"I don't know what your ambassador said, but it counts?"

Li Si nodded and said, "Of course, Qin and Han have been on good terms with each other for generations. The thief in Tianze has come out of the Han Kingdom, and Han is powerless to destroy it. Qin is naturally bound to do so.."

Ji Wuye said: "That's good, now that Tian Ze has escaped into the territory of Qin State, my country, Korea, is really helpless, and I hope Qin State can help Korea and bring this thief to justice."

"After taking this thief, not only can I give an explanation to your king, but I can also remove a major disaster for my country. For this matter, it is up to Master Li."

As soon as Ji Wuye said this, King Han, who was sitting on the throne, was overjoyed.

Yes, aren't you going to send troops to help me capture Tian Ze?

Now Tian Ze is in your Qin country, go back and catch yourself, don't bother me.

King Han on the throne said with a smile on his face: "The Qin envoy also heard what General Ji said. If Ze has fled to Qin today, my country, Han, is naturally helpless about it now."

"In the name of King Han, the widow asks Qin to help me, Han, and bring this thief to justice."

In the entire hall, only the King Han, whose brain was not easy to use, would believe that such a reason could convince Li Si.

Who is Li Si? You said that Tianze fled into Qin, and Tianze fled into Qin?

Even if Tian Ze really escaped into Qin State, when Qin State intervenes in this matter, 1.5 can still say that Tian Ze is still in Korea.

They can still send troops into South Korea in the name of destroying Tianze.

Han Fei stroked his forehead lightly. He could now think of how Li Si would answer, and he couldn't help but sigh, and was about to come out and clean up the mess himself.

Seeing Li Si bowing his head and pondering for a moment, he said, "Well, if Zeguo really escaped into Qin State that day, I wouldn't blame General Ji. If that's the case, then Li Si will go back and report to my king, and let my king issue a decree to enter Qin State. Inside, hunt down Tian Ze."


Hearing Li Si's words, the whole room was shocked, Zhang Kaidi and Han Fei were even more stunned.

This... just believe it?

Just believe it? .

Chapter 220 Arguments (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

At this time, even Han Fei on the side was a little confused about Li Si's performance at the moment.

With what he knew about Li Si and the current situation, Li Si would not have exposed the matter so easily.

Come to think of it, he must have some other purpose.

Sure enough, Li Si continued to say: "Although Tianze, my Daqin, can arrest Han, Han did not protect my Daqin envoy when he entered Korea, so that my Daqin envoy was assassinated in Han, Han Wei As long as the protection can be done, this matter should also give me an explanation for Daqin."

As expected, Li Si couldn't easily expose the matter, and the next thing should be the focus.

With Ji Wuye's nonsense and perfunctory words just now, Han Fei did not dare to let Ji Wuye face Li Si again.

As soon as Li Si finished speaking, Han Fei stood up and asked with a smile, "I don't know what Master Li is referring to, what kind of speech do you want?"

The envoys of other countries were killed in Korea, and Han failed to protect them. Naturally, he had to give others an explanation.

There has always been a war between the two countries, and it is said that they do not cut it.

Since Qin's envoy entered the territory of Korea and was killed in the territory of Korea, no matter what reason you have, the responsibility is also yours, and you really have to give others an explanation.

Not to mention that the current Qin State is stronger than other countries, even if the strength is equal, even if the two countries are at war.

As long as one party sends an envoy, you must ensure the security of the other party's envoy in your own country.

Otherwise, you say that other people's envoys did not kill themselves, but that another country sow discord and sent people to assassinate them.

Even if it were true, who would believe it?

Even if others believe your words, the death of the envoys of other countries has nothing to do with you.

However, if you are a country, you can't even protect the safety of other people's envoys, how can anyone establish diplomatic relations with you?

It’s okay if you can’t protect it, it means that your country’s national strength has rotted to a certain extent, and you can’t even protect a person’s safety on the road.

However, after the envoys of other countries were killed, you couldn't help but shirk your responsibilities and didn't give them an explanation, and that's over.

Even Han Fei had to admit at this time that when something like this happened, Han 丨 Korea would naturally have to give others an explanation.

What he can do in this is nothing more than the question of how much South Korea pays.

Of course, if you can make the other party stop worrying about it, that's fine.

Li Si glanced at Han Fei, then raised his head to look at King Han on the throne, and said, "The envoy of the Qin State was killed in Han. If I, Qin, are indifferent, the whole world will think that my Qin State can be bullied."

Li Si glanced at Han Fei, then raised his head to look at King Han on the throne, and said, "The envoy of the Qin State was killed in Han. If I, Qin, are indifferent, the whole world will think that my Qin State can be bullied."

"However, if the king is willing to condescend and personally send the remains of my Daqin envoy to Xianyang to show his sincerity, then the Qin state can forgive the past."

As soon as Li Si said this, there was an uproar in the hall. If King Han really sent the envoy back to Xianyang, they would completely become the laughing stock of the world.

King Han on the throne had a sullen look on his face, not because he was estimating his own face, but because he had traveled thousands of miles from Xinzheng to Xianyang. He had arrived since he was a child, and he had never even been out of Xinzheng a few times. The spoiled King Han couldn't eat it. That bitter.

As for his face, and Korea's face, he really didn't think about it.

If it wasn't for the long journey, he wouldn't mind sending Qin's envoy back to Xianyang, even if he helped the coffin.

I have to say that the face thing is not a problem at all in front of the Han kings of all dynasties.

His ancestors once drove a car for King Qin Huiwen when he was the prime minister of Longmen. Not only did he not feel ashamed at all, but he also practiced his driving skills along the way when he went to Longmen from South Korea.

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