Mrs. Mingzhu's pretty face was placed on Ji Wuye's Yuexiong Hall, she laughed lightly, and said, "I don't care, I wish you could stay here all day, but, did you forget to pay it back today? What is there to do?"

"What can be wrong?"

Ji Wuye yawned and opened his eyes, the lady of Pearl in her arms was full of spring love, and in her eyes like water, the autumn water was flowing, and there seemed to be inexhaustible charm and spring love.

The flame in Ji Wuye's heart couldn't help but swell again, it ignited, pinched on her buttocks, and smiled evilly: "What I want to do is to be you, while the sky is still early, we After [-] more rounds of battle, life and death have been decided, how about a battle?"

Mrs. Mingzhu gave Ji Wuye a sullen look and said with a chuckle, "Okay, as long as our current king has no objection, it doesn't matter if you don't need to go to the court to see Qin's envoys."

"Don't say it's three hundred rounds, what if you fight for three more days and three nights? I will accompany you like a concubine!"


Chapter 193 Going to the DPRK

"You're not his concubine, what's he...holding the grass? What time is it now?" Ji Wuye yawned and said in shock, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

After sobering up, he finally remembered that he still had very important things to do today. Whether the affairs in Korea could come to a successful conclusion would depend on the person he was going to see today.

Mrs. Mingzhu lightly tapped on Ji Wuye's Yuexiong Hall and smiled, "What's the matter, my general, the concubine still wants to fight with you for three days and three nights, but people are very obsessed with it. What is your taste?"

Snapped!Ji Wuye patted Mrs. Pearl's buttocks heavily, and said, "You demon, the old man will one day take care of your clothes and be obedient."

Mrs. Pearl lightly bit her lips, her eyes were like water, and she said, "Come on, who's afraid of who? Why wait until one day, you can do it now, please clean up, my concubine. It seems that you have taken care of it.~"

Ji Wuye stretched his neck, moved his neck, and said: "Don't make trouble, there are still very important things today, but this matter is related to whether the lord can give you a happy future for this goblin, - Change my clothes now."

Mrs. Pearl was stunned. She thought that Ji Wuye was just playing with her, but when she heard Ji Wuye just say this, he looked at it with a very serious expression although he was indifferent.

He just said these words, as if... seriously?

Mrs. Pearl was stunned for a while, and unexpectedly did not tease Ji Wuye any more, but got up and took Ji Wuye's clothes from the screen on the side, and gently changed Ji Wuye's clothes.

Mrs. Mingzhu carefully adjusted Ji Wuye's clothes, not to be charming in the past, looked at Ji Wuye affectionately, and said, "Although I don't know what you want to do, no matter what you want to do. Be careful, some things cannot be solved by force!"

Ji Wuye looked at the somewhat abnormal Mrs. Pearl, stunned for a while, and said, "What happened to you today? Did you use too much force last night, and the game broke?"

She grabbed Mrs. Pearl's cheeks with both hands and tugged it to both sides, then touched Mrs. Pearl's forehead, and asked curiously, "You don't have a fever?"

"Fuck you!" Mrs. Mingzhu pushed Ji Wuye lightly, yawning lazily, and said, "Get out of here, don't die, or you let me get it. Find such a strong man again."

Ji Wuye smiled and said: "What? Can't bear me? It's just like you, don't worry, with you such a demon, how could I be willing to die? Don't worry, you will never be in your life. There are opportunities for widowhood.”

"Go... go..." Mrs. Mingzhu waved her hand impatiently and said, "Who will be a widow for you, even if you die, you want to find such a strong man It's a bit difficult, but it's okay, I can find more, if the quality is not good, I can use the quantity to make up."

Snapped!Ji Wuye took a heavy pat on her buttocks, and found a few more. I think you need to clean up, wait, after the night is over, the labor and management will come to take care of you.

Gently caressing the aching buttocks that he patted, Mrs. Pearl burst into anger and watched Ji Wuye walk out of the hall.

Under the leadership of the little palace maid, Ji Wuye swayed towards the front hall.

Under the leadership of the little palace maid, Ji Wuye swayed towards the front hall.

Hundreds of officials rushed to the court early, not late, and they walked in a hurry, like Ji Wuye, swaying and humming a little song all the way, I dare not say that there is absolutely no, but they are few and far between.

At this time, hundreds of civil and military officials had already gathered in the hall. There were dozens of people. Although the whole country of South Korea was not very big, although the sparrow was small, it had all the internal organs, and there were quite a few officials.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

Holding ivory cards in their hands, they gathered together in twos and threes to discuss something in a low voice.

In the position of the head of the civil servants, he was holding an ivory card open, standing tight, closing his eyes and resting.

Not far away, Han Fei stood indifferently and discussed something with the surrounding court. Judging from the faint smile on his face, it seemed that he was not worried about the pressure of the army at this time.

After patrolling around, I saw a few acquaintances, but these acquaintances did not seem to get along very well with him Ji Wuye, so he had to yawn and walk to his place, quietly waiting for the arrival of the new king.


"The King is here!"

During the singing of a little eunuch, the new king came up slowly, looking at the yawning, dragging a body that seemed to be out of strength, and came to the hall with a tired look on the new king. , I don't know what he did last night.

And when the new king stepped into the hall, a haze flashed across Han Yu's face, staring at the figure above the hall with incomparable anger in his eyes.

Being seized by him is only one aspect, but there is another reason why Han Yu resents the new king so much.

It turned out that under the instigation of Ji Wuye, the former prince, the current king of Han, put Han Yu's mother-in-law to sleep.

Ji Wuye swore to the new king that no one would know about it, and the innocent new king would also believe it.

Because of the hatred of Han Yu and him for robbing him of the crown prince, the new king kept Han Yu's mother-in-law in a hall in the harem under the repeated assurances of Ji Wuye, thinking that in the name of the late king guarding the spirit, it was not allowed. No one bothers.

So that now as long as the new king is in a bad mood, he will toss and torture Han Yu's mother-in-law. .

Chapter 194 Li Si (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Under Ji Wuye's instruction, this matter naturally and inadvertently leaked out of the palace and reached Han Yu's ears.

Anyway, this new king has already been charged with murdering his father, and he doesn't care if he is charged with killing another brother.

These people who are related to Princess Red Lotus can't be removed by Ji Wuye, who still has Red Lotus in mind, so he has no choice but to grieve the new king.

"The Qin envoy Li Si has an audience!"

Hearing the little eunuch's singing, Ji Wuye couldn't help but turn his head and cast his eyes outside the hall.

I saw a handsome and handsome scholar dressed in soapy white brocade clothes, holding a talisman and stepping into the hall step by step.

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