Ji Wuye lightly stroked Tian Mi's light, jade-like body, and said with a smile, "How? Can I control you?"

Tian Mi hugged Ji Wuye tightly, arched in Ji Wuye's arms, took a deep breath of greed, took a sip of the strong masculinity that came from Ji Wuye's body , squinted his eyes and said intoxicated: "Yes, yes, compared to you, there is no man in this world who can be called a man."

"My fierce boy, can you show me how handsome you are now?"

"Also, can you also tell me who you are and where did you come from?"

"Ha ha......"

Ji Wuye laughed loudly, lifted the hood over his head, looked at Tian Mi with a smile, and said, "How is it, my baby, are you satisfied?"

He didn't intend to hide his appearance at first, anyway, no one here should recognize him as Ji Wuye, the general of Korea. After all, there are not many people who have seen him.

It just so happened that in this East County, no one had seen him.

This era is not like the later generations. You can see the appearance of leaders of various countries on TV or on the Internet.

There is no Internet in this era, unless someone has seen Ji Wuye with his own eyes, otherwise, no one will know that he is the general of Korea.

Even in later generations, in an era when the Internet is so developed, even the information of any leader can be found online.

But if a leader suddenly appears in front of you, you may not be able to recognize it, let alone now.

Tian Mi raised her head and looked at Ji Wuye's face with a little stubble, clear water chestnuts, like a knife, and was stunned.

After a long time, he sighed lightly: "I didn't expect you to be not a little brother, but an uncle, but you are also a very attractive uncle."

Ji Wuye himself is not ugly, he in the original book is just a little more wrinkled on his face.

Now, after he got the system, a god-defying artifact, as his strength became longer and his lifespan was normal, the wrinkles on his face naturally gradually disappeared.

Now, after he got the system, a god-defying artifact, as his strength became longer and his lifespan was normal, the wrinkles on his face naturally gradually disappeared.

Coupled with the stubble he deliberately trimmed according to later generations Wu Xiubo, it seems to have a rough, wild, wild and beautiful feeling.

This kind of rough face with clear water chestnuts, coupled with the fashionable stubble, does bring a visual impact to people in this era when most handsome guys have awl faces.

Ji Wuye laughed out loud, and patted Tian Mi's plump buttocks twice, and said with a smile, "How is it? Does it make your heart feel a little itchy?"

Contrary to Ji Wuye's expectations, after hearing his words, a red glow appeared on Tian Mi's pretty face.

Not to mention, this rough face, coupled with this strong body, really made Tian Mi's heart itch for a while, and even a little wet.

Seeing the shy look on Tian Mi's face, a strange expression flashed on Ji Wuye's face.

This woman is not only an uncle, but from the look of her strong body, a look of obsession flashed in her eyes, this girl may even be very good at Beauty and the Beast.

Ji Wuye stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Tian Mi's eyes, and said, "Hey, I'm back to my senses..."

Tian Mi, who had come back to her senses, looked at the expression on Ji Wuye's face, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile, and suddenly felt that her thoughts were being seen through. , said: "Strong uncle, you haven't told me who you are and where you are from."

Ji Wuye said with a smile: "Ji Ye, from the Qin country, as for the sect, it should be considered a person from the Yin and Yang family."

"Well? People from the Yin and Yang family? Once?"

Tian Mi was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, the technique of raising a hurricane on the ground seemed a bit like something created by the Yin-Yang technique of the Yin-Yang family.

Thinking of this, Tian Mi raised her head and looked at Ji Wuye, her eyes flashing: "What about now?"

The Yin and Yang family intervened in the affairs of the farm family, she had to keep an eye out to see what he wanted to do.

Ji Wuye looked at the starry sky in the sky and said, "Right now, I'm barely considered a loose person 737. If I have to say which faction I belong to, it should be the Qin State."

Tian Mi was stunned, she never thought that the other party could easily tell her identity.

Didn't expect to tell her so easily?

Looking at Tian Mi's dazed expression, Ji Wuye smiled and said, "I know what you are thinking, no doubt, I just told you my identity so simply."

"As for the reason, there is only one, who made you my woman."

After all, Ji Wuye stroked Tian Mi's body lightly.

Tian Mi is not such a simple and deceitful woman. If she is an ordinary woman, she may be moved at this time and wish to give her heart to the other party.

When he heard Ji Wuye's words, Tian Mi's heart felt a touch, but it was only a little touch.

Tian Mi put her arms around Ji Wuye's neck, raised her head, and smiled charmingly: "Why was it in the past, isn't it a member of the Yin Yang family now?"

"As far as I know, when you enter the Yin-Yang family, you are born as a Yin-Yang family, and die as a Yin-Yang family ghost."

"If you betray the Yin-Yang family, you will be endlessly hunted down by the Yin-Yang family."

"Besides, why did you betray the Yin Yang family?"

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "Don't you still see why I betrayed the Yin Yang family?"

With that said, Ji Wuye grabbed two hands on Tian Mi's buttocks with force, and said with a smile, "Do you know now?"


Tian Mi was stunned for a while, then looked at Ji Wuye in disbelief, and said, "You... don't think you want to tell me, it's because of a woman."

If the other party really dared to say so, she wouldn't believe it if she was killed.

The reason............

It's too nonsense, too perfunctory.

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