Ji Wuye gritted his teeth: "Done, send the magic weapon to me!"

When 50 tyranny points were deducted from his balance, a dark red sword with black energy all over his body slashing demons and weeping blood appeared in front of him little by little.

Bai Yifei and Yan Lingji were taken aback by this strange scene. The two of them were not people who had never seen the world before, they had seen all kinds of strange things.

However, it was the first time that a weapon appeared in front of a person like this.

Moreover, when this extremely exaggerated sword appeared, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees in an instant.

Only the level 78 Yan Lingji felt a palpitating feeling rose from the heart after the blade of the big sword completely emerged.

Bai Yifei squinted his eyes and instinctively felt that if he waited any longer, it would definitely not be a good thing for him.

Although it is not clear where Ji Wuye got such a strange big sword, this is not the time to care about this kind of thing.

Although it is not clear where Ji Wuye got such a strange big sword, this is not the time to care about this kind of thing.

A blood-red sword light rose up in vain, illuminating the world, as if to divide the entire cell in two, and slashed towards Ji Wuye.

Bai Yifei has been on the battlefield for a long time, and his shot is very decisive. Although he has a stomach of doubts, he still shot decisively.

The blood-red long coat fluttered in the wind, and the blood-colored long sword was held in his hand. It was about seven feet long, and the edge was contained without leaking. Just looking at this sword, it was absolutely impossible to imagine that it could split such a sword light.

Ji Wuye's spirit was shocked, he held the hilt of the knife with one hand, leaned forward, and swept out with a knife, cutting off the trajectory of the sword light that came in the face, and then jumped into the air, holding the knife in both hands. handle.

Immediately, the dark red blade radiated into the sky and slashed towards Bai Yifei's forehead.

Bai Yifei swept the wind under his feet, moved against the wind, and jumped back lightly, avoiding the momentum of carrying Mount Tai to the top, and was about to split the earth in half.

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Ji Wuye threw a knife on the ground, the smoke rose into the sky, and the air visible to the naked eye dissipated toward the surrounding.

After the dust cleared, Ji Wuye held the knife in one hand and stood in the pit.

Looking at the big hole that was cut out by his own knife, and the exaggerated shape of the big knife in his hand, when he really felt the destructive power of this knife, Ji Wuye's confidence increased.

"A good knife, as expected of a legendary weapon!"

At this moment, he is full of arrogance, and there is a kind of person who can only exert the strength of the eighth-order peak at most, even if a demigod is coming, he dares to compete with one of them.


Ji Wuye laughed loudly, raised his head, and glanced at Bai Yifei, who was a little lost.

Ji Wuye grinned at Bai Yifei, jumped vigorously, jumped out of the big pit, and rushed towards Bai Yifei like a tank.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Wuye's figure appeared in front of Bai Yifei.

Ji Wuye swung the big knife in his hand and slashed towards Bai Yifei...

Bai Yifei was startled and looked at the big sword that was slashing towards him. He had just come back to his senses and it was too late to avoid him, so he quickly raised the long sword in his hand and went up to meet him.

Compared with the extremely exaggerated Slashing Demon and Weeping Blood, the long sword was like the difference between a toothpick and a kitchen knife. However, the moment when the blade collided with the blade, the light that was excited caused the world to change color.

After a loud noise like thunder, the blood-red air wave visible to the naked eye rolled up a cloud of dust and dispersed towards the surroundings. .

Chapter 174 Let's go, don't worry about me

Yan Lingji, who was already very weak, leaned against the wall tightly, so that she was barely swept away by this wave of air.

Bai Yifei, who was the first to bear the brunt, felt his hands sink even more. He almost failed to block the blow, and the long sword in his hand let out a painful whimper.

Bai Yifei gritted his teeth and waved his long sword vigorously, pulling away from Ji Wuye.

Looking at Ji Wuye who had an excited smile on his face not far away, Bai Yifei's arm holding the sword trembled slightly.

With one blow, Bai Yifei, whose breathing began to be a little disordered, looked at Ji Wuye not far away, and a storm surged in his heart.

In his recognition of "[-]", Ji Wuye's strength should be in the same level as him, even if he is stronger than him, it should not be much stronger.

However, unexpectedly, he almost failed to follow his blow.

It seems that if you can't do your best, it is estimated that you will be planted here tonight.

Bai Yifei took a deep breath, the blood-colored robe on his body was windless, and the cold air surged around him.

Diamond-shaped ice cubes sprang up like bamboo shoots after rain, a vine condensed from ice spread out in front of Bai Yifei, and a long white sword emerged from the ice.

When Bai Yifei's hand grasped the hilt of the white sword, a terrifying aura emerged from Bai Yifei's body and swept towards Ji Wuye.

And Bai Yifei's level has completely stabilized at level 81 from the previous level of 89 to 89.

Feeling the breathless pressure like a mountain, Ji Wuye completely understood why Bai Yifei's level was so unstable.

It turned out that the level of 81 was only his strength when holding a single sword.

His true strength is when he holds two swords in his hands.

Is this the strength of the eighth-order peak?

Ji Wuye excitedly looked at Bai Yifei's figure, holding the Demon Slayer Weeping Blood in his hand, and at this moment, infinite fighting intent surged in his heart.

He wanted to see to what extent this legendary weapon that sucked human blood could improve his strength.

Of course, this is only because he still has a life-saving trump card.

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