The corners of Youyouzi's mouth were slightly raised, and the folding fan in her hand lightly pointed forward.

"Dead Butterfly. Hua Xu's Eternal Sleep!"

The next moment, a huge light-screen folding fan dominated by pink unfolded behind You Youzi, and countless colored light butterflies poured out from it and flew towards the mysterious woman.

The colorful butterfly passed through the diamond-shaped ice cone surrounding the mysterious woman like nothing, and slammed into the mysterious woman's body.

In the air, the mysterious woman holding the ice sword suddenly froze and stopped in the air. After a while, her eyes closed and fell.


There was a slight sound, and the mysterious woman's body fell heavily to the ground, her life and death unknown.

The ice that spread around the hall gradually subsided, and the cold air gradually dissipated into the air.

The ice that spread around the hall gradually subsided, and the cold air gradually dissipated into the air.

After the mysterious woman appeared, it had turned into a hall of an ice city. After the mysterious woman fell to the ground without even screaming, it changed back to the gloomy and dark place after a while. castle.

Ji Wuye looked at the mysterious woman who fell not far away, stunned for a while, and lost his voice: "Dead?"

Looking at that almond-eyed and peach-faced face, although she couldn't tell how old she was, she had a plump buttocks and a moon, a mature body, cooked fire, spicy like a peach, and extremely charming woman, Ji. No night can not help but secretly said that it is a pity.

Such a beautiful woman, and she's still a demigod, how could she die so easily? It's a pity for such a beautiful skin.

It's only been a while since I died, so my body should still be hot, or else, while it's hot?

Just as Ji Wuye was staring at this mysterious woman in a daze, and at the moment when his heart was extremely tangled, Youyou Zi Yingying floated down from the sky...  

After coming to Ji Wuye's side, Youyouzi said eagerly, "Husband, it's over!"

"Yeah!" Ji Wuye looked at the body of the mysterious woman lying on the ground in despair, and said without looking back.

Youyouzi: "Husband, they didn't let you down, did they?"

Ji Wuye: "Yeah!"

Youyouko: "Then... Should we go home for dinner now?"


Ji Wuye returned to his senses and glanced at You Youzi, who was staring at him with expectant eyes, and really wanted to roar: "The labor and management have already told you, don't kill me, but what about you, your special mother-in-law. Killing such a good woman, still eating? Eating wool."

Unfortunately, this can only be shouted in his heart, he was afraid that if he really shouted out, Youyouko might really kill himself for the sake of that bite.

Even if she might kill her own host, the system would give her any serious punishment, and it is estimated that she would not care.

With this guy's obsession with food, if he really disappoints her, she may really kill herself desperately.

Come to think of it, it seems like there isn't a normal one in Gensokyo.

Ji Wuye took a deep breath and sighed: "You, didn't I say everything? 3.9 I want to save her life, why don't you listen, no one told you, be a man, The most important thing is to have a kind heart?"

"Having a benevolent heart can be called a human being and be worthy of being a human being. Why don't you understand?"


Youyouzi looked at Ji Wuye with her big bright eyes, nodding her head in response, as if she only had to feed her, not to mention her husband, if you said she was your daughter, she would agree.

Afterwards, Youyouzi said: "My husband is right, but I'm not human, what are you talking about with me?"


Ji Wuye choked and almost didn't catch his breath.

What she said... seems to be reasonable, she is indeed not human. .

Chapter 185 What about her, do you really expect me to invite her to dinner? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Ji Wuye roared suddenly, "What's wrong with people? As the god in charge of the undead in the underworld, you shouldn't be more compassionate."

"How can it be done by a god to kill in vain like this, especially you are still a white jade in charge of the underworld..."

"Yes, yes, I know, I'll pay more attention next time!" Youyouzi raised her hands quickly and said, "Besides, who told you that she was dead, she just fell asleep, how can you talk to the four seasons? Just as verbose."

"Huh? Not dead?"

Ji Wuye's eyes lit up, turned around, leaned over to check the mysterious woman, saw that the mysterious woman was indeed still breathing, and finally let go of her heart.

I couldn't help squatting down and looked closely at the mysterious woman who was lying on the ground, only to see her tender body hidden under the long skirt.

From the full chest to the moon, a curved valley is formed, and then from the moon to the legs, but it is a bulging hillside, which perfectly presents the attractive curve of the purple girl. came out.

It is a very beautiful face, with smooth skin and red skin, lying on the ground with a completely relaxed body, like a sleeping beautiful woman, extremely attractive.

After waiting for a long time, he turned his head and looked at Youyouzi who was looking at him curiously. Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, and secretly said, this battle is not over, why is this Youyouzi still here?

At this moment, shouldn't it be time to send her back to Gensokyo?Is it true that you are waiting to invite her to dinner?

At a time like this, how Yuyouko on the side looked at her was an eyesore.

Ji Wuye couldn't help shouting in his mind: "System Elf, what's going on? Why is Youyouzi still here, shouldn't you send her back?"

'System Elf': "I also want to send her back. You must know that every quarter of an hour she spends here, all my money is consumed."

"Just, are you sure you want to send her back now? This woman fell into a deep sleep because of Youyouzi's Huaxu's eternal sleep."

"If Youyouzi is sent back now, after Youyouzi leaves this world, Huaxu's eternal sleep will be lifted, and this woman..."

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