Chapter 212: Injuring Xuan Jian (For Flowers)

The sky was pitch black as ink, the sky was snowing heavily, and the surrounding area was white, and the battle continued.

After seeing Wei Zhuang's reappearance, Xuan Jian was slightly surprised, but he didn't say much, and even a strong fighting spirit ignited. Fight together.

For a time, the sword light flickered in the sky above Zilan Xuan, and all the snowflakes within thirty feet were swept away.

Suddenly, the sound of the dragon's roar resounded in the heaven and the earth, and the two swords of Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang were combined.

The sound of the dragon's roar was continuous, and the roof under Ji Wuye's feet trembled slightly, and not a single snowflake could fall.

Xuan Yan, dressed as Captain Jack, has a fearless face, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, revealing a savage smile, and he bows his body like a human-shaped tiger, moving towards Jin Xian. ?/p>

Xuan Jian did not retreat, raised the black and white double swords in his hand, above the double swords, he spit out black 387 and white air, and slashed towards the two long dragons formed by the sword energy.


The sound shattered the sky, the sword light and the long dragon shattered, setting off a gust of wind.

The airflow swept away towards the surroundings, and Ji Wuye couldn't help covering his face with his hands, shielding the snowflakes caught in the airflow, and the robes on his body were blown whirring.

At the same time, the back moves of Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang also attacked at the same time.

The long swords in their hands blocked Xuan Jian's escape route.

It was not easy to be able to directly block the hundred-step flying sword and traverse all directions issued by the two of them.

A bloodthirsty smile suddenly appeared on Xuan Jian's face. He ignored the others and took a step forward. The white sword in his hand hit Wei Zhuang's blade. half a minute.

(acde) And the black sword was handed directly towards Wei Zhuang's chest, completely a life-threatening dismissal.

The reason why Wei Zhuang was chosen was because from the very beginning, Xuan Jian had already seen that the two people in front of him, that senior brother had kindness and would never leave his junior brother alone and watch him helplessly. The younger brother died.

Sure enough, it was not beyond Xuan Jian's expectations.

When Gai Nie's sword pierced forward half a point, he could kill Xuan Jian, but at the same time, Wei Zhuang's chest would also be pierced by Xuan Jian.

Almost in an instant, Gai Nie's sure-kill move suddenly forcibly changed in the air, blocking Wei Zhuang's attack from the stab that month.


The blood splashed, and the tooth shark that was hit stabbed Xuan Jian's shoulder and came out through his body.

The sword that Xuan Jian stabbed towards Wei Zhuang, although it was blocked by Gai Nie, the black sword light also made a long hole on Wei Zhuang's Yuexiong's bore.

Xuan Jian used this kind of fighting for his life, and he was stunned to resolve the fatal blow of Zongheng's cooperation.

Xuan Jian used this kind of fighting for his life, and he was stunned to resolve the fatal blow of Zongheng's cooperation.

In the distance, Ji Wuye couldn't help but be moved.

Is this the strength of a ninth-order master?

After receiving the vertical and horizontal hundred-step flying sword and the vertical and horizontal direction, it can also resolve the following fatal blow.

Throughout the entire Qin Dynasty, Ji Wuye had never seen anyone who could take the blow from the two brothers head-on.

Not to mention that after taking this move head-on, it can also resolve the joint kill that the two of them follow closely.

I remember that in the Qin Dynasty, the brothers Zongheng and Hengqiang jointly attacked, but they directly repelled the Six Swordsmen.

Both belonged to the Yueto Eight Swords, this Xuan Jian's strength was actually so much higher than that of the Six Swordsmen.

Of course, it is also possible that when the Six Swordsmen were repelled, the two brothers had already reached the peak level, which is related to the fact that the two brothers are still a little immature.

But this does not deny Xuan Jian's strength. You must know that Xuan Jian at this moment is one enemy and two.

Although he cracked the fatal blow of the vertical and horizontal, Xuan Jian's state at this time was not much better.

The cheater holding the white sword drooped naturally. Obviously, in a short period of time, this left arm was useless.

Being pierced by a sword from the shoulder of a shark tooth, if this left arm can still have combat power, it no longer belongs to the category of human beings.

Although the brothers Zongheng severely injured Xuanjian, they were not much better.

Ergouzi's chest was directly cut by Jianmang with a very long hole, although due to Gai Nie's timely rescue, his internal organs were not injured.

But in a short period of time, Ergouzi is also considered a waste.

Gai Nie supported Wei Zhuang's arm, while watching Xuan Jian secretly vigilantly, he asked with concern, "Xiao Zhuang, are you alright!"

"Cough cough!"

Wei Zhuang's face was pale, he coughed twice, and said lightly, "Why did you stop just now, why didn't you just kill him."


Chapter 213 Zhan Xuanjian (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Gai Nie didn't answer Wei Zhuang's question, Hengjian stood in front of Wei Zhuang, and watched Xuan Jian not far away vigilantly.

Taking a deep look at Gai Nie standing in front of him, Wei Zhuang said lightly, "I didn't expect my brother to have made any progress in all these years, the benevolence of a woman."

On the other hand, Xuan Jian had already raised a retreat in his heart at this time. With his current state, it was impossible to complete the task any more.

Since it is a miss, then it is natural to retreat decisively and look for the next opportunity. This is the criterion for being a killer.

Xuan Jian sneered, looked at Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang deeply, covered his shoulders, turned around and prepared to leave.

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