"And you, Yingzheng, as the king of Qin, should take it as your responsibility to go out to the east to rule the world. At that time, dare to ask the king, how will you face the Ying clan, and the ancestors of the ancestors who came out of the east to strengthen the Qin Dynasty? Wish?" Ji Wuye looked at Ying Zheng and said righteously.

Ji Wuye's remarks were so impassioned that Ying Zheng couldn't help but be speechless.

After being silent for a long time, Ying Zheng looked solemn, raised his hand, and gave Ji Wuye a deep salute: "The general's words are shocking, how could Zheng ever forget the wishes of our ancestors and sects to come out to the east, and how dare he ever forget them. The wish of the ancestors to rule the world."

"How can it be like what the general said, Qin is now in power and ministers are in power, and the government is still unable to do it.

"The purpose of this trip is not to travel around the mountains and waters, but to hear that Han Fei is a great talent. It is precisely to find someone who can help the widow to complete this rule of the world, and I hope the general will teach me."

Ying Zheng was a wise ruler of a generation, capable of flexing and extending. After seeing Ji Wuye hitting the key points with every sentence, he immediately put down the figure of the King of Qin and asked for advice with the attitude of a polite corporal.

Looking at Ying Zheng with a sincere face in front of him, if Ji Wuye didn't know Ying Zheng's mean and unkind personality, he would really have the urge to follow him.

Ji Wuye pretended to be frightened with both hands, and said, "Your Majesty, what the hell!"

Ying Zheng also didn't get up, and said, "I heard the general's words today, and I realized that the general is a great talent hidden in the city. Since the general can know the current predicament of Zheng, and he has the heart to end this troubled world, he also taught me rashly. "

"Your Majesty, please get up!" Ji Wuye hurried over and helped Ying Zheng up. After he sat down again, Ji Wuye said, "Your Majesty, governing the country is divided into internal and external, and internal affairs are more powerful than external affairs, so Ji Mou will tell the king about this internal matter first."

Ying Zheng nodded and raised his right hand to signal Ji Wuye to continue.

Ji Wuye said solemnly: "Today's Daqin is just like the Daqin in the time of King Zhaoxiang. In the time of King Zhaoxiang, outsiders only knew the Empress Dowager, Lord Huayang, and the Marquis of Rang, but not the King of Qin. Today's Daqin, outsiders only know I know Lu Buwei, but I don't know the king."

"As soon as Qin State is mentioned, everyone only knows Lu Buwei, as if there is no King Qin in Qin State at all."

"The simplest example is that Li Si, the envoy to Korea this time, was willing to serve Qin, and even risked offending Lu Buwei for this, and stopped him in front of Lu Buwei's frame late at night."

"Why is this? Could it be that Li Si doesn't want to serve King Qin? No, but because he only knows Lu Buwei. In his impression, King Qin is just a plaything of Lu Buwei. Therefore, if you want to serve Qin, just go. Throwing it to Lu Buwei's door, that's right."

"Ji dares to assert that Li Si is definitely not the only one who thinks this way, and that's why Lu Buwei's disciples are all over the world."

"So, if Lu Buwei does not get rid of it, the king will not be able to rule the country, and if Da Qin wants to go east, it can only be a joke."

Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "To tell the truth, the widow also has this intention, but now that Lu Buwei's family and former officials are all over the court and the opposition, this man is scheming and has no fault, what is it to want to get rid of him? difficulty."

Ji Wuye smiled and said meaningfully: "That's right, Lu Buwei is indeed an old fox. It's impossible to get hold of him."

"It's as if he ordered Ben to help Ba Linglong act in Korea this time. If Ben is right, Ba Linglong's goal should be the king."

Ying Zheng glanced at Ji Wuye and said, "There has always been a question in the mind of the widow."

Ying Zheng glanced at Ji Wuye and said, "There has always been a question in the mind of the widow."

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "What the king wants to ask is that Ji has always been in close contact with Luo Net, and Luo Net is in Lu Buwei's hands."

"Since the net has ordered Ji to assist them to deal with the king, why is Ji here at this moment?"

Ying Zheng said: "Yes, as far as the widow knows, General Ji has a close relationship with Luo Wang. Since Lu Buwei has asked the general to cooperate with Ba Linglong in this operation, since General Ji knows that the widow is here, why did he come alone?"

This is exactly what Ying Zheng couldn't figure out. In theory, since Ji Wuye knew that he was here, he should assist Ba Linglong to assassinate him. Why did he come alone and tell himself this? The remarks.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "Ji will explain this to the king. Let's talk about how to get rid of Lu Buwei first."

Ying Zheng nodded, just as Ji Wuye said, governance of the country is divided into internal and external, and internal affairs are far more important than external affairs. At this time, his confidant's trouble is Lu Buwei.

Ji Wuye said: "Lu Buwei's work can be said to be impeccable. Although Lu Buwei asked Ji to cooperate with Ba Linglong to assassinate the king, it was Ba Linglong who contacted Ji. Even if Ba Linglong's mission failed, he spat out Lu Buwei and Ji's correction. It's useless."

"He will only say that Ba Linglong and Ji are framing him, and coupled with his power in the court, the king still has nothing to do with him."

Ying Zheng nodded and acquiesced to Ji Wuye's words.

As Ji Wuye said, even if he knew now that Lu Buwei had sent someone to assassinate him, so what, others would not believe it. 643

Ying Zheng said, "According to the general's opinion, how to get rid of this scheming old fox?"

Ji Wuye raised the corner of his mouth, and said meaningfully: "Although Lu Buwei is scheming and does not leak anything, as far as Ji knows, there is such a person in Xianyang, although he also has great ambitions, But his actions are far inferior to Lu Buwei."

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, then a strange color flashed in his eyes, and said, "General, you mean, Marquis Wenxin?"

"Not bad!"

Ji Wuye nodded, squinting his eyes and said meaningfully: "This person is arrogant and arrogant by nature, what he wants, the king can give him, feed him until he can fight against Lu Buwei, feed him. …even thoughts that no one else would dare to think about.”

Ying Zheng asked in confusion, "What does this have to do with Lu Buwei?"

Ji Wuye said, "Your Majesty, have you forgotten about this person...Did Lu Buwei bring in the palace?"

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and the corner of his mouth slowly raised. Hearing this, if he didn't understand what Ji Wuye meant, then he was not Ying Zheng.

A stern look flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes, and then he bowed to Ji Wuye and said, "The general is really talented!"


Chapter 206 Planning (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Ji Wuye waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty has won the prize. Although this method can indeed get rid of these two people, it is not without risks. After all, these two people have been deeply ingrained in the Qin Dynasty."

"For this reason, Ji has prepared a few available people for the king."

Ying Zheng said, "General, please speak."

Ji Wuye said: "First of all, if you want to get rid of these two people, the king must first control the military power of Xianyang. Mengao has been loyal to Qin for all dynasties, and the power of the Meng family can be used. The same is true of Wang Jian, so the king of the king's power can also be used. Use it with confidence."

"As for the civil servants, Li Si, who came to Xinzheng this time, went out with Han Feishi, and he is also a genius. Ji has already prepared the ground for the king, and he will be introduced to meet the king in the past two days."

"With these three people, Ji believes that it is enough for the king to regain power from Lu Buwei's hands."

"On the east side, when the king can be dictatorial, Ji will convince the king of Han to merge into the Qin state, and help the king of Qin without a single soldier. Those are the first cities in the east."

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