

Old Wang continued to speak.

But before he finished speaking, the sky on the right side lit up again.


Old Wang was slightly startled.

Without saying anything more, he immediately looked up.

Old Zhang next to him did the same, and he also took out paper and pen, ready to record key information.

After the sky fell, they formed this habit.

There were also special machines and people next to them, responsible for recording details.

【Main World Daqin】

【Qilin Hall】

【Ying Zheng is wearing an imperial robe and a crown, sitting on the throne】

【Civil and military officials were arranged on both sides, with a messenger standing in the middle of the hall.】

【”Reporting to Your Majesty, the Xiongnu went south and killed more than 100,000 people of our Qin. In addition, they also plundered a large amount of wealth and food.”】

【”General Meng Tian led his army to repel the Huns, but the Huns did not fight with the Qin army and chose to flee.”】

【”General Meng Tian is guarding the border, waiting for your majesty’s order.”】

【The messenger said respectfully】

【After hearing this number, the atmosphere in the Qilin Hall suddenly became extremely cold.】

【The faces of Ying Zheng, Meng Yi, Feng Jie and others changed and became extremely ugly.】

【There was a strong murderous intent in the depths of his eyes, almost ready to burst out.】

【No one expected that the Huns would be so cruel and kill so many people in Daqin.】

【”Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the army to conquer the Xiongnu, enhance the prestige of our Great Qin, and avenge the people of our Great Qin.”】

【Zhang Han stood up and said murderously:】

【A few years ago, he was seriously injured and had to retire from the front line. He was appointed as the Shaofu, but even so, the blood of war in his heart did not cool down. He was willing to go to the battlefield again.】

【”Your Majesty, these Xiongnu people are too bullying. If you don’t teach them a lesson, it will be unfair to the Qin people who died.”】

【Tongwu Hou Wang Ben also stood up, his eyes full of anger.】

【Ying Zheng did not speak. He frowned, his face uncertain.】

【He had always wanted to attack the Xiongnu in the north and slaughter them all, but the problem was that nomadic people had no roots, and having no roots meant that they could not be cut off.】

【If they can beat them, they will fight; if they can’t beat them, they will run away. The Qin Dynasty can’t stand it at all.】

【If too few people are sent, it is easy to fall into the encirclement of the Xiongnu. If too many people are sent, the food reserves will not be able to keep up.】

【This is a dilemma】

【”Pass on my order to let Meng Tian guard the border and lead the soldiers to build the Great Wall to resist the Huns.”】

【”Then he ordered the governors of the thirty-six counties to gather corvée laborers from all over the country to serve at the Great Wall.”】

【After thinking for a long time, Ying Zheng exhaled and slowly said】

【As soon as these words came out, the civil and military officials below were stunned for a moment, with a trace of astonishment flashing across their faces.】

【Who is the person in front of me? It’s the First Emperor! It’s the First Emperor who defeated the six kingdoms and made them unable to raise their heads.】

【Unparalleled in ancient and modern times, he defeats all enemies in one fell swoop. Who can compare to him?】

【I don’t understand why the First Emperor chose to build the Great Wall to resist the Huns instead of sending troops.】

【This is really undermining the dignity of the First Emperor.】

【Meng Yi immediately stood up and tried to stop it, claiming that this would damage the prestige of the First Emperor.】

【”If there is a chance to completely eradicate the Xiongnu, I will naturally give the order.”】

【”However, fighting the Xiongnu is a long and drawn-out war, and with the resources of the Qin Empire, we cannot afford to waste them.”】

【”Only by building the Great Wall to resist the Huns can we protect the people in the border areas from being harassed.”】

【”Compared with the common people, what does my reputation mean?”】

【Ying Zheng shook his head slightly and said calmly】

【As an emperor, he naturally cares about his reputation, but it depends on what he is comparing it with. Compared with the lives of the old Qin people, reputation is not worth mentioning.】

【He loves fighting, has a burning passion in his bones, and wants to expand the territory for the Qin Dynasty, but the current conditions do not allow it.】

【This is why, when conquering the land of Baiyue, Ying Zheng did not hesitate, and when facing the Xiongnu, he chose to build the Great Wall.】

【The Baiyue couldn’t escape there, and it would be destroyed sooner or later, but the Xiongnu could keep running.】

【”Your Majesty, the resources consumed in building the Great Wall are an astronomical figure. I am afraid that the people will claim that you are wasting money and manpower.”】

【”After all, our Great Qin has just stabilized the world. I am afraid that no one would be willing to ask the people to perform corvée labor at this time.”】

【”The war against the Huns was different. Even if someone died on the battlefield, the people would not blame your Majesty for the responsibility.”】

【Meng Yi smiled bitterly and continued to stand up and speak】

【From a rational point of view, building the Great Wall to resist the Huns is indeed the best choice】

【And from a long-term perspective, this will benefit future generations.】

【With the Great Wall, defense would be much easier, and the people living on the border would no longer be attacked by the Huns.】

【But building the Great Wall would consume a lot of resources, and the people would definitely be disgusted.】

【But the dead are different. When the time comes, we only need to spread a little propaganda, saying that the soldiers died in order to protect the people, and then we can direct the anger of the people towards the Huns.】

【Qin Shi Huang can still leave a good reputation】

【”No need to persuade me anymore, I have made up my mind, for the sake of the people”】

【”Feng Jie, you are responsible for the mobilization of food and the distribution of money from the treasury.”】

【”Meng Yi, you are responsible for mobilizing corvée laborers from the thirty-six counties to build the Great Wall.”】

【”Feng Quji, you are responsible for paying the people enough wages and ensuring that no one embezzles from them.”】

【Ying Zheng instructed word by word.】

【Seeing this scene, all the civil and military officials were silent, their faces full of admiration.

Not only the civil and military officials

, but also the people of later generations. The people of the Han Dynasty, the people of the Tang Dynasty, and the people of the Ming Dynasty……Many people couldn’t help but shed tears at this moment.

Didn’t Qin Shi Huang know how to choose to benefit himself?

No, he knew.

But he didn’t choose that way.

He was not afraid of the people scolding him, nor was he afraid of the people’s resentment.

The only thing that the first emperor cared about was the safety of the people. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I have to admit it’s very touching”

“But Ying Zheng only said it well, but what about the reality? Don’t forget that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were beheaded for being late for a few days and because of the weather.”

“Also, Ying Zheng just said that anyone who went to build the Great Wall would be paid, but in fact, countless people starved to death while building the Great Wall!”

But not everyone was moved, and someone immediately stood up to sneer.

And also claimed[]

Qin Shi Huang was deliberately pretentious

“That’s right, the cruelty of the Qin laws is well known. Is there anyone who can wash away this?”

“Throughout the ages, among the many dynasties, only the laws of the Qin Dynasty were so harsh.”

Those who slandered Qin Shihuang seemed to have found a breakthrough point and quickly rushed forward.

Some people wanted to refute, but they didn’t know how to refute.

Because according to historical records, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were indeed beheaded just because they were late for a few days.

Moreover, the construction of the Great Wall did starve many people to death.

This is beyond doubt.

“I don’t know why, but now when I hear the words”according to historical records”, I want to laugh. No way, no way, at this time, there are still people who believe in historical records?”

At this moment.

Suddenly, someone sneered and said.

When this was said, many people were stunned at first, and then reacted instantly.

There is no way. Using history as evidence is a subconscious idea in the hearts of too many people.

They are used to looking for answers in books.

After careful consideration, I realized, who wrote the book? It was the historians, those Confucian blacks, and Liu Bang!

Do these people care about the authenticity of history?


These people will only think about how to discredit Qin Shihuang.

For a while, the two parties held their own opinions and were deadlocked.

There is no way.

Daqin is too far away from now.

No one knows what the laws of Daqin are.


The truth can only be known through the sky curtain.

People began to pray in their hearts, hoping that the First Emperor could live longer.

Only in this way can the truth be revealed and those who discredited the First Emperor be slapped in the face



Liu Bang looked up at the First Emperor who ordered the construction of the Great Wall, with mixed emotions. What no one knew was that he had tampered with the history books about the Qin Dynasty.

The laws of the Qin Dynasty were not harsh, and Chen Sheng and Wu Guang did not need to be beheaded because they were late due to heavy rain.

In fact, not many people starved to death during the construction of the Great Wall.

After so many years, he had forgotten these things. He did not expect that today, because of the sky curtain, he would recall them again in his heart.

“Your Majesty, do you regret doing these things?”

Han Xin stood beside him and asked thoughtfully.

He knew about this matter.

It was no secret that Liu Bang had slandered Qin Shi Huang in order to secure his position.

Almost all civil and military officials were involved.

“I don’t know.”

Liu Bang shook his head and fell into silence.


Tang Dynasty

“Your Majesty, if it were you, would you choose to build the Great Wall or attack the Huns?”

In Ganlu Palace,

Li Shimin sat at a table, and several other ministers sat beside him.

Fang Xuanling looked at the sky and suddenly asked

“I will choose to attack the Xiongnu. I don’t like being wrongly blamed.”

After thinking for a while, Li Shimin spoke sincerely.

Even though he knew that many more people would die, he didn’t want to be despised by the people as a tyrant.

You know, this is not just despised once or twice. It will be despised for generations and will be recorded in history.

When he thought about being despised by everyone in the future for thousands of years, he shuddered.

“Your Majesty, building the Great Wall is a great achievement that will benefit future generations. In later times, whether it was Liu Bang or Emperor Wu of Han, they all relied on the Great Wall to defend their frontiers.”

“Even now, we still rely on the Great Wall to resist the Turkic and Goguryeo forces.”

“Simply put, no matter which dynasty, there is always a dynasty that wants to build the Great Wall, but Qin Shihuang took on this responsibility.”

Zhang Sun Wuji, who was sitting on the other side, lowered his voice.

His eyes were full of admiration and respect.

It is easy to say that it is easy to completely put aside one’s reputation, but it is actually very difficult.

Li Shimin is the best example.

He asked himself if it were him, he probably couldn’t do it.

At this moment, Empress Chang Sun glared at Zhang Sun Wuji fiercely.

It was a bit inappropriate to say such things at this time.

There are some things she can say, because she is Li Shimin’s queen and grew up with Li Shimin.

But others can’t say it.

No matter what, Zhang Sun Wuji (Zhao Qian) is an outsider after all.

“It’s okay, I’ve already thought about it”

“In some things, I am indeed not as good as the First Emperor.”

Li Shimin waved his hand and said disapprovingly.

If it was before, he would naturally feel bad, but after watching the sky curtain for a long time, he suddenly found that he seemed to be able to accept it.

The only thing that made him a little helpless was that even if he knew that he was not as good as Qin Shihuang, it was difficult to change.

For example, he knew that Qin Shihuang would build the Great Wall and resist the Huns, but he just couldn’t do it.

He didn’t want to go against his own heart.

“In the past thousand years, there has only been one person like the First Emperor. He has both the vision and the ability. It is indeed not easy.”

“According to the system notification, there should be a dynasty called Ming Dynasty in the future. I wonder what the emperor was like.”

“It’s a pity that our Tang Dynasty didn’t pass down through the ages.”

Li Shimin casually picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth, speaking with a little helplessness.

I thought that my Tang Empire would be passed down through the ages, but I didn’t expect that it would eventually disappear.

When the system prompted, it mentioned the words of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, so Li Shimin knew the existence of the future.

“Your Majesty, I don’t know how you compare to later emperors, but you are much better than Liu Bang.”

Du Ruhui said with a firm look.

The First Emperor was better than Li Shimin, there is no doubt about that.

But Liu Bang was definitely not qualified.

Liu Bang came from the grass, and he was able to sit in that position, which did show that he had some ability.

But it did not mean that he could be compared with Li Shimin.

At least, when Li Shimin made the White Horse Alliance, he scared off the Turks. But

Liu Bang fled in panic on Baideng Mountain.

It formed a sharp contrast.

“Your Majesty, I suddenly thought of something.”

Empress Changsun, who was standing next to her, brought the brewed tea and suddenly spoke.


Li Shimin, Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji, and Fang Xuanling were slightly stunned and looked over in unison.

I don’t know what it is.

“Your Majesty, Parallel World……”

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