The little palace maid who was blushing and didn't dare to look up at this absurd picture hurriedly lowered her head and walked towards the table.


Ji Wuye frowned and said lightly, "Did I tell you to fall?"

After saying that, Ji Wuye glanced at Han Wangan, who was lying on the ground in a dazed look at the roof.

The goddess Xiaogong was stunned, and hurriedly came to Han Wangan, and called softly: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Han Wangan glanced suspiciously at the little palace maid in front of him.

The little palace maid said, "Your Majesty, the general wants a cup of cold water and a cup of hot water!"

That dog thief wants to drink water?If you want to drink water, go and deliver it to him. What are you asking me for?

The little palace maid said: "The general asks you to help him pour water!"

Hearing this, Han Wangan felt a surge of qi and blood, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and suddenly felt dizzy, almost dizzy.

Not to mention occupying his concubine in front of his face, and asking him, the King of Han, to pour water for him as a general?

Han Wangan immediately felt extremely humiliated, but when he thought of the scene just now, he still resisted the humiliation in his heart and slowly got up from the ground.

Dignity and life, there is no doubt that this coward Han Wangan undoubtedly chose the latter.

Han Wangan, who got up from the ground, walked to the desk, poured a cup of cold water and a cup of hot water, and slowly came to Ji Wuye.

Inadvertently, his eyes turned to Hu Meiren, who was kneeling on the ground and buried his head in Ji Wuye's crotch, and suddenly felt a glimpse in his heart.

Resisting not to look at her, he lowered his head and handed the water to Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye gestured to Hu Meiren who was kneeling on the ground with his eyes, and said lightly: "It's not for me, it's for her, Hu Meiren has worked so hard for you, you are a husband, not to express, hello. She 〃'."

Hu Meiren moved for a while, raised her head, glanced at the two glasses of water in Han Wangan's hands, and gave Ji Wuye a charming glance, and said angrily: "You have so many tricks!"

A cup of cold water, a cup of hot water, Hu Meiren still didn't know what Ji Wuye was going to do, she turned her head and glanced at Han Wangan.

Good night Han shivered with anger, endured the humiliation in his heart, and handed the water cup to Hu Meiren's lips.

Hu Meiren opened her lips, took a sip, and buried her head again.

Hu Meiren opened her lips, took a sip, and buried her head again.


Ji Wuye let out a comfortable voice, leaned back on the soft collapse, squinted his eyes and enjoyed the service of Hu Meiren.

I can't help sighing in my heart, I don't know who invented this ice and fire, it is really a great invention.

When Gaiming and other widows took power and gained the world, they must be like Qianlong's repair of the Siku Quanshu, and let Confucians go and build a book for labor and capital.

All these magical inventions and the names of the inventors are compiled into one book. These are the greatest inventions in human history, and they should have the right to be famous in history.

These are the most precious treasures of mankind, how can they be lost with the passage of time?

At this time, Han Wangan was extremely ashamed, his face was blue, and his heart was ashamed and hated. He wanted to find a hole to dig in, so as not to be so humiliated by this evil thief again.

Looking at Han Wang'an's livid face, Ji Wuye felt incomparably happy.

Ji Wuye did not feel any psychological burden for humiliating Han Wangan.

As a king, which one is not covered with blood, which one is a good thing.

Not to mention the bloody and dark methods in Korea. In order to ascend to the throne, even the distant Baiyue land has suffered annihilation.

The destruction of Huoyu Villa, whether Han Wangan participated or not, had nothing to do with him.

If he hadn't sent troops to conquer Baiyue, how could Huoyu Villa be destroyed.

Besides, whether the treasure of Huoyu Villa has anything to do with this Han Wangan, I really can't say for sure.

Not to mention Huoyu Villa for the time being, it was just that in the palace last time, Yan Lingji just said Tianze's name, and Han Wangan was in a hurry to kill someone.

Among them, to say that there is nothing tricky, who will believe it?

I don't know how long it took, Ji Wuye laughed out loud, stood up abruptly, picked up Hu Meiren, and strode towards the bed a few steps away.

He threw Hu Meiren on the collapse, and pulled the thin gauze curtain down, and the majestic body of a tiger and bear, like a hungry wolf, rushed towards the collapsed prey.

A few steps away, Han Wangan, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but look up. Although he was separated by the gauze curtain, he could still vaguely see the two figures lingering inside the gauze curtain.

The endless sense of humiliation filled Han Wang'an's Yuexiong accent. Hearing the increasingly high-pitched joyous voice, Han Wang'an's face turned green and white, ashamed and angered to death...... ...

Chapter 152 Let him wait outside

The embarrassed and angry Han Wangan couldn't bear to stay here, and even if he wanted to turn around and leave, it would be better if he couldn't see it.

As soon as Fang turned around, several palace maids stopped in front of Han Wang'an, looking at Han Wang'an with embarrassment.

"Your Majesty, the general said that you cannot leave this room without his order, please don't be a slave to your maid!"

Han Wang An took a deep breath. He didn't care about the palace maids, but he was worried that if he left, who knew how Ji Wuye would humiliate him in the future.

Thinking of this, Han Wangan had no choice but to turn around and stand aside with his head lowered, hoping that he would feel better without seeing the figure of the dog man and the woman.

Han Wangan just stood there, his face ashen, silently listening to the sound of this extravagant.

Although he tried hard not to look or think about it, Hu Meiren's unbearable appearance under Ji Wuye's body still came to his mind.

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