In the end, Mrs. Hu had to wash with him.

Afterwards, he hurriedly sent Ji Wuye's bloody clothes out and handed it over to the servant.

When she came back, Ji Wuye was leaning on the soft cave and sipping tea.

Mrs. Hu shook her head with a wry smile and said, "Okay, it's getting late, you should go to bed too."

At this moment, before Fang finished bathing, Mrs. Hu was wearing a tulle, and Mrs. Hu's seductive curves were unobstructed.

Ji Wuye's eyes flashed, and he sat up abruptly, "Madam, it's a little hot, what should I do if my husband can't sleep now?"


Madam Hu was taken aback and said, "No, don't you feel the heat?".

Chapter 143 This filial piety is a bit... not the time (for flowers, ask for a monthly pass)

Ji Wuye laughed and said, "I say it's hot, just help me cool down. If it's too late, I'll burn your husband."

"Help you cool down?"

Madam Hu was stunned for a moment. When she saw Ji Wuye swept her body back and forth with his eyes that seemed to swallow her, Madam Hu was suddenly stunned.

After getting along during this period of time, Mrs. Hu can be said to have some understanding of Ji Wuye's temperament.

Although it is estimated that he is a little weak at this time, but seeing him like that, it is obvious that if he does not help him, he will definitely not go to sleep honestly.

Mrs. Hu had no choice but to shake her head, and came to Ji Wuye gracefully, knelt down softly, opened his robe, and buried her head deeply.


In the kitchen, Nongyu was busy with something, and two or three cooks kept persuading around him.

"Miss, just leave these things to our servants."

"What are you going to do, just tell me not to."

Nongyu shook his head with a smile, and said, "Okay, it's getting late, you all go down to rest, I can do it myself."

Having said that, Nongyu got busy on her own.

It's like letting your young lady busy herself while they go to rest.

If the housekeeper knew about it, wouldn't they be unable to eat and walk around.

It was not for the cooks to leave, and it was not for them to leave. They had to stand not far from Nongyu, waiting for Nongyu's orders.

Seeing them standing aside with embarrassed expressions, Nongyu said with a chuckle, "Okay, you all go down. If anyone asks, just say it's what I said."

The cooks sighed softly and had to retreat silently.

Nongyu, who grew up in Zilan Xuan since childhood, although Zi Nu treats her like her own daughter, she is taken care of in daily life.

But she is a very independent person. In addition to the elegant things of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and martial arts, she is also a little bit knowledgeable about kitchen matters.

Now, Ji Wuye is weak, and as a daughter, she naturally wants to show a little filial piety.

She could see that although Ji Wuye's face was pale, there was nothing serious about his body, he just lost too much blood.

After being busy for a long time, Nong Yuqing, who was finally busy, wiped the sweat on his forehead lightly.

He took a small sip of the boiled bird's nest porridge with a spoon, nodded with satisfaction, and poured it into Mrs. Hu's courtyard for one night.


After an unknown amount of time, when Madam Hu felt her mouth numb, Ji Wuye suddenly pressed Madam Hu's head firmly.

Mrs. Hu, who was kneeling on the ground, raised her head angrily and gave Ji Wuye a blank look.

Mrs. Hu, who was kneeling on the ground, raised her head angrily and gave Ji Wuye a blank look.

Just as he was about to turn around and find something to spit out the contents of his mouth, the door was suddenly opened from the outside.


Nongyu, who was carrying a tray, just stepped into the house with one foot, and suddenly froze there, staring at them with wide eyes.

What...what are these two guys doing...?

Why, why did the mother kneel in front of him, and, and... the corner of the mouth... the edge, what was left, that... that... .

I grew up in Zilan Xuan since I was a child. Although I have never eaten pork, I have never seen a pig run.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Even if you haven't seen the pig run, there is no reason why you haven't heard the pig bark.

Seeing this, how could Nongyu not know what happened between them just now.

Nongyu suddenly felt her face burn, and she couldn't help but feel a little angry.

You said that your body is like this now, how can you still be like this...such...

Even if you want to do something, won't you close the door?

Nongyu was stunned by the door for a while, not walking, not leaving.


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