He is just a chess piece. Today, even if he leaves Han Yu ungratefully, will the people at night let him go?

Even if Ji Wuye and the people in the night don't care about his small role, don't ask him, let him live the life he wants.

But, can he really leave like this?

Han Yu had the grace of saving his life and raising him. Without Han Yu, in this chaotic world, he might not have known where he died.

Not only that, Han Yu also took him as his adopted son, and let him enjoy the honor. If he chose to leave when Han Yu was in the most difficult time, it would be different from a beast.

Maybe, he will live in guilt and shadow all his life.

Well, since his life was saved by him, then use this life today to pay him back. .

Chapter 228 You'd better lie down obediently

"Step over your corpse?"

Mo Ya smiled evilly and said softly, "Then step over your body."

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Ya's figure disappeared in place in an instant, and suddenly appeared in front of Qiancheng like a ghost.

A cold light flashed, and the sharp blade on his arm wiped towards Qiancheng's throat.

Qiancheng was startled, flew into the air, and swirled across the blade light, with unexpectedly dexterous movements.

Mo Ya was not surprised. As the subordinate of Han Yu, the general's nemesis, Ye Mo already knew about Qiancheng's strength.

If Qiancheng couldn't dodge this blow, Mo Ya would be surprised.

Mo Ya's mouth and corners were slightly raised, with an evil smile on his face, the blade in his hand turned, and with an unbelievably graceful gesture, it went from stabbing forward to rising.

The knife light flashed, this knife, faster and more ruthless than the previous one, instantly turned into countless broken shadows, covering every vital point on Qiancheng's body.

Qiancheng, who was in the air, just raised his bow, and when his right hand reached the quiver behind him, he saw Mo Ya's left arm, and a cold light flashed instantly, swept out, and slashed with a knife. throat.

This knife, like an antelope hanging its horns, has no trace, the murderous intention is hidden in it, and it is kept secret.

The whole set of actions is as fast as lightning.

Qiancheng, who sensed a hint of danger, swung his head back, and a chill swept across his throat, leaving a thin bloodstain behind.

Before Qiancheng was lucky enough to escape this blow, the black crow in the palace raised his right foot again, like a flying swallow dipping into the water, turned his body sideways, and kicked towards Qiancheng's face with one foot.

Qiancheng took advantage of the situation to bend down to the moon, dodged this kick, and when his body fell down, he quickly pulled out a feathered arrow from the quiver behind him.

Bend the bow, take the arrow.

The longbow in his hand was full, and the diamond-shaped arrow was glowing with a faint cold light, pointing directly at Mo Ya's vest.

Before the body falls on the ground, gently release the hand holding the bowstring.


A crisp bowstring humming sounded in the sky above the room, and the sound of breaking the air sounded, and the feather arrow hit the black crow's vest and passed through.

Seeing this, Qiancheng did not feel relaxed, but instead his face became more dignified.

The image of blood spilling from the air in the imagination did not happen, but at the moment when the feather arrow hit the black crow's vest, the black crow's body instantly turned into countless crows, flapping its wings and scattered around.

Qiancheng looked around with a dignified face, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Because, just now, Mo Crow's body turned into countless crows and disappeared into the air. With his super perception, he actually completely lost the trace of the other party.

He was sharp and calm, and he observed the surroundings sharply. Suddenly, he suddenly took a step back.

Unfortunately, it was already too late, the sharp knife light swept across his cheeks, and a bone-piercing chill spread across his body from above his cheeks.

Unfortunately, it was already too late, the sharp knife light swept across his cheeks, and a bone-piercing chill spread across his body from above his cheeks.

After a single blow failed, Mo Ya's body disappeared from his sight again. This was the biggest crisis he encountered after following Han Yu.

He couldn't feel the breath of the other party at all, but he knew that the other party was indeed hidden around him, but he couldn't find him.

It is no wonder that since he followed Han Yu, although he has performed many tasks, he has never encountered such a master as Mo Ya.

Although it was not that he had never fought against the people of the night before, but at that time there was the previous King Han who was pressing, and he was the adopted son of the fourth son Han Yu.

The people of the night did not want to make things worse, and they never exercised their rights.

But today is different. Not only have the two sides completely torn their faces, but Ji Wuye also gave Mo Ya a death order.

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Regardless of life or death, I must bring Han Yu to him tonight, otherwise, if I can't see Han Yu, I will put him on top of Mo Crow's head.

Under such circumstances, Mo Ya will naturally not have any reservations. Anyone who dares to stop him on the way to complete the task, no matter who it is, he will let him know the strength of the number one killer of White Bird.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and another knife appeared out of thin air, slashing towards Qiancheng's throat.

Qiancheng, who was in no hurry to avoid it, had no choice but to raise the long worker in his hand and stopped in front of him.

At this moment, the cold light that Ben swept towards his throat suddenly turned in the air and slashed towards the wrist of his left hand.



Bright red blood rose in the air, and Qiancheng's left wrist left a bloodstain in an instant, the tendon of his hand was cut off in an instant, and the longbow he held in his hand slowly fell to the ground.

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