This sentence is not only for Li Si, but also for the trash on the throne.

He stood up at this time, in addition to not wanting to lose face, but also to win people's hearts.

Show it to the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, how much better you are than this waste.

As soon as Han Yu's remarks came out, the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty deeply agreed, and even those civil servants who were attached to Ji Wuye's command and whom Ji Wuye did not know couldn't help but give Han Yu a deep look.

I have to say that Han Yu is personable and has an extraordinary temperament. Putting him and the King Han on the throne together, even if they don't speak, they will judge.

But it's a pity, although there are wily old officials like Zhang Kaidi, there are geniuses in the world like Han Fei, and there are also dragons and phoenixes like Han Yu.

But Li Si is also not an ordinary person. The prime minister who ordered Qing Shi sneered and said: "Although they are side by side, there are also differences. Wei Que has a nest, and Wei Jiu occupies it."

"Although Han is the lord of the country, he did unite the two countries of Zhao and Wei, and the three families obtained it by dividing the land of Jin, and the king of Qin was a hereditary king who was conferred by Zhou Tianzi himself."

"It's orthodox, how can it be compared with Han?"


Chapter 222 Are these words true? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

"Lord Li's words are bad!"

I saw Han Fei walked up to Li Si and said, "Heaven moves forever, not for Yao's existence, not for Jie's fall, Jin's decline and fall, Han, Wei, and Zhao's three states, not human's will, but the way of heaven."

"Although Mr. Li preached that the Qin state was orthodox by the canonization of Zhou Tianzi, if Han Fei remembered correctly, Zhou was destroyed by Qin, and Lu Xiang, the Marquis of Wenxin of your country, even personally ended the royal line of Da Zhou. "

These so-called orthodox and unorthodox sayings have always had their own etiquette.

The Han, Wei, and Zhao families were originally ministers of the Jin state. After Jin became weak, the three families found a plausible reason to rebel and divide up the Jin state. This is also normal. Who makes you weak.

Although the late Zhou Tianzi did not have any rights, he still had his duty and did not do anything to provoke Qin.

It can even be said that when King Qin Huiwen became king, he also personally went to Longmen to give him.

But King Zhaoxiang of Qin was still the first to destroy Zhou. For no other reason, who made your position on the path of the east exit.

Also, who made you incompetent, you are still in the name of the Son of Heaven.

It can be said that none of those in power is clean, and these reasons can be used to talk to the common people.

Who doesn't know who?Here, you don't need to talk about these things.

Li Siben also never thought of asking King Han to personally send Qin envoys to Xianyang. Now, having South Korea's face would not bring any benefit to Qin at all.

But it is because of the way of negotiation that I ask for the price, you sit on the ground and bargain, everything is just to pave the way for the future.

To put it more vulgarly, in other countries, you can still step on their faces. In this South Korea, there is still the existence of shame?

Don't talk about the benefits of stepping on him, you can't even find a sense of accomplishment (acfa).

Although Han Guo's face is worthless to Qin, but to the Koreans themselves, they still have to talk about it.

It was precisely because he knew that Korea was full of dynasties and would not agree with this approach, that Li Si brought it up.

Otherwise, if they really wanted to, Li Si wouldn't be happy.

With your little face, you can be a treasure yourself, after all, you have to pretend to be in front of your own Shen Min.

But for Li Si, it's a bit ugly and a little disgusting.

If he was on a mission, he would go back with such a thing, let alone Lu Buwei, even Ying Zheng would be very disappointed in him.

Li Si did not refute Han Fei's words, and continued: "If the king is not willing to condescend, then there is another way."

"In those days, Duke Huan of Qi helped the State of Yan. After he won the victory, Duke Yanzhuang personally saw him off. The conversation was very pleasant, and before he knew it, he was sent to the territory of the State of Qi."

"Duke Huan of Qi was deeply disrespectful, so he ceded the place where Duke Yanzhuang walked to the state of Yan, and it was a good talk for a while."

Speaking of this, Li Si's voice suddenly rose and said, "Why doesn't Korea follow the example of the Five Hegemons and promise to cede the land to Qin State based on the place where the Qin envoy was assassinated."

"This kind of honesty will definitely win the world's reputation and quell the disaster of the army."

At this moment, Li Sicai finally revealed his intentions.

At this moment, Li Sicai finally revealed his intentions.

Although Ying Zheng asked him to let Han Fei go back to Qin with him.

But if he can not only bring Han Fei back, but also allow Korea to cede land, then Ying Zheng will definitely look up to him.

In addition, his name Li Si can also be famous all over the world.

Of course, there is another reason. Taking Han Fei back is his bottom line. At the negotiating table, no one will reveal his bottom line unless it is a last resort.

There are negotiating rules in negotiation. If you want to achieve your goal, your asking price must be higher than your bottom line.

Otherwise, go back to wash and sleep.

As soon as Li Si said this, the whole court was shocked. The humiliation of ceding land was not something that ordinary people could bear.

However, the ordinary people here do not include the King Han who is currently on the throne.

When he was a prince, he only knew how to play, and he had no idea about land at all.

Isn't it just ceding some land, as long as the problem of the army's pressure on the territory can be solved, it will be ceded to him.

But he never thought that the place where Qin Envoy was assassinated was not far from Xinzheng.

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