In the court and the opposition, or even in the harem, there is no such a young boy who is backed by the mountain, can he fight against Lu Buwei?

If he didn't carry the memories of later generations, no matter what others thought, Ji Wuye would definitely not think that Ying Zheng had any chance of winning.

PS: I have changed Chapter 192 more than a dozen times in the past two days, but I still can't pass it. .

Chapter 199 Also ask the general to enlighten me (seeking flowers and monthly tickets)

In order to give Li Si a little more confidence, Ji Wuye said with a smile: "Yes, as Lord Li said, with the current power of Lu Buwei in the Qin Dynasty, it is only with the strength of Lord Li that he wants to help King Qin regain power. It's different from a fool's dream."

If it's too simple, wouldn't it not reflect the value of my existence from time to time?

Ji Wuye went on to say: "However, even though Master Li is at ease, I have to say that Qin is really a magical country. After so many generations of Ming Jun, this generation of Ming Jun is still a master of great talent and strategy. His future achievements will definitely not be under his grandfather King Zhaoxiang."


Liston's "Twenty-seven" face was full of emotion, he raised his head abruptly, stared at Ji Wuye, and said, "Why did General Ji say this?"

Even Li Si, an envoy of the Qin state, had never seen this generation of Qin kings, how could Ji Wuye dare to be so sure that this generation of Qin kings would be a generation of Ming Jun?

Now Lu Buwei can be said to be covering the sky with one hand in the Qin country. Even the matter of sending an envoy to other countries, who will send the envoy and when, are all determined by him, and he has never even been informed. King of Qin.

So much so that an envoy on a mission to another country has never even seen his own king, which is really puzzling.

This is also the reason why Li Si was able to send missions to other countries just after he joined Lu Buwei's command.

Lu Buwei was so arrogant and domineering, which naturally strengthened Ying Zheng's determination to get rid of him.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about it. Master Li only needs to know that this generation of King Qin will definitely exceed your imagination."

Ji Wuye didn't bother to explain to Li Si, and besides, he couldn't explain it at all.

He Ji Wuye has never been to the Qin country, and he has met the King of Qin. How do you ask him to explain? Could it be that he has come from across the country, and Ying Zheng will definitely rule the world in the future and become an emperor through the ages?

Don't say that Ji Wuye couldn't say it at all, even if he did say it, Li Si would think that Ji Wuye had a problem with his brain.

Although Ji Wuye never gave a reasonable explanation, in Li Si's eyes, his performance became even more unfathomable.

First, the amazing remarks in front of him let people know that Ji Wuye was not a brainless man, and then he put on such an unfathomable appearance.

Li Si couldn't help but believe what Ji Wuye said even more, just like some brick houses called beasts on TV in a previous life. First of all, I told you a lot of professional terms and so on, and you were confused when you heard it. , I feel like a very powerful look.

In the end, he tells you that the next lottery ticket will definitely open 6 2s. Although he may just be talking nonsense, you can't help but write.

Li Si was in this situation at this time, looking at the appearance of a peerless expert, staring at Ji Wuye's cheeks, as if he wanted to see something from his face.

However, on his stubborn old face, apart from stubble, all he could see was a confident smile, which made Li Si feel that Ji Wuye was even more unfathomable, more like A reclusive senior.

However, on his stubborn old face, apart from stubble, all he could see was a confident smile, which made Li Si feel that Ji Wuye was even more unfathomable, more like A reclusive senior.

Because of this kind of smile, Li Si has seen it on the faces of two people, one is his teacher Xun Zi, and the other is his brother, Han Fei, who is destined to be his enemy. Pass.

It was a smile full of care, although I didn't know where the confidence of the man in front of him came from.

But Li Si couldn't help but begin to believe what Ji Wuye said. He really began to believe that Ying Zheng was a generation of Ming Jun who might be comparable to his grandfather, King Zhaoxiang.

After believing Ji Wuye's words, Li Si's heart beat faster.

He, Li Si, is not only satisfied with being a low-ranking official under Lu Buwei's subordinates, but if this Ying Zheng is really a generation of Mingjun, then why can't he, Li Si, give it a shot.

After all, if it is successful, it will be under one person and over ten thousand people.

This kind of temptation is really impossible for Li Si to refuse.

Seeing the changing expression on Li Si's face, Ji Wuye knew that it had already happened. In order to let Li Si make an early decision, Ji Wuye decided to take another powerful medicine.

I saw Ji Wuye slowly picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "Besides, this generation of King Qin is not alone. , and it is not as you think, without any backing."


Li Si's eyes were full of light, and he said, "Please ask the general for advice!"

If this generation of King Qin is not only a generation of Ming Jun, but also has other available backers standing behind him, Li Si would not mind giving it a shot.

In fact, at this moment, Li Si has already made a plan to give it a shot. Even if King Qin is really alone, he Li Si is willing to give it a shot.

All great talents must have perseverance and arrogance in their hearts.

Just like Li Si, Li Si thinks that he is talented enough to be in the prime of life. If you throw him a small official, he will not look down on it at all.

Furthermore, for a person like him, the more difficulties and challenges he faces in the future, the more he can prove his Li Si's talent, right?

He believed that if he really helped this generation of King Qin regain power, what he would get would be far more than just the position of Prime Minister of a country.

His name, Li Si, will be famous all over the world, and his name will remain in history. .

Chapter 200 What Mr. Li wants is not Tianze, right? (For flowers, ask for a monthly pass)

Judging from the change in Li Si's tone towards Ji Wuye, Ji Wuye already knew that Li Si had already made a decision in his heart.

Now that he has made a decision in his heart, Li Si is naturally very interested in the resources he can use, and he can't help but become respectful and kind to Ji Wuye's tone.

Ji Wuye said with a smile: "I don't dare to give advice, but helping the King of Qin to regain power, although it seems very difficult and dangerous, it may not be as difficult as you think."

Seeing Li Si staring at him intently, Ji Wuye said: "Shangqing Mengyu, who has served as King Qin Zhaoxiang, Qin Xiaowen, Qin Zhuangxiang, and the current Qin King, they are veteran officials of the four dynasties, who have gone on military expeditions several times, and have repeatedly established themselves. Military exploits. He has successively captured more than ten cities in South Korea, more than [-] cities in Zhao State, and more than [-] cities in Wei State."

"The Meng family has always been loyal to the king of Qin, and his son Meng Tian has a deep personal relationship with the king of Qin today. The Meng family is worthy of use."

02 A light flashed in Li Si's eyes, and he naturally knew about the Meng family. Although the Meng family did not clearly state their position, Li Si knew that, as Ji Wuye said, the Meng family had always been loyal to the King of Qin, and it was indeed worthy of use.

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