Seeing the terrified look on Tian Mi's face, Ji Wuye knew that Tian Mi had not lied to herself.

She should have made an appointment with Shengqi ahead of time. She thought it was just an accident. Wu Kuang should have been busy with the task at hand ahead of time, or for some other reason, he came back early.

It's normal for this kind of thing to happen unexpectedly. After all, the time is too close to grasp.

It was exactly as Ji Wuye thought, this was indeed an accident.

When he heard Tian Mi said that he was going to introduce the guest she had recruited outside to him tonight, Wu Kuang thought that he couldn't keep the guest waiting for a long time, so he neglected the other party, so he rushed back early.

Hearing the knock on the door, Tian Mi suddenly felt that there was no master, she looked at Ji Wuye nervously, and said, "What should I do...what should I do...or else, the plan should be suspended first. , find another chance?"

Ji Wuye's brows were furrowed, and his mind was spinning rapidly. At this moment, how could he stop.

Could it be that he should pretend to be under Wu Kuang and Sheng Qi's men before hiding for a while?

If it's just that, it doesn't matter.

However, now Tian Mi is his own woman, and in the morning, Wu Kuang felt guilty for neglecting Tian Mi, and planned to take time to accompany Tian Mi in the future.

Then what about Ji Wuye?Could it be that he is tired of watching Wu Kuang and his woman crooked in front of him every day?

How could he bear this, Wu Kuang must die.

Thinking of this, Ji Wuye's face turned ruthless, and said, "It was just a little accident, it's okay, kill him."

"Kill him?" Tian Mi was startled. If she killed him now, how would she explain to Sheng Qi when she came back?

Ji Wuye nodded and whispered a few words in Tian Mi's ear, only to see a struggling look on Tian Mi's face.

After a while, Tian Mi's face turned ruthless, and she gritted her teeth: "Okay, listen to you."

Seeing this, Ji Wuye nodded with satisfaction: "Don't worry, trust me, after tonight, you will be the head of this Kuihui Hall."

After all, Ji Wuye was slowly hidden in the darkness.

Tian Mi took a deep breath, calmed down, squeezed a smile on her face, and slowly opened the door.

"Why did it take so long to open the door, I thought you weren't there."

"Why did it take so long to open the door, I thought you weren't there."

Wu Kuang walked in with a smile, looked around, and asked curiously, "Where's the guest you recruited back? Isn't it here yet?"

"That's good, that's good. It seems that I didn't come back too late, but we can't keep our distinguished guests waiting for a long time."

"Okay, look at you in a hurry, he will be there in a while, you can just wait a moment."

Tian Mi smiled and poured a cup of tea for Wu Kuang and handed it to Wu Kuang.

Taking the tea cup from Tian Mi's hand, Wu Kuang took a sip and said with a smile, "Where's eldest brother? Haven't you come back yet? He heard that you recruited a strong knight for our hall, but he was more excited than me.丨 Excited."

"Don't you know that, among the six farmhouses, except for our Kuiwei Hall, which has no powerful guest chiefs, which one does not have several guest chiefs?"

"This makes the big brother feel very embarrassed. In the past, he talked in my ear every day, and he had to go out and recruit some good players."

"Madam, you don't know that this time, you not only made a great contribution to my Kuiweitang, but also solved the urgent need of my husband."

"In the future, I don't have to listen to my big brother talking about this in my ear every day."

Wu Kuang's face was full of excitement 丨 chattering there with excitement, it can be seen that he is still very happy that Tian Mi can bring back such a master as Ji Wuye...

Although Tian Mi's strength is not as good as him, but his eyes are very vicious, although he has never seen this so-called guest Qing.

But since Tian Mi said that he is a master, then he must not be too bad.

With a faint smile on her face, Tian Mi slowly walked behind Wu Kuang, stretched out her hand, and kneaded lightly on Wu Kuang's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I have already sent someone to inform the elder brother. I think I should be back soon."

"Well, it should be."

Wu Kuang nodded, raised the tea cup in his hand, squinted his eyes and drank it comfortably, without noticing it, Tian Mi, who was standing behind him, suddenly flashed murderous intent in his eyes, a trembling and shining silver. The needle slipped into his hand from inside the sleeve robe.

Quietly, the murder is imminent!

Looking at Wu Kuang who was unsuspecting, a cold light flashed in Tian Mi's eyes, and the silver needle between her fingers, which were as white as jade, stabbed towards the wind pool on Wu Kuang's back.

There are hundreds of acupuncture points on the human body. Fengchi acupoint is located in the depression on both sides of the hairline on the back of the head. It is mainly used for colds, high blood pressure, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, rhinitis, insomnia, etc.

But at the same time, it is also the key to the back of the head. In the eyes of experts who are familiar with acupuncture points, a single needle can be fatal.

Without any accident, the silver needle in Tian Mi's hand pierced steadily into Wu Kuang's Fengchi Point, which was unprepared.


The tea cup in Wu Kuang's hand fell slowly to the ground. After a scream, Wu Kuang turned around abruptly, 1.8 covered the back of his head, and looked at Tian Mi in disbelief.

" bitch, do this."

Wu Kuang stared at Tian Mi fiercely. He really couldn't figure out why Tian Mi wanted to kill him. He asked himself, after all these years, he treated her well, why did she want to kill herself.

PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for support, ask for monthly ticket, ask for very evaluation ticket......


Chapter 285 Disgusting system? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Suddenly, Wu Kuang felt a gust of cold wind blowing from behind him. Although he wanted to dodge away, he couldn't do it because he was already weak.

At this moment, a cold and playful voice entered Wu Kuang's ears from behind.

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