"I'd better give her a musical instrument. I can't help but give her a guqin in the future, and I want to give her a good Xiao."

"Then the two of you go to discuss, you have to 'discuss' well."

Naturally, these things were 'discussed' by the two of her mothers.

I don't know what to think, Ji Wuye's face suddenly showed a smile full of disgust.

Looking at the smile on Ji Wuye's face, he didn't know where the other party was thinking.

Mrs. Hu shook her head helplessly, gently wiped Ji Wuye's mouth, took the empty bowl in Ji Wuye's hand, and put it on the table.

"Okay, it's getting late, your body is not good, let's go to bed earlier!"

With that said, Mrs. Hu helped Ji Wuye up from the slump.

With an inexplicable smile on Ji Wuye's face, he embraced Madam Hu and walked towards the inner room.


Chapter 145 Should I call you Feiyan, or Lord Dongjun (for flowers, ask for a monthly ticket)

It was the beginning of November, and before you knew it, Ji Wuye had traveled through it for half a year.

The land of the Central Plains is in autumn at this time, and the land of the North, the capital of the State of Yan, Jicheng, is already snowing heavily at this time, covered in silver, frozen for thousands of miles, and snow drifts for thousands of miles.

On the outskirts of Jicheng, the cold wind is like a knife, and the winter snow drifts.

In the heavy snow, more than ten white flags fluttered in the cold wind.

Under the white flag, dozens of disciples dressed in black and white linen lined up in a square formation, looking solemnly at the figure in front of the formation.

"The world is all white, but I am the only one who is black, not attacking the ink door, and loving my life."

The leader stretched out two fingers and stroked the black bladeless sword in his hand, which was carved with strange paintings.

"From now on, I will be the giant of the Mo family!"

As soon as he said this, behind him, the disciples in black and white linen clasped their fists towards this man and knelt down one after another.

Not far away, a glamorous woman in a palace attire stared blankly at the figure as if she had lost her strength, and sat down in the snow.

A drop of clear tears slowly slipped from his eyes and fell on the snow along his beautiful cheeks.

Concubine Yan didn't know what happened between her and Yan Dan. Since returning from Anyi, there seemed to be an invisible wall between the two of them, and they couldn't even say a few words between them.

And Yan Dan, as if he was wholeheartedly devoted to revitalizing the country of Yan, as if he had forgotten her wife, gradually began to neglect her and distanced herself from her.

All day long, he was either busy trying to win over important officials in the DPRK, or he went to meet various people in the arena.

At first, Concubine Yan only thought that Yan Dan was really busy, and she understood Yan Dan very well.

However, gradually, Concubine Yan found that Yan Dan had changed, and the change began to be inhumane. He seemed to have only his Yan Kingdom in his eyes, and only the dream of his future king, and she no longer existed in his heart.

She doesn't know what happened between the two, but one thing she can be sure of is that Yan Dan doesn't know what happened to her.

At this moment, she felt cold and desperate.

After returning to the state of Yan, Yan Dan joined the Mo family as the prince of the state of Yan in order to bring the Mo family under his command.

However, the Mo family's sentence, the six-fingered black man, was very rigid, and would not help Yan Dan to fight Qin together.

A few days ago, when Concubine Yan brought the food she had prepared for him to his study, Yan Dan passed her coldly without even looking at her.

Concubine Yan clenched the tray in her hands tightly, looked at Yan Dan's leaving figure with empty eyes, and whispered softly.

"Right, is it really that important to you?"

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll give it to you!"

That night, Concubine Yan personally shot and killed the Six-Finged Black Man, the Mo clan giant who refused to cooperate with Yan Dan.

And Yan Dan, under the circumstance that the Mo family has no leader, has successfully become the giant of the Mo family today, with the identity of the prince of the state of Yan, and with the help of the peasant knight Kui Tianguang.


In the lobby of the Prince's Mansion of Yan Kingdom, Yan Dan stood in front of the window and stared at the heavy snow outside the window for a long time without saying a word.

In the lobby of the Prince's Mansion of Yan Kingdom, Yan Dan stood in front of the window and stared at the heavy snow outside the window for a long time without saying a word.

Concubine Yan, who had just stepped into the hall, was stunned for a moment. Since she returned from the outskirts of the city, she was wandering aimlessly on the streets of the city in the snow.

She knew that after Yan Dan became a Mo clan tycoon, they might have fewer chances to meet.

However, when she saw Yan Dan frowning every day and ignoring her, she still held a glimmer of hope.

I hope that after fulfilling his wish for him, he can change his mind and spend more time with her.

Although she herself knew that this hope was very slim, when she felt that the relationship between the two was slowly fading, she still wanted to grab the straw like when she was drowning.

In order to restore the relationship between the two, she resolutely shot and killed the six-fingered black man.

I thought that he would be busy with a lot of things today when he became a giant, and he would come back very late, but he didn't expect that he would come back so early.

Moreover, it was rare that he did not enter the study as usual, as if waiting for him.

Could it be that what you have done has finally paid off?

Concubine Yan was overjoyed, she sorted out her mood, a smile appeared on her face, and she walked towards Yan Dan gracefully.

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