Speaking of this, Mrs. Mingzhu paused, smiled charmingly, licked her bright red tongue, licked her seductive red lips, and leaned in front of Ji Wuye, exhaling in a soft voice: "Still say , you came here specially for me?"

Mrs. Pearl came close to Ji Wuye's ear, her breath with a faint fragrance, like a musk of musk, lightly tapped on Ji Wuye's earlobe, and exhaled like a blue orchid: "What? My general, after such a long night, after thinking of me, it is difficult to sleep?"

Ji Wuye's heart couldn't help itching for a while, and his breathing couldn't help becoming rapid.

This slut is really killing people, with a beautiful face, a ghost-like figure, and a fucking evil character that makes it difficult for all men to resist.

She seems to want to be the daughter that God loves most, and gave her all the beautiful things in this world.

Ji Wuye even suspected more than once that Mrs. Mingzhu could be Xuanji's own daughter, and gave her everything she could.

She is simply Pandora in Qin Shizhong, who can make everyone who sees her go crazy.

Looking at the proud and deep gully in front of him, Ji Wuye's eyes were burning, and he secretly swallowed his saliva.

This size, throughout the entire Qin Dynasty, there should not be a woman who can compete with one.

Ji Wuye smiled, stretched out his hand and touched the tall snow peak of Mrs. Pearl, who knew that Mrs. Pearl twisted her buttocks and avoided her with a tender smile, with a faint look in her eyes. Smile, red lips slightly open, lotus mouth spit.

Mrs. Mingzhu gave Ji Wuye a charming look: "General Ji, what do you want to do? Don't forget, I am the favored concubine of the late king, and you, a foreign minister, dare to be so rude to this palace, don't be afraid Does Ben Gong cure your sins?"

The king's favorite concubine?Foreign minister?Do you have a concubine like you who summoned foreign ministers on the big bed of your own palace?

Ji Wuye swallowed ruthlessly, swallowed his mouth, and said with a smile: "'We want to be both a woman's watch and an archway. It seems that we are really the same thing, we are really born together. right."

Mrs. Mingzhu was stunned for a while, a strange blush appeared on her face, looked at Ji Wuye and said, "What did you just say? In your mind, I am such a woman?"

Ji Wuye was slightly stunned, and smiled: "Uh, haha, this is just a joke, don't take it to heart, you know, I have always been open-mouthed and like to talk nonsense."

Mrs. Pearl is not only powerful, she is beautiful, has a good figure, and most importantly, her personality also appeals to him. He really likes Mrs. Pearl from the bottom of his heart.

At first, he might just like Madam Pearl's beauty, but later, he found that it was very easy and comfortable to get along with a woman like Madam Pearl.

He didn't want to leave a trace of grudge in the other's heart because of this trivial matter.

Although I know that the updates during this period are shameless to ask for these, but it is really a headache for Calvinka, I still have the cheek to ask for it, and try my best to do more in the future.


Chapter 242 Let's Talk About Business First (For Flowers, For a Monthly Pass)

Mrs. Mingzhu giggled and leaned on her side, her eyes rolled around, her fingers lightly slid across Ji Wuye's cheek, and she said with a chuckle, "Actually, I think what you said is quite right, people live in this world, which one is Isn't it sensible?"

"There were so many tragedies in Baiyue back then, and it wasn't because Han Wangan wanted to ascend to the throne."

Mrs. Mingzhu leaned on Ji Wuye's body lightly, and said softly, "The status is as noble as the previous king, not as a gentleman, while a male thief and a female prostitute."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Mingzhu pushed the full moon Hungarian forward and said with a smile, "If someone else has done this, why can't I do it? .."

Mrs. Pearl's beautiful face, which was as clean as jade, rose to a blush, but in the end she was unable to speak.

Ji Wuye clasped his fingers, lifted Mrs. Mingzhu's chin, and laughed, "What are you doing?"

"Be a lady's watch!"

Mrs. Pearl's face was flushed with blush, as if she was ashamed and resentful. Although her usual behavior was rambunctious and informal, she was still a woman after all.

Saying these two words, my heart is still a little shy, but there is a sense of debauchery. 570

Mrs. Pearl's eyes overflowed with light, her cheeks were red, and her bright eyes like water seemed to be covered with a layer of water mist. She glanced at Ji Wuye with a graceful look.

Mrs. Pearl's sloppy, informal character is exactly the same as Ji Wuye. In terms of behavior alone, these two people really look at mung bean, and they look like a husband and wife.

Such unbridled words, uttered from the mouth of a beautiful and tragic woman, Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart.

This Mrs. Pearl really likes her, but it would be a waste to let a goblin like her go to a brothel to be a young lady.

If you want to do it, you can only be the young lady of Ji Wuye alone.

Her proposal is really good, or, when you get the world, build a brothel in the palace, put her in the house, and then go to the girl to vote for her when she is free?

Ji Wuye felt itching in his heart, and he hugged Mrs. Mingzhu's moon limbs and said, "You, although your actions are unconventional and unique, how many people in this world can (acdg) dare to reveal their true nature? I like you just like that."

After saying that, Ji Wuye leaned forward, ready to overwhelm Mrs. Pearl.

Mrs. Pearl suddenly stretched out her hand, pressed his face that was coming towards her, and smiled, "Why is the general in such a hurry, let's get down to business first, you came to see me in the palace late at night in such a blizzard and snow, I'm afraid Don't just miss me."

Mrs. Mingzhu is extremely intelligent, not only has strength, but also means. In front of her, Ji Wuye does not need to be like a hen protecting her chicks like in front of Mrs. Hu.

Generally, in order not to worry their mother and daughter, they have some scruples.

In front of Mrs. Pearl, Ji Wuye can say what she wants to say without even thinking about her feelings.

Because I know that with her character, no matter how much she says, she doesn't have to worry about her thinking too much.


Ji Wuye laughed loudly and said, "It's easy to talk to you."

After Ji Wuye praised her, she gently embraced Mrs. Mingzhu in her arms, and said slowly, "Just before entering the palace, I got rid of Zhang Kaidi and Han Yu."



Mrs. Mingzhu was startled, she hurriedly raised her head, looked at Ji Wuye in disbelief, and lost her voice: "Why is it so sudden, you got rid of these two people so rashly, aren't you afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?"

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