However, there was still a glimmer of hope in her heart that she couldn't even explain herself.

Unlike Tian Ze, the person in front of her has no obligation to save her at all. After all, strictly speaking, he and he are also hostile.

Saving her once was already the best of her kindness and righteousness, and there was absolutely no need to come to save her again.

However, the other party just played cards so unreasonably, that is, he came to save her again.

Yan Lingji suddenly raised her head and looked at Ji Wuye in disbelief.

At this moment, the face in front of me that used to frown even thinking about it doesn't look so annoying anymore.

Even his wretched eyes staring at him in front of the moon looked so kind. .

Chapter 168 What are you doing? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)


Yan Lingji's empty and dead eyes also lit up again at this time, and she opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "What? Did you find that I am so tall, handsome, and secure at the moment? Do you feel like your heart is racing?"

Yan Lingji's mouth twitched. Tall is indeed quite tall. As for handsome, can you and handsome have anything to do with it?

Heartbeat?That's even more nonsense. From the winking at Han Fei in the palace, it can be seen that this uncle is not her Yanling Ji_'s dish.

What Yan Lingji likes is the impeccably handsome little fresh meat.

Yan Lingji said with a dark face: "Do you still want to save me? If you don't, please leave here. I don't want to listen to you."

Although the contact time is not long, Yan Lingji is very clear that entangled with such a shameless person is completely asking for troubles, it is better to directly focus on the point.

"Save, why not save, you are my heart, how could I have the heart to let you stay in such a place!"

With that said, Ji Wuye grabbed the wood in the middle of the cell, and with one arm, pulled down the entire gate of the cell and threw it aside.

Ji Wuye leaned against the door of the cell, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile, "Please, my little baby."

Yan Lingji gritted her teeth, stroked the earth wall, stood up with difficulty, her footsteps were weak, and she staggered towards the door little by little.

For the past few days, the tortured Yan Lingji has been so weak that she feels very difficult to stand up, but she doesn't want to open her mouth to ask for help from this person who is unfavorable whether she is doing things or talking. I had to grit my teeth and persisted with difficulty.

Seeing Yan Lingji's stubborn appearance, Ji Wuye shook his head with a smile, and with his ape arms, he hugged Yan Lingji's willow-like little man's waist.

Before she could react, Yanling Ji, whose body was weak, felt her body lighten, and Ji Wuye picked up her whole body.

Yan Lingji was startled and lost her voice: "You..."

"Okay, don't look at the way you are now. If you let yourself go, you don't know when you will be able to leave here. Help people to the end, or I will hold you."

Ji Wuye looked solemn and said solemnly, and then walked along the road, towards the exit of the cell.

Yan Lingji was stunned for a while, a red glow rose on her face, she gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, and stopped talking.

In this way, it is to save her, and if it is just a hug, Yan Lingji is not unacceptable.

It's just that when you are talking seriously, can you be more honest with your hands, and don't touch people's big legs and buttocks back and forth?

Yan Lingji really wanted to say at this time, go away, I don't want you to save me.

Even if you die here, don't worry about it.

Even if you die here, don't worry about it.

However, she knew very well that these words were of no use to the person in front of her.

With Yanling Ji's understanding of Ji Wuye, she knew very well that even if she really said that she didn't want him to save her, it would be of no use.

He will still do what he needs to do, maybe even more.

Yan Lingji's face was flushed, her angry body trembled slightly, her eyes were closed, she clenched her teeth tightly, and couldn't bear to think about the big one who was white and tender in her.丨 Above the leg is the big hand that kneads and pinches.

It's like being bitten by a dog. After going out, I will never see him again.

The good feeling that just rose in Yan Lingji's heart has disappeared, and she can't help but grit her teeth secretly, a good hero saves the beauty, but you want to play it as a robbery, harming you for a lifetime.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

Yan Lingji's full breasts and breasts rose and fell violently, and she secretly hated, bastard, no woman in your life is destined to like you.

At this moment, I don't know if I heard the curse in Yan Lingji's heart, or because I was not satisfied and just touched the big leg, I saw Ji Wuye's other hand grabbed heavily.

Yan Lingji's body froze, she slowly opened her eyes, she slowly lowered her head in disbelief, only to see the other hand holding her, she didn't know when, Climbing to the front of her full moon, she was caught on the full mass of her moon mouth.


Yan Lingji had a dark face, her body trembled slightly, she gritted her teeth, and said solemnly, "What are you doing?"

"Huh?" Ji Wuye pretended to be stunned and said, "What else can I do? Are you saving you?"

Yan Lingji gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, and said, "If you don't let go, I'd rather die here than go out with you!"

At this moment, Yan Lingji was really a little angry, she could just touch her legs and buttocks, she could bear it when she gritted her teeth.

However, what he didn't expect was that he actually had to make an inch.

If he continued to endure this, I am afraid that he would push himself before he left this messy cell.

Ji Wuye sneered and said, "I'm sorry, habitual actions, don't mind!"

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