The person who wins, walks out of the ghost mountain, joins the night, and becomes a bird killer with the name given by the bird.

That day can be said to be the most painful and unforgettable day in his life. .

Chapter 234 Let him speak (for flowers and monthly tickets)

It was also the darkest moment in his life, and those pictures had appeared in his nightmares countless times.

Even after so long, he was even vaguely able to catch the picture of the little friend who had slept with him for three years at that time and fight with him.

And when the little friend died in his hands, that hideous face, that bewildered look in his eyes.

As if until the moment he died, he didn't know why two friends who had lived together for three years ended up killing each other.

In the days after he came out of Ghost Mountain, he could say that he never slept peacefully.

Every night, as soon as I close my eyes, all that emerges in front of my eyes is the ferocious face of that little friend.

He strangled him tightly, and asked him why he wanted to kill him, his blood-filled hands, and the corpses all over the place.

He was tormented by such nightmares for several years, "[-]", and even thinking about it now, it still made him feel terrified.

The things that had been forgotten with great difficulty were now brought up again by Ji Wuye. Bai Feng clenched his fists tightly, his body trembled slightly, and he lowered his head without saying a word.

Seeing Bai Feng's appearance, Ji Wuye nodded secretly, it seems that through some words in his previous life, plus some things he talked about, he really made himself right.

This Bai Feng should be the lucky one who survived the trial in the blood pool of Ghost Mountain as he had learned from the words in his previous life.

Surviving from that kind of place and still maintaining the kind heart at this moment is really commendable.

But the bad is also the bad here. Thinking that he has this experience, if he can't give a proper reason to smooth out what his body has done, it will be difficult for Bai Feng to truly surrender to himself, even Mo Ya, Same.

Now that the matter in Korea has almost been resolved, in the near future, what he will face will be the masters of the various schools of thought.

If Mo Ya and Bai Feng are not completely dealt with, they will become a ticking time bomb sooner or later.

Ji Wuye put his hands on his back, walked slowly behind Bai Feng, looked at the snowflakes flying outside the door, and said lightly: "I know why I chose you children and put you in a place like Ghost Mountain, For such a brutal training?"

Ji Wuye himself didn't know much about Ghost Mountain. He didn't mention it in the animation of his previous life, and he only learned a few words in other aspects.

Knowing that it was a place where Ji Wuye cultivated night killers, put the children in that place for training, and what kind of trials were conducted.

Although Ji Wuye didn't know exactly what he trained, but from what he knew about the training methods of some killers.

It's nothing more than searching for some children everywhere, and then training them day and night. When the training is about the same, let them kill each other, or they are qualified products, that's all.

Although this method can train some strong killers very effectively, it has a serious flaw.

That is, the killer trained by this method has no loyalty at all to himself.

There is just endless resentment and forced obedience.

If they don't get rid of this kind of knot in their hearts, if they lose their power, sooner or later they will become poisonous snakes that kill them.

Killers trained in this way will have many psychological problems themselves, and they have already lost their humanity, and they are simply not something you can control at will.

In the previous life, Ji Wuye, as long as the killer of the night did not complete his task, or did something that made him dissatisfied.

He removed it mercilessly, even if Bai Feng in the original book just gave Nongyu a violin, he still wanted to remove Bai Feng, perhaps it had nothing to do with this matter.

He removed it mercilessly, even if Bai Feng in the original book just gave Nongyu a violin, he still wanted to remove Bai Feng, perhaps it had nothing to do with this matter.

Because the killers trained in this environment can no longer be viewed as human beings, and their hearts have long been destroyed.

Their personalities have long been distorted, and they can no longer be considered individuals except as a tool for killing people.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with Ji Wuye's approach in the original work.

This kind of monster with a distorted personality, once there is any sign of being unfavorable to him, naturally he must get rid of it as soon as possible.

Use their fear of themselves to control the remaining monsters.

Otherwise, if he is not careful, he may die.

Fortunately, Bai Feng, a good seedling, can still maintain such a pure heart even if he came out of this place.

That kind of monster can no longer be called a subordinate, it can only be regarded as a tool.

An embryo like Bai Feng still has the existence of human nature, and has the potential to become a subordinate. Naturally, he has to fool around.  …

Hearing Ji Wuye's words, Bai Feng's body trembled slightly, recalling the unbearable past, gritted his teeth and said, "Why?"

From this sentence, you can see the gap between Bai Feng and Mo Ya. If it was Mo Ya, he would never ask why, but would say that the general did what he did because of the general's own intentions.

Judging from Mo Ya's love for Bai Feng in the original work, it can be seen that Mo Ya has not become a tool that only kills and twists psychology like many other killers of Bainiao.

The reason why he was different from Bai Feng's answer was because he was more mature than Bai Feng and understood the current rules of survival better.

On the other hand, Bai Feng was different. He was at the age of rebellion, and he had not yet turned into a monster. In addition to his somewhat stubborn personality, Ji Wuye was not surprised that he could ask such a question.

Ji Wuye said in a hurry, "I know you have a lot of hatred for me in your heart, but even if you choose me again, I will still do it."

Bai Feng's shoulders trembled slightly, she lowered her head, gritted her teeth and asked, "Why? Why do you do this, those children, they are all innocent, why did you do such a thing. "

Maybe Bai Feng also knew what would happen if he didn't complete the mission, and he wasn't the kind of person who was afraid of death.

At this moment, after Ji Wuye brought up this topic, he let go of it completely, and finally asked the question that was bothering him.

Hearing what Bai Feng said in 2.7, Mo Ya was startled, and quickly said: "Bai Feng, arrogant, how can you talk to the general like this, the general he..."

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