Mrs. Mingzhu didn't answer, but 300 with flickering eyes glanced at Ji Wuye.

From Mrs. Mingzhu's suspicious eyes, Ji Wuye knew what she was thinking. Ji Wuye smiled and said, "Are you thinking about Tianze being controlled by Bai Yifei's Gu technique?"

"Oh, it's that messy Gu technique that must be solved with the Gu mother in the secret room below the room, Bai Yifei."

Mrs. Mingzhu's pupils shrank, and she said in shock, "How do you know? Could it be... You stole that Gu mother and gave it to Tianze?"

No wonder Mrs. Pearl was not surprised. At this moment, she no longer doubted what Ji Wuye said.

Even the Gu Mother in the secret room under the Blood Clothes Castle knows, what else does he not know?

"What do you think? My baby!" Ji Wuye's face showed a meaningful smile, and said, "If I hadn't solved Bai Yifei, how could I kill King Han at this time and help the crown prince rise?"

"Of course, it cannot be said that I killed Han Wangan, and Han Wangan died at the hands of the prince." (cidf)

Ji Wuye then said nonsense: "Naturally, I am ready to clean up Bai Yifei, the second or fifth boy. Naturally, it is impossible for me to let a big killer like Tianze control his hands. These are not things you should care about."

"What you should be concerned about is that Bai Yifei, the second or fifth boy... What kind of secret did he reveal to me?"

Feeling Ji Wuye's evil-filled eyes scrutinizing her body, Mrs. Mingzhu couldn't help but have a bad premonition in her heart, and asked uncertainly, "Is it possible that it was me and him? The relationship between?"

Ji Wuye smiled and squeezed Mrs. Mingzhu's pretty face, and praised: "You are so smart!"

Mrs. Pearl shook her hand tightly, gritted her teeth and said, "It seems that this secret is not enough for the general to let his cousin let go."

Up to now, Mrs. Pearl basically no longer doubts what Ji Wuye said.

She has begun to believe that her cousin may have really sold her.

She has begun to believe that her cousin may have really sold her.

Many of what Ji Wuye said were secrets that no one else could know. If it wasn't for what her good cousin told him, how did he know it.

Over the past few days, Ji Wuye has blocked the palace, not allowing anyone to enter or leave, so that Mrs. Pearl doesn't know anything about the current situation outside the palace.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Wuye closed his eyes and babbled in front of her.

Mrs. Mingzhu's heart gradually sank to the bottom. Now think about it, if it wasn't for her cousin who had an accident, how could Ji Wuye get rid of Han Wangan and support the prince in this situation.

No wonder he wasn't at all worried that his cousin would collude with Han Yu, and justifiably lead the White Armored Army into the city to clear up the rebels, except for him.

It turned out that he had already made the first move.

Ji Wuye nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, this is indeed a great secret for the two of you, but for me, it is not enough for me to let him go, and let me really let me It's you who is excited!"


Mrs. Mingzhu was stunned and looked at Ji Wuye with a puzzled expression. She really couldn't think of what it had to do with her.

"That's right!" Ji Wuye nodded and said, "It's because of you that what I said to you before is all true, I do like you very much, and your good cousin has always been all know."

"Therefore, when he knelt in front of me and said that your cousin listened to him the most and that he was willing to dedicate you to me, I was moved, hesitated, and then... agreed!"

"What?" Mrs. Pearl was startled, the expression on her face kept changing, suddenly green and white.

She never imagined that her cousin, whom she had always counted on, would use her as a bargaining chip. In order to survive, she would not hesitate to reveal her identity and dedicate her to Ji Wuye, a brutal man.

Their cousins ​​and sisters have been following Ji Wuye for a long time. She doesn't believe that her cousin doesn't know Ji Wuye's character.

Didn't he ever think about what kind of cruel means Ji Wuye would use to deal with him after he knew that he was a traitor?

In vain, when she learned that Ji Wuye knew about the relationship between her and her cousin, and what her cousin had done over the years, she still wanted to fight with Ji Wuye with him. It is.

It's better now, who knows that her good cousin sold her long ago.

Over the years, I have worked for him wholeheartedly, and for his so-called unrealistic ideals, I did not hesitate to enter the palace and accompany Han Wangan's immortal side.

But he was lucky, he sold her without saying a word.

This feeling of being betrayed by the person closest to me is really not an ordinary sour feeling.

Mrs. Pearl's face was ashen, and with what she knew about her cousin, she was indeed a ruthless person who could do such a thing.


Chapter 163 How are you going to repay me?

Seeing that Mrs. Mingzhu's face was ashen at the moment, with a look of hatred for Bai Fei, Ji Wuye's mouth was slowly raised.

Mrs. Pearl is not the kind of little woman who is so infatuated that she can sacrifice everything for the person she cares about.

Although Bai Yifei is a very important person to her, although she does have a feeling that is so different from others to Bai Yifei.

However, even if it's Bai Yefei, don't make her give everything so far.

Mrs. Pearl's face was constantly changing. Inside the hall, there was a dead silence. Only the weak breathing of the two of them and the sound of the burning paper in the brazier in front of Han Wang'an's coffin could be heard~.

After a long time, Mrs. Mingzhu suddenly raised her head, smiled charmingly at Ji Wuye, stretched out her hand, and gently placed it on Ji Wuye's shoulder, gruffly said: "Although that Bai Yifei is indeed a concubine's watch. Brother, but the general thinks that it is his turn to decide the affairs of the concubine-?"

Ji Wuye raised the corner of his mouth, squinted his eyes with an evil smile on his face, looked at Mrs. Pearl, and said, "Oh? What does Mrs. mean?"

With a charming smile on her face, Mrs. Mingzhu slowly put the ups and downs on Ji Wuye's body, looking at Ji Wuye with a pitiful expression. , There is a bit of pity in his eyes deliberately.

Gently licking her seductive red lips, she said softly, "Now the great king Yulong returns to the sky, leaving behind such a helpless and weak woman as his concubine, in this deep palace, It was already difficult, but now such a ruthless cousin, General, you must be the master of your concubine."

After all, a mist of water rose in Mrs. Pearl's eyes, and tears rolled in her eyes.

Lying grass, this woman is really a goblin. You have such acting skills, why are you still in the palace? If you don't go to the stage to sing and act, you are really a talent.

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