Xuan Jian's body swayed slightly, and under his feet, the ground paved with azure slate, black cracks spread around.


A crisp sound penetrated Xuan Jian's ears, Xuan Jian's expression froze, and he stared at it, only to see a small crack suddenly appearing on the body of the black sword in his hand.

Xuan Jian secretly thought that it was not good, his arms protruded with blue veins, and he waved forward vigorously, Ji Wuye flew out backwards, and slid back several meters in the snow before barely standing up.

Xuan Jian's face was shocked. Although he successfully blocked the knife, he also paid a heavy price for it.

In his stunned eyes, a small cracking sound came from the black sword in his hand, and then, the entire sword body instantly turned into countless fragments, which fell on the ground.

Ji Wuye's knife that inspired the blood in the knife, how could it be so easy to follow.

Almost at the moment when the swords collided, the black sword in Xuan Jian's hand was cut into two pieces. It splits in two in an instant.

Although he reluctantly took this incomparable sword in the end, the long sword in his hand shattered it in an instant because of the strength that could not be swept away.

After Xuan Jian withdrew the sword qi from the sword, the entire body of the black sword naturally turned into countless fragments and scattered on the ground.

Xuan Jian's heart was extremely shocked, and his face was full of incredulity, but at this time, Ji Wuye's heart was even more shocked than he was.

The last blood-clothed duke who took his sword from the front was cut off by the sword.

But Xuan Jian, who was in front of him, not only took the knife from himself, but also paid the price of broken sword.

You must know that Xuan Jian was seriously injured at this time, and an arm had been abolished by the brothers Zongheng.

Even so, he can still take over his own knife. If he was in his prime, how terrifying his strength would be.

The fighting spirit in Ji Wuye's heart instantly boiled uncontrollably, he laughed wildly, and said, "Come again!"

The fighting spirit in Ji Wuye's heart instantly boiled uncontrollably, he laughed wildly, and said, "Come again!"

After saying that, he bowed and jumped, and the figure instantly appeared on the side of Xuan Jian, rounded the big sword in his hand, and swept out towards Xuan Jian.


Xuan Jian gave a wicked laugh. Although he did not have the kind of plug-in Ji Wuye that could see through people's strength and level, he was as strong as Xuan Jian and could clearly feel what level Ji Wuye's strength was at.

However, just such a person with a much lower strength than himself, in addition to displaying such fierce strength, the black sword that has followed him for many years is also folded in this person's hands.

This is something that even an opponent who is on a par with him cannot do it. Could it be because of this weird knife in his hand?

Xuan Jian threw the hilt of the black sword that remained in his hand, and the white sword instantly appeared in his right hand.

With a loud clang, gold and stones rang out, and the dark red sword pierced through the air like a dark red meteor, hitting the white sword in Xuan Jian's hand.

With their eyes facing each other, the red and white surging forces clashed fiercely, without roaring or shouting, only the azure slate floor under their feet made a painful moan, and the cracks and collapsed 0 ..

"What a powerful force, you really surprised me."

Xuan Jian gritted his teeth and grinned, "However, if you can't always play at the level just now, if you want to kill me, it's not enough."

"is it?"

Ji Wuye grinned, his left hand suddenly shot like lightning, and in Xuan Jian's astonished eyes, he grabbed Xuan Jian's neck like lightning.

Xuan Jian said in surprise: "How could it be..."

He couldn't figure it out, Ji Wuye's strength was obviously much lower than him, why he couldn't even see how the other party made a move just now.

"Nothing is impossible, who made you one less arm than I." Ji Wuye grinned at Xuan Jian, suddenly raised his hand and lifted Xuan Jian up.

"Dark Cry!"

A hurricane rose from the ground in vain, and the raging wind blade kept strangling Xuan Jian's body. Even if Xuan Jian tried his best to mobilize the sword energy around his body to protect his body, countless wounds were still cut by the wind blade all over his body.

"The Gate of Hades!"

When the hurricane stopped, Ji Wuye's arm burst into blue veins, his muscles agitated, and he slammed Xuan Jian's head down on the 5.7 azure slate ground.


Xuan Jian's body slammed heavily on the ground, and the slate floor continued to crack and collapse, instantly smashing a large pit out of the blue-green slate floor.

The bright red blood under Xuan Jian's body, like a plum blossom blooming in the snow, gradually spread to the surrounding.

PS: Regarding the name of Gouniz’s skills, each of his skills has several names. For the simplest example, Night Hurricane also has a name called Night Chasing Wind.

Different versions have different names for the same move, so don't be surprised if I don't use the one you know here.

If you don't believe it, you can also go to Baidu to see if there is any name I use. .

Chapter 215 What did you just say? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Xuan Jian was seriously injured, but after taking Ji Wuye's combo at this time, he exhaled a lot of qi and took in less qi.

Ji Wuye and even the villain died for the reason of talking too much, especially Xuan Jian, a master who was already a level higher than him.

Who knows if he has any other means of counterattack before death. In the film and television works of the previous life, how many villains were killed because of too much talk.

A master like Xuan Jian could not give him any chance to come back.

Looking at Xuan Jian, who was lying on the ground with unknown life and death, Ji Wuye said nothing, picked up the Demon Slayer and Weeping Blood, and slashed towards Xuan Jian.

"Wait a minute, stay under the knife..."


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