Chapter 123 has the six-ministry system of the cabinet, and the chicken at the dinner table has made great achievements!!

“Shouldn’t this broken simulator be working against Shun Yuan?!”

Win Zheng said with some doubts, but he had already vaguely accepted this speculation in his heart, because the facts were already in front of him, and he had begun to suspect that the simulator was deliberately trying to do this.

Last time, he clearly remembered that it was Xiao He who brought Lu with him, but this time it was replaced by Li Si.

Obviously, I especially want to know what happened when I went overseas.

Have you encountered some interesting things, but the simulator is changed to Lees!

As the emperor of the ages, Win Zheng has conquered the entire continent, but this does not mean that he has been satisfied, his ambitions have been placed on the ocean, but he is destined to be unable to conquer the ocean.

And now Jiang Lu has finally set off instead of this dream of his, and he could have been able to use the simulator to see what Jiang Lu experienced.

But I never expected that the simulator would replace people with Li Si.

“Damn it, every time you want to see what happens overseas, you always give me a different ending, right?!”

Win Zheng lit the light curtain in front of him and couldn’t help but say.

But although he is not happy, he is helpless, after all, the simulator will not listen to his orders.

And the simulator ignored it, and the winning government was still going on.

[After going to sea, you officially served as the first assistant to the cabinet and began a new path of reform. 】

However, when Yun Zheng was about to watch Xiao He continue to reform, the simulator suddenly went dark.

Yun Zheng couldn’t help but be stunned, he just wanted to know what kind of new reform road Xiao He had opened, but he really never expected that the simulation would actually stop here.

In the past, he wasn’t sure if the simulator was deliberately working against him.

However, now he is completely certain that the simulator is definitely following the self-style.

Yun Zheng said to the simulator.

“No matter what, you have to give me an explanation today.”

Then, he saw the page about Xiao He’s simulator, and one of the options went dark.

He fixed his eyes and found that the option was the identity of the minister.

“Is that your explanation? Shun really can’t deal with you, count your explanation as valid. ”

Yingzheng said with a bitter smile, the main thing is that he has no way to deal with this simulator, otherwise he would have let people repair this simulator well

And the reason why the simulation can no longer be carried out now is mainly because Xiao He’s identity has come to the capital at this time, and if he wants to continue, then he will have to change the options.

After all, when the winning government was simulated at the beginning, it was only terminated until the end of the identity of the prime minister, and as for what would happen after the identity of the prime minister, then you need to use experience again.

“Experience is experience.”

Yun Zheng smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, he couldn’t help but make up his mind, and he must continue to strive for more experience next.

However, he has more important things to do now.

“Come on!”

Yun Zheng shouted loudly, and immediately a eunuch obediently came to the front of Yun Zheng.

“You go and prepare paper and pen, and you have to write down everything you say next.”

Win Zheng said majestically because what he has to do next is a very important thing, and he must do it well, otherwise it will be a matter of losing his head.

And this eunuch has been serving Win Zheng for a while, so he can already see from the clear look of Win Zheng that this matter is quite important, and he hurries down to do things.

Sitting in his chair, he recalled the words about the six-ministry cabinet system that would be issued by Lu in the simulator.

“This system is called the six-ministry cabinet system, and after the abolition of the three princes and nine secretaries, a cabinet system was established!”

Yun Zheng’s first words made the eunuch’s hand almost shake.

However, he still gritted his teeth, held the pen in his hand tightly, and wrote it down little by little.

Because this incident is so shocking, His Majesty actually wants to abolish the three princes and nine kings.

This is a system that His Majesty was very optimistic about, and it is also respected in the Qin Kingdom.

Win Zhengcai ignored what the eunuch was thinking and continued to speak.

“The cabinet can have six ministries. And all the six ministers are second-rank officials. ”

“The head of the cabinet is established, and the chief assistant only has the power to make recommendations, but not decision-making powers. All matters of national importance are ruled by the emperor. ”

The eunuch silently remembered, and at this moment his heart was numb.

No matter what Win Zheng said, he just cared about remembering it.

Because he knew that if he really listened carefully and pondered carefully, then I am afraid that he would be scared and the pen in his hand would not be stable at all!

“The six ministers are Shangshu, and a cabinet of university members is established. If you want to join the cabinet, you must obtain the rank of university fellow. ”

“There are three members of the Cabinet University, one first assistant and two secondary assistants.”

“The three cabinet universities helped the emperor in handling political affairs and used their own advice power for the emperor.”

After winning the political thought, he immediately stood up and stretched out his hand and said to the eunuch.

“When you remember it, you will present the bamboo Jane to Shu.”

The eunuch hurriedly handed the bamboo slip to Yingzheng, fortunately he was recording with all his heart just now, otherwise it would be difficult to explain at this moment.

Yun Zheng looked at the system above the bamboo slip and couldn’t help but laugh.

Even a small eunuch knows what this system means, which is enough to prove how important this system really is, and how it will change into a court.

And Yingzheng also saw the important role of this system from the simulator, and he believed even more that he would definitely change the entire Qin State.

He polished it a bit, revised a little detail, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

“Perfect, it’s perfect.”

After the revision of the winning government, the system above the bamboo slip is exactly the same as the six-ministry cabinet system issued by General Lu.

And the winning government is now back to reality, combined with the current situation of the Qin State, I can’t help but sigh again.

“This system is simply for Qin Guosheng, it is simply tailor-made for Qin Guo.”

In the past, Win Zheng had always been worried about how to improve his imperial power, but now after seeing this system, he knows that the answer is here

This feeling of someone giving pillows when you are drowsy is really cool, Win Zheng looked at the system in his hands, and couldn’t help but recall the previous county system.

The county system can already be regarded as a great innovation in winning politics, but he feels that compared with the six-department cabinet system in his hands, then the county system is a little brother.

However, Win Zheng returned to the chair, and he finally put the gradual re-in on the chair, and did not intend to directly hand it over to the eunuch, so that he could immediately announce the system.

He waved his hand and said to the eunuch.

“You stand down, now there is nothing for you.”

The eunuch immediately retreated in a disciplined manner, and only Haozheng was left alone in the whole room.

In the end, he did not decide to immediately defeat this system, because the current Qin State has just been a barrel, and many things need a transition process.

If nothing else, let’s talk about the Chengxiang system, which has only been in place for less than 10 years, and the cabinet system is actually the abolition of the Chengxiang system.

And now in the imperial court, those who have previously made the merits of the boss and finally profited from the system of ministers, once they learn this news, I am afraid they will be very dissatisfied.

And all of those people are great heroes, and when the time comes, they will definitely cause great turmoil in the imperial court.

Although it is said that there is a huge treasure in front of him, Win Zheng’s heart is quite clear, even if he wants to open this treasure, he must also look for an opportunity.

Otherwise, this treasure would not be a treasure, but a ghost.

“We have to find an opportunity to abolish the power of the minister and re-establish the cabinet.”

Yun Zheng’s fingers couldn’t help but gently tap his chair, making a knocking sound throughout the room.

The voice is quite rhythmic, just like the mood of winning the government at the moment.

“If you want this system to really be implemented, you must find an opportunity, otherwise it will not be able to unite the people’s hearts, and even the entire imperial court will be separated from virtue.”

As Yun Zheng spoke, he already had a plan in his heart.

On the other side, Jiang Lu was eating with Lu Yan at the moment…

At this moment, after Lu Yan dressed up again, he looked even more moving.

However, when eating, she is still quite polite and respects etiquette.

When Jiang Lu was eating and eating, he suddenly felt that it was always a little tasteless, and then he suddenly patted his head and couldn’t help but smile and said.

“By the way, how did I forget this?”

Speaking of this, he sprinkled the chicken essence he had brought with him on the meal.

On weekdays, when he eats in the mansion, there is a special subordinate who sprinkles chicken essence in his own meals, so he doesn’t always have to do it himself

But when he came to eat at Lu Yan’s house this time, no one sprinkled chicken essence on him, so he always felt that there was something wrong with the taste.

After he finished sweeping the meal, he looked up to apologize, Lu Yan looked at himself a little curiously, his eyes flashed, looking quite cute.

So he smiled and pointed to the food.

“Come and try it, the taste will definitely open your eyes.”

In fact, Lu Yan had long wanted to do it, and her nose smelled the strange fragrance coming from the food, and her index finger was already moved.

And now that Jiang Lu wants to let herself eat, then she will naturally not be polite.

Lu Yan picked up the chopsticks and gently clamped a piece, put it into her mouth, and suddenly, her entire taste buds had exploded.

That wonderful feeling was bouncing inside her tongue and made her almost cry.

“It’s delicious, isn’t it?”

Lu Yan was shocked, surprised that this thing was so delicious, it was simply delicious in the sky.

After seeing her appearance, Jiang Lu couldn’t help but smile and said.

“This is Shu’s unique recipe.”

Lu Yan’s eyes widened and he looked at the bottle in General Lu’s hand.

Jiang Lu said with a slight smile.

“If you want, I can give you the recipe.”

After saying that, he handed the bottle in his hand to Lu Yan and asked her to observe and observe

After Lu Yan took the bottle, he found that it was all powdered things, and suddenly his eyes lit up and looked at Jiang Lu and said.

“If we can produce on a large scale, with such a good chicken essence, it will definitely sell well.”

After listening to Lu, he smiled and wrote the recipe of chicken essence to Lu Yan.

After Lu Yan got the formula, Jiang Lu said with a smile.

“You take it to production and development, and when you sell it for the profit, the two of us will be five or five.”

“How can that be? This is your own painstakingly developed formula, how can I get 50% at once? ”

However, Jiang Lu didn’t care at all, and said with a smile.

“What’s this? If you can promote chicken essence to the whole country, if you sell it as much as possible, then your credit is also great, so five or five points is actually very fair. ”

After thinking about it, Lu Yan finally agreed.

And she also secretly made up her mind in her heart that she must sell such a good chicken essence to the whole country.

After seeing his serious expression, Jiang Lu was also very happy in his heart, so he took him back to his small courtyard.

Because in my own yard, all kinds of tools for making chicken essence are quite complete.

Since Lu Yan was making this kind of thing for the first time, it seemed a little clumsy and clumsy, but Jiang Lu did not feel troublesome at all, but taught her to make it little by little.

In this process, he was secretly protected by the guards who protected Lu in the eyes.

“This is an important matter, you must tell Your Majesty about it.”

The guards immediately sensed the importance of this matter, so they immediately reported this news to Yun Zheng.

When Yun Zheng heard this, he couldn’t help but laugh and his eyes lit up.

“Not bad, this kid has finally improved, but I didn’t expect the progress to be so fast, I still have some underestimation of him.”

The more Yun Zheng thought about it, the more he felt impatient, so he had the idea to see how far the two of them had developed.

“Let’s go and see how far the two of them have developed, should they still flirt in the yard?”

Win Zheng said happily…

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