This abrupt voice suddenly entered the ears of everyone, Bai Feng turned his head abruptly, and saw that the Zhang Mansion, which had been searched all over the Zhang residence, had not been found, and appeared in front of the Crescent Moon Gate not far away. In the middle, step by step, walking towards this side.

Seeing Zhang Kaidi, Bai Feng couldn't help letting out a long sigh of relief, and finally no longer had to kill these innocent people.

If Zhang Kaidi didn't appear again, even if he was a little disgusted with slaughtering these innocent people in his heart, because of Ji Wuye's order, he had no choice but to attack them.

Today's Bai Feng is still very immature, and has not yet become the famous killer Bai Feng in the quicksand in the future. Today, although he is in the night, but he has no experience, he can barely be regarded as being protected by Mo Ya. The chick under the wings.

On weekdays, he did kill bad people for Ji Wuye, but when facing these innocent people who were helpless and had no resistance, he was still a little bit helpless.

PS, I'm really sorry for the last few days, the network is not stable, not to mention, I can't sleep because of the worry these days, I've tried my best to make up for what I owe. .

Chapter 231 Is there another Zhang Liang? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

"Master, you are here!"

"Master, save us!"


When Zhang Kaidi's figure appeared in the courtyard, the servants and the concubines in Zhang Kaidi boiled up completely, and even kneeled and crawled to the front of Zhang Kaidi and cried.

Zhang Kai didn't seem to see them, as well as the several corpses lying not far away, and walked straight through the crowd indifferently and came to Bai Feng.

"Bai Feng, this old man recognizes you, Ji Wuye's subordinates, I don't know what the old man committed, but the people from the laboring general's mansion broke into the old man's mansion late at night, and they are still killing people here."

Zhang Kaidi looked indifferent, stroked his beard, and said, "If you don't give the old man a reasonable explanation today, the old man will definitely go to the king tomorrow to ask for justice."

Bai Feng didn't bother to pay attention to him either. He just carried out Ji Wuye's orders. He did whatever Ji Wuye asked him to do. As for the explanation, he didn't think about it at all, and he didn't know how to explain it.

He was only ordered to take people, and explaining this kind of thing was not within his scope of responsibility.

Bai Feng asked indifferently, "Is there another Zhang Liang?"

What is this nonsense?He was stunned for a moment. This is the capital, and he is the prime minister of Korea. He led troops into his mansion late at night to get people. Even if there is no reason, you should at least make up one.

The Bai Feng in front of her was very good. She didn't even have a reason to make up a frame, so she asked Zhang Liang's whereabouts.

Zhang Kai suddenly became angry, blowing his beard and staring: "Bai Feng, what is your attitude, this old man is the prime minister of Korea, you led troops into the old man's mansion late at night for no reason, what did you want to do, who did you suffer? instructions."

"Do you still have a king's law in your eyes, is there a king... ¨."

Bai Feng was not very talkative, except in front of Mo Ya, even in front of Ji Wuye, he couldn't say a few words, at most it was a simple thing like obeying orders.

He was just a killer, not even a general. The killer's eyes were only to complete the task, and the rest was not up to him.

Bai Feng frowned, and said impatiently, "My subordinates are just following orders. These questions should wait for you to go to jail, then ask others, and say, where is Zhang Liang."

The open heart gradually sank into the bottom of the valley, and the current situation seems to be a little different from what he thought.

I thought that even if Ji Wuye wanted to touch his Zhang family, he should have just poured sewage on Zhang Kaidi's body and slandered him.

In this case, although the situation is a bit grim, at least he has other ways to think.

However, looking at Bai Feng's posture now, it is obvious that Ji Wuye, a martial artist, seems to be too lazy to make up an unwarranted crime, and intends to directly use force to forcibly destroy his Zhang family. It seems that he does not consider the impact of this matter at all.

He opened his face with a heavy expression, snorted coldly, turned his head away, and said no more.

Ji Wuye was really planning to make a mess. The Imperial Army was already in his hands, and a few days ago he recruited the blood-robed Hou Bai Yifei's troops.

With such a form, Zhang Kaidi had no choice but to pray that Zhang Liang could escape this disaster smoothly.

After all, Zhang Kaidi is the prime minister of Korea. He didn't speak, and Bai Feng didn't dare to do anything to him without authorization. After searching again to no avail, Bai Feng had no choice but to bring back all the elders and children of Zhang's house. .

After all, Zhang Kaidi is the prime minister of Korea. He didn't speak, and Bai Feng didn't dare to do anything to him without authorization. After searching again to no avail, Bai Feng had no choice but to bring back all the elders and children of Zhang's house. .


In the General's Mansion, Ji Wuye shook the white jade cup in his hand, and stared at the snowflakes outside the door for a long time without saying a word.

If nothing else happens, after tonight, Korea will be completely in his hands, Ji Wuye. From now on, it's time for him to practice his level.

Although his current level is not too low, at least he is better than many people, and he can also rank in the middle and upper reaches of the Qin Dynasty.

But he knew very well that by the time of Qin Shi, many people's strengths would improve by leaps and bounds, and if nothing else was mentioned, just Ergouzi and Gai Nie would suddenly become top masters.

And with the characters of these two people, it is almost impossible to want them to be used for themselves.

Ergouzi will not talk about it. He has too many hearts. Except for Han Fei, he can say that he has no loyalty to anyone.

It's like when he first appeared in Qin Shi, he also helped the empire to destroy the Mo family, but in a blink of an eye, he helped the Mo family to fight against the empire again. This kind of person who has no loyalty at all is given to Ji Wuye and Ji Wuye. Don't worry about using it at night.

This kind of person can only be used and used. If you take him as a subordinate, you should pull it down.

This kind of person is called "knowledge of current affairs" in a pleasant way, and a [-]-year-old boy with a back-of-the-bone mind.

As for Gai Nie, this person is completely incompatible with himself.

Gai Nie's is too much of a virgin. This kind of person is completely different from his Ji Wuye.

Even a person as perfect as Ying Zheng, who he had followed for a long time, said that he would betray if he betrayed, and his willingness to betray was only because of a child of someone who was hard to count as a friend.

This kind of person put it nicely, is a good person, no matter from which aspect, he is perfect.

Even if he called him a saint, Ji Wuye recognized it from the bottom of his heart.

But this kind of person and Ji Wuye are completely in the wrong way, and it is impossible to get together.

Coupled with a concubine Yan who hated him deeply (De Nuo Zhao), these three people were already a big problem for Ji Wuye.

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