After drinking the blood of hundreds of people, the knife seemed to be a part of his body instead of a foreign object, and finally calmed down.

Ji Wuye stroked the blade lightly: "In order to feed you, labor and management killed so many people, and even made you suck so much blood. I hope you don't let labor and management disappoint."

The demon slasher trembled softly, the blood on the knife flickered, and black energy surged, as if responding to Ji Wuye.

"Haha...Okay, so cute!"

Ji Wuye raised his head to the sky and laughed loudly, suddenly swung the big knife in his hand and slashed towards the air...  

A bloody light flashed, leaving a black crack in the void.

"Good knife!"

Ji Wuye couldn't help but sighed in admiration. Then, he put the big knife on his shoulder and strode down the mountain.

When Ji Wuye returned to the General's Mansion, it was already late at night.

There is no way, let a knife suck so much blood, and the body is weak, and after a battle with others, the body is naturally weaker, and can only walk back to the general's mansion on foot.

From a distance, I saw Ji Wuye on the street, carrying a blood-red knife with an extremely exaggerated shape, walking towards him.

I don't know how long they waited at the gate of the General's Mansion, and the worried faces of Mrs. Hu and Nongyu's mother and daughter lit up.


Madam Hu, who was dressed in emerald green, called out softly, holding the skirt in both hands, and trotted towards Ji Wuye.

Hearing this familiar voice, Ji Wuye, who was exhausted and walked towards the General's Mansion with his head down and hard steps, was taken aback for a moment.

Looking up, I saw a Mrs. Hu running towards her with a look of joy.

0.2 Not far behind her, Nongyu was standing quietly outside the gate of the General's Mansion, looking at herself silently.

"This mother-daughter pair is really worth it for labor and capital to love them so much on weekdays!"

From the look of the mother and daughter's hair on both ends being blown a bit messy by the wind, and the blushing looks on their faces, they knew that the two of them didn't know how long they had been waiting for them at the door.

Thinking of this, Ji Wuye couldn't help feeling a warm heart.

Well, the labor and management will definitely love the two of you even more in the future, and will no longer treat the two of you as playthings.

A faint smile rose on Ji Wuye's face, and she greeted Mrs. Hu....

Chapter 140 What else do you have to be dissatisfied with?

Mrs. Hu, who trotted in front of Ji Wuye, suddenly slammed into Ji Wuye's arms and hugged Ji Wuye tightly.

"Husband, you are finally back. Do you know that in the afternoon, your appearance is really scary."

"I'm so scared, so worried that something will happen to you, I..."

Ji Wuye's heart warmed, he patted Madam Hu's back with his free hand, and comforted softly.

"Okay, I'm back, don't worry, I haven't let you give birth to a big fat boy for me, how could I be willing to leave you."

"Besides, with a beautiful lady like you, how could labor and capital be willing to die? If I die, wouldn't it be cheaper for others?"

Originally full of worry, Madam Hu, who spoke with a little weeping voice, suddenly turned black when she heard such a sentence.

Madam Hu angrily slapped Ji Wuye's shoulder lightly on the shoulder of 27, and said coquettishly: "Fuck you, what nonsense are you talking about, what do you mean by cheapening others, am I that kind of person?"

"Yes, yes, is it okay for my husband to be wrong?"

Ji Wuye smiled and patted Mrs. Hu's plump buttocks. I have to say that this woman's figure is always so attractive.

Even though Ji Wuye was already exhausted at this time, Ji Wuye couldn't help feeling his index finger move a lot when he felt the rich and tender body in his arms.

Feeling the big hand on her buttocks that was making trouble, Mrs. Hu couldn't help but blushed. Since she could still make trouble, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Madam Hu finally let go of her high-hanging heart, and said with a red face: "Don't say such nonsense again in the future, you will be fine, even if... even if you really help... gave birth to a child, and you are not allowed to have an accident."

"Yes, yes, no problem!"

Ji Wuye smiled and hugged Mrs. Hu, came to Nongyu, and said softly: "I'm sorry, I made you two women worry."

Nongyu just wanted to open his mouth to say something, then swallowed it back, shook his head, and said lightly, "It's mother, she's worried about you, I just don't worry about her, just..."

"Yes, yes, I understand, you are just here to accompany her, wait for me by the way!"

Ji Wuye smiled and stretched out his hand to squeeze Nongyu's face, and said, "You kid, okay, let's go, let's all go in."

As he said that, he hugged Mrs. Hu and walked past Nongyu's side and walked towards the house.

Nong Yu Qing 丨 stroked the place that Ji Wuye had just pinched, looked at Ji Wuye's figure for a long time without saying a word, and finally sighed softly, and murmured softly like a mosquito.

"If, that night, nothing really happened, that would be great... Dad!"

Ever since she was a child, she has longed to have a father, just now, full of deep affection, she pinched her face dotingly. Isn't this the picture she has always dreamed of?

Ever since she was a child, she has longed to have a father, just now, full of deep affection, she pinched her face dotingly. Isn't this the picture she has always dreamed of?

In the past, she had fantasized that if she could really have a father, even if the father was strict with her, it didn't matter, as long as she had it.

Once, in Zilan Xuan, she also met those sisters who were sold into Zilan Xuan by that irresponsible father.

Even some fathers would come to ask for money from their daughters who had been sold into Zilanxuan from time to time because of gambling debts.

Look at the sisters who go to great lengths and are haunted by their fathers.

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