Like officials like Bai Qi and Yue Fei, they themselves have a certain responsibility for their deaths.

The sixteen-year-old Zhao Ji was left in such a place by her husband just after giving birth. If there was no hatred in her heart, it was obviously impossible.

She was still young and didn't know how to be a mother, so she would naturally put this hatred on Ying Zheng's body, which naturally created an inextricable crack between the mother and son.

After returning to Qin again, Zhao Ji saw that her own son and a wet nurse were closer than her own mother, so she would naturally feel jealous of this wet nurse, and it was reasonable to kill the wet nurse.

As Ying Zheng grew up, coupled with the dark character that Ying Zheng developed in this environment, and the hatred of Zhao Ji in his heart 0 ..

Zhao Ji was naturally more and more fearful of her own son. At this time, it happened that she gave birth to two more sons. Under the bewitched by Ao, it was a natural thing to want to kill Ying Zheng. .

Although Ying Zheng hated Zhao Ji so much in his heart that he wished to give her a white silk ribbon, but Zhao Ji was his biological mother after all, and he didn't want to be accused of murdering his mother.

As the King of Qin, he could not carry such a crime on his back.

In the end, Zhao Ji was driven out of Xianyang and placed under house arrest in Yongcheng.

In this way, the rebellion in Xianyang was completely quelled, and under Li Si's one-shot strategy, Ying Zheng eliminated Lu Buwei and Concubine in one fell swoop, reorganized the government, and became a king of Qin who was not restrained by anyone.

Officially embarked on the road of unifying the seven kingdoms, unifying the world, and becoming an emperor through the ages.


South Korea, Xinzheng......

In the general's mansion, Ji Wuye slowly threw the information from Xianyang in his hand into the brazier, looking at the silk book that was gradually burning in the brazier, and whispered softly.

"It seems that Korea is not far from extinction, and it's time to resolve the matter between Han Fei and Zi Lanxuan."

After all, Ji Wuye took a white silk from the side, picked up the pen, and buried his head to write.

Although most of the recorded texts in this era were still dominated by bamboo slips, since the Spring and Autumn Period, some people have begun to use silk writing to communicate.

Obviously, a local tyrant like Ji Wuye can't use something as low as Bamboo Slip 4.1.

After a long time, Ji Wuye put down the pen in his hand, picked up the silk book on the desk, blew lightly, wiped the ink on the silk book, and said softly: "Li Si, the rest is up to you."

"Come on!"

As soon as Ji Wuye finished speaking, a black crow appeared in the study.

Mo Ya bowed to Ji Wuye: "I don't know what the general ordered?"

Ji Wuye slowly rolled up the silk book in his hand: "Let Bai Feng send this letter to Xianyang and hand it over to Li Si."

At Bai Feng's speed, it is natural to let him do the work of delivering letters.

As for Mo Ya, Ji Wuye naturally had other things to do for him.


Mo Ya took the silk book from Ji Wuye's hand and silently backed out......

Chapter 260 Goodbye Purple Girl (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

At the beginning of the night, Zilan Xuan was brightly lit, and in the corridors, Yingyingyanyan’s girls were laughing and sparring with the guests.

The purple girl stood in front of the window on the second floor, looking at the brightly lit street outside the house, wandering the world.

"What is the purple girl thinking? Is it possible that she is thinking about me?"

The voice that suddenly appeared in the room surprised the purple girl, and she didn't need to turn around. From this lazy voice, you could tell who it was.

"At this moment, shouldn't General Ji be busy eliminating dissidents and taking control of the entire court? Why do you have time to visit my Zilan Xuan?"

The purple girl was still looking at the street outside the window, without turning her head, her tone was indescribably indifferent.

Ji Wuye smiled, and slowly came to Zi Nu's side, and said with a smile, "Why, are you angry with me because of Zhang's affairs?"

Zhang Liang was a member of Quicksand after all, and the Zhang residence was destroyed by herself, so it was normal for Zi Nu to feel dissatisfied with herself.

02 Even Zhang Liang escaped from Xinzheng, possibly with the help of Zi Nu.

However, Ji Wuye didn't care much about it.

Now that Zhang Liang has run away, what's the point of pursuing these things, can he still kill the purple girl?

Zi Nu said lightly: "What is the general saying, General Ji can be said to be the most honorable person in this country, how can Zi Nu dare to be angry with General Ji."

"Even the government of Xiangguo was destroyed overnight. What is my little Zilan Xuan? If I anger the general, the general will make my Zilan Xuan disappear without a trace overnight. trace?"

I don't know why, when I heard that the Zhang residence was destroyed by Ji Wuye, an inexplicable feeling rose in Zi Nu's heart.

Because of the reason for getting jade, and Ji Wuye's performance in front of her on weekdays, the relationship between Zi Lanxuan and the General's Mansion can be described as very delicate.

She took the big jade in one hand, and inexplicably became Ji Wuye's daughter.

Nongyu has said good things for Ji Wuye in front of her more than once. Judging from the strong happiness on Nongyu's face, Ji Wuye does not seem to be the kind of person she once imagined.

In addition, Ji Wuye never showed the slightest hostility in front of her, and she didn't care that she and her Zi Lanxuan belonged to his political enemy Han Fei's camp.

Every time Ji Wuye saw her, apart from making fun of her, he didn't do anything excessive, and even took extra care of Zi Lanxuan.

Ever since I got to know him, in the past in Zilan Xuan, there were occasional troubles between the powerful and playful children, and it disappeared.

Since this time, Ji Wuye's impression in Zi Nu's heart has slowly begun to change.

Sometimes, she will even give birth to a kind of, if Han Fei and Ji Wuye can get along peacefully, or, it would be nice to keep it like this.

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