The guards guarding the palace at the gate, when they saw Ji Wuye, naturally let them go without saying a word.

The gate of the palace slowly opened, and when the previous opening and Han Yu were still there, Ji Wuye still took it into consideration. Every time he entered the palace gate, he entered on foot.

Now, he doesn't need to take this into consideration anymore, and said lightly to the driver: "Let's go, go to the harem."

The coachman was stunned for a moment. Is the general going to drive directly into the palace?

Even if he was a coachman, he knew the reason why he was not allowed to walk in the palace. Although he was a little surprised by Ji Wuye's order, he still didn't ask anything. With a flick of the reins, the carriage drove towards the palace.

Regarding Ji Wuye's rebellious act of driving into the palace, the guards standing on both sides of the palace gate were selectively blinded, as if they had not seen anything. After Ji Wuye's carriage gradually disappeared in front of their eyes, they went back again. Slowly closing the palace gate and spreading it out.

After entering the harem, Ji Wuye raised his eyes and glanced around, and saw a few eunuchs on duty in front of the main hall not far away, dozing in the dim light.

"Hey, you guys come here!"

This sudden cry shocked several little eunuchs, and one of the little eunuchs looked at Ji Wuye blankly.

Seeing this person in front of him has some eyes, and looking at the clothes, he is not a servant in the palace.

Seeing this person in front of him has some eyes, and looking at the clothes, he is not a servant in the palace.

In the middle of the night, a strange man suddenly appeared in the harem of the palace, which was amazing.

The little eunuch who came back to his senses pointed at Ji Wuye and shouted: "Who are you, dare to trespass the forbidden area in the palace."

Forbidden place?Now, in this Korea, for me, is there any place I can't go to?Ji Wuye waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Okay, don't be long-winded, labor and management are too lazy to listen to your nonsense, take me to see Mrs. Pearl."

The little eunuch didn't seem to have seen Ji Wuye before, and when he heard that Ji Wuye wanted to see Mrs. Mingzhu, he immediately shouted: "Where are the wild chops, Mrs. Mingzhu can be seen if you want to see... …”

Before he finished speaking, he heard two crisp snaps, and the little eunuch was put aside, rubbed his eyes, and thoroughly saw Ji Wuye's face. .

This little eunuch fell to the ground, his cheeks were swollen and tall, he covered his cheeks and looked at the manager in front of him in horror, this slap completely blinded him.

"Bah, dog thing, don't open your dog's eyes and take a good look at who this is."

The steward snorted at the little eunuch who fell to the ground, and then hurriedly bent the moon to ask for it, came to Ji Wuye, and said with a flattering smile: "The servants meet the general. Go to sleep, do you want a servant to inform the general?"

Seeing the appearance of the steward, I felt a little indignant just now, and the little eunuch who was about to call for the imperial army fell to the ground, his face pale and frightened.

Even the man in charge had to bend his knees in front of the person in front of him, and he knew that he was a bad thing today.

Ji Wuye indifferently swept the little eunuch who fell to the ground. This little eunuch was rude to him, although killing him would still get some tyranny points.

But now he doesn't look down on the tyranny of ten and eight o'clock. He personally kills such a thing, and he thinks that his hands are dirty.

Ji Wuye pointed at the little eunuch who fell on the ground, and said lightly: "He... insulted this general, you heard it, I don't bother to bother with a servant, just cut off his tongue. ."

"It should be, it should be, the general should calm down. It's not worth being angry for such a dog slave. 3.2"

The steward looked flattering, then turned his head and said sharply: "Come here, drag this dog slave who offended the general, cut his tongue, and hit a hundred big boards again."

After that, the steward turned his head, bent over, looked at Ji Wuye with a flattering face, and said, "General, do you think this is okay?"

Ji Wuye flicked the snowflakes that fell on his shoulders, nodded, and did not speak.

The little eunuch who fell to the ground screamed in fright: "Sir, please forgive me, Lord, please forgive me..."

The eunuch in charge waved his hand, and the shivering little eunuch standing beside him quickly dragged the little eunuch who fell to the ground.

PS: I haven't slept all night, it's time to go to bed, wait until I wake up and then code. .

Chapter 240: A Sensible Eunuch (For Flowers, For a Monthly Pass)

In the palace, who is not a smart person, or, in other words, those who are not smart, at this time, they may not even know where their bodies were thrown, and how could they live to this day.

To be an eunuch's maid in the palace, although it looks like it's just a job of serving people, serving tea and water on weekdays, it seems very simple.

But it is a seemingly simple work, but it is really a technical work.

In this era, it is not an easy thing to be a person even in an ordinary big family.

This era is a transitional period from slave society to feudal society. That is to say, in this era, the status of servants is not much different from that of pigs and dogs. In the eyes of people of this era, servants are not even human at all. .

If the master you provoke is unhappy, if you kill it, you will kill it. Even if the master is in a bad mood and stabs you with a knife, it is no different from killing a chicken or duck.

Even in the Qin state with strict laws, the servants were not within the protection scope of the law.

Even the status of a servant is not as good as that of a cow. China has been mainly farming since ancient times.

If you kill a cow, you must report it to the government, but if you kill your own servants, you don't have to.

The servants of your family, you can do whatever you want, do whatever you want.

Therefore, as a servant, if you want to live well, you must have a smart brain, and most importantly, have a bright eye.

Know who you can offend, who you can't provoke, and whose thigh you should hold when.

The middle-aged eunuch in front of him, in this intriguing palace, not only survived successfully, but also got to the level of a steward, and his eyes are naturally sharp.

What kind of situation Ji Wuye will go to in the future, what kind of end will he have, he doesn't know.

But he knew that Ji Wuye was definitely the most powerful person in the whole of Korea.

Such a person came here, don't care what he wants to do, treat him as an ancestor, whatever he wants, let him go, it's always right.

The steward came closer, bowed to the moon and asked flatteringly, "I wonder what the general ordered?"

Ji Wuye moved his neck and glanced at the eunuch in front of him, saying, "Do you know which palace Mrs. Pearl lives in? Take me to see her."

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