The prince looked hideous, and after saying something bitterly, he picked up the wine glass on the table, raised his head, and drank the wine in the glass.

Seeing the Prince's reaction, Ji Wuye didn't feel strange about "one forty". With the prince's appearance, who can put him in his eyes?

Not to mention Han Yu, who had the intention to overthrow the prince and his own superior Han Yu.

The crown prince was completely blown away by Han Yu in every way. Over the years, if it wasn't for Ji Wuye's photoshoot, he would have been killed by Han Yu many times.

With a faint smile on Ji Wuye's face, he said calmly, "This time, when I rescued the prince, I also discovered something."

Seeing the prince looking at him with a puzzled expression, Ji Wuye didn't let the prince wait for a long time, and said slowly: "There is a man named Qiancheng in the fourth son's mansion, the prince knows."

"Of course I know, isn't it the righteous son that the bastard received, and I don't know where the pariah came from, but he had a bad luck, and he was attracted to him, why did he mention him?" The prince said disdainfully.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "I don't know where the untouchable minister Qiancheng originally came from, but I know that the current Qiancheng is no longer a pariah, and his martial arts are truly extraordinary."

The prince curled his lips in disdain: "What if you know some martial arts? Could it be better than the master of the night under the command of the Great General?"

Ji Wuye shook his head with a smile, and said, "This is natural. If he can compare to the master of the night under the superior minister, His Royal Highness may not be so easy to get out of trouble this time."

The prince was taken aback: "It was Tian Ze who kidnapped Ben Gong, what does it have to do with him?"

Ji Wuye said: "His Royal Highness does not know, when the prince was rescued this time, the Fourth Young Master asked the Qiancheng to assassinate His Highness secretly on the grounds of helping the minister to save the car. Fortunately, the people under the minister's night were aware of it in advance. Let him succeed."

"What?" The prince was startled and said incredulously: "Impossible, how dare Han Yu..."

"Why don't you dare?" Ji Wuye said with a smile: "Don't forget, Your Highness, you were in Tian Ze's hands at the time, and any accident can be pushed to Tian Ze's body."

Hearing this, the prince's face turned blue and white, tightly holding the wine glass in his hand, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

When he thought about it, although Han Yu was interested in his position as the Crown Prince of the East Palace, he probably didn't have the courage to send someone to assassinate him.

However, listening to Ji Wuye say this, it seems that there is indeed such a possibility.

Normally, Han Yu would not dare to do such a thing, but when he was kidnapped by Tian Ze, it was indeed a golden opportunity.

If he killed himself at that time, he could completely put the matter on Tian Ze.

If he killed himself at that time, he could completely put the matter on Tian Ze.

The prince held the wine glass in his hand tightly, his face gradually turned ashen, gritted his teeth and said, "Well, you Han Yu, how dare you send someone to stab me."

Suddenly, the prince stood up abruptly and walked outside the hall.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "What is your Highness doing?"

"Is there any need to ask?" The prince suddenly turned his head and said, "I must report this matter to the king, and let the king..."

"What do you want the king to do? Treat him the best?" Ji Wuye's mouth slowly rose, and he said slowly, "Has your Royal Highness ever thought that the king will believe it? I will wait and see. There is no real evidence to prove that he did indeed send someone to assassinate His Highness..."

"Furthermore, even if he believes it, so what, with the king's favor for the Fourth Young Master, will he kill him?"

The prince was stunned, just as Ji Wuye said, he had no evidence that Han Yu had sent someone to assassinate him.

Furthermore, although he disliked that Han Yu, it was undeniable that many ministers in the DPRK belonged to Han Yu's party.

With his own words alone, he couldn't defeat Han Yu at all.

What's more, with the favor of his father and the king, and the fact that he can't punish the doctor, at most, the big thing will be turned into a small thing.

Thinking of this, the prince roared at Ji Wuye: "Then what should I do, is it possible that this is the case?"

Ji Wuye smiled and pointed to the seat cushion beside him, signaling the prince to calm down.

After the prince sat down again, Ji Wuye said in a hurry, "Why is your Highness in such a hurry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Ji Wuye suddenly asked, "What does the prince think, Concubine Wu?"

"Wu Guifei?"

The prince was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Why do you mention that bitch, her son is against this palace outside, she is against my mother-in-law in the 3.4 palace, after this palace ascends the throne, be sure to let Their mother and son died without a place to be buried."

That's right, Concubine Wu mentioned by Ji Wuye was the mother of the fourth son, Han Yu.

Ji Wuye shook his head with a smile, and said, "Hey... Could it be that just killing her can get rid of the evil spirit in His Highness's heart?"


Hearing Ji Wuye's words, the prince was stunned for a moment, and thought about it, although Concubine Wu was old, her charm still remained.

After the figure of Concubine Wu appeared in his mind, the prince couldn't help but flickered his eyes, licked his lips, and said, "Yes, what General Ji said is reasonable, their mother and son are so opposed to this palace, how could it be so easy to let her die? .".

Chapter 155 The king is seriously ill, why don't you go and see? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Hearing this, Ji Wuye nodded with satisfaction, it was really a child to teach.

Ji Wuye picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip, and said slowly: "At this time, the palace is already under the control of the minister, and inside and outside the palace are the servants of the minister."

"This palace city has been under the control of the minister for several days. During this period, no one has seen the king, and the minister has declared to the public that the king is seriously ill and has not seen anyone."


The prince looked at Ji Wuye inexplicably, and asked suspiciously: "My general, why are you saying all these strange things tonight, what are you trying to say?"

Ji Wuye was really a little strange tonight, the prince was at a loss when he heard it word by word.

Ji Wuye said with a smile: "Your Highness, what would happen if the king died suddenly at this time?"

"My father died? How could my father die, my father..."

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