"Mrs. Tian Mi and Wu Kuang are still in front of me, the one on the left, you are a hero, and the one on the right, you are a person who values ​​love and justice."

"But I didn't expect you to do something like killing your brother and humiliating your sister-in-law. Today, do you think you can still go?"

"Mrs. Tian Mi treats me well, and Hall Master Wu Kuang treats me like a brother."

Ji Wuye's face was full of grief and indignation, and he said righteously, "Today, let alone you won the seventh, even if this farmer's knight comes, I will seek justice for Brother Wu Kuang and Mrs. Tian Mi."


Chapter 289 Run away? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Ji Wuye's intention is very simple. You Sheng Qi are not a person who values ​​love and righteousness. The labor and management are under the banner of seeking justice for your brother. I don't believe that you can still fight with the labor and management.

Sure enough, hearing Ji Wuye's words, Sheng Qi quickly explained: "Brother, you have misunderstood, Wu Kuang is my best brother, how could I do such a depraved thing?"

After saying that, Sheng Qi turned around abruptly and cast his eyes on Tian Mi, hoping that Tian Mi could explain it to him.

However, Tian Mi, who was still staring at Ji Wuye with a glamorous expression just now, seemed to be a different person. After sensing Sheng Qi's gaze, she was like a frightened rabbit, her shoulders trembled slightly. Covering his clothes, he shrank his body, and looked at Sheng Qi with fear.

Seeing this, Sheng Qi was slightly stunned. He couldn't understand why Tian Mi "[-]" had such an expression when he saw him. Could it be that someone pretended to be himself and killed Wu Kuang?

Ji Wuye sneered: "Sheng Qi, what else do you have to say? Are you ready to capture and follow me to see the farmer's Xia Kui, or do I capture you and take you to Xia Kui's presence to ask for an explanation? "

Ji Wuye's idea is very simple, it is obviously impossible to expect Sheng Qi to kill himself without resistance.

Judging from the character of Sheng Qi and the plot in the original work, Sheng Qi should agree to go to see Tian Guang with him in order to prove his innocence.

As long as he went to see Tian Guang with himself, everything would be easy.

At that time, as long as Tian Mi corrects him on the spot, it will be difficult for him to die.

Because of this, Sheng Qi in the original book was sentenced to Shentang, but in the end it seemed that he was rescued by the immortal Zhu family.

Now, with himself, could he let this happen?

Ji Wuye's heart was not only a little excited when he thought of the possibility of killing Sheng Qi in advance.

However, what he didn't expect was that after Sheng Qi pondered for a moment, he suddenly said: "Brother, forgive me for not being able to see Xia Kui with you for the time being, I must investigate this matter clearly, find out the real murderer behind the scenes, and He's smashed to pieces!"

After saying that, Sheng Qi jumped without hesitation and fled towards Kuiwei Hall.


Seeing this scene, Ji Wuye was stunned, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

Is this still the victorious seven with developed limbs and a single brain?

Nima, what are you running for?Don't you want to prove your innocence?

Sheng Qi's escape can be said to be completely beyond his imagination.

Based on his understanding of Sheng Qi from the original work, shouldn't Sheng Qi honestly follow him to see Tian Guang at this time, and then expect Tian Guang to return his innocence?

Could it be that he knew that Tian Mi was intending to frame him?

This is also not right. If he really knew that Tian Mi framed him, shouldn't he be angry and kill Tian Mi?run what?

In fact, Ji Wuye probably didn't know that Sheng Qi's escape was entirely because of Tian Mi's series of abnormal actions.

In his opinion, it should be someone who pretended to be himself, pretended to be himself, and did this.

Otherwise, Tian Mi, who was close to him in the past, would not have behaved so abnormally after seeing her.

At this time, Tian Mi also seemed to have decided that this was what he had done to win the seventh. In this case, if he went to see Xia Kui, wouldn't he be dead if he won the seventh?

At this time, Tian Mi also seemed to have decided that this was what he had done to win the seventh. In this case, if he went to see Xia Kui, wouldn't he be dead if he won the seventh?

He was not afraid of death, but he could not tolerate the murderer who pretended to be him and killed his best brother to go unpunished.

Therefore, he clearly knew that if he left like this, he might bear the notoriety of killing his younger brother and humiliating his sister-in-law, but he also had to remain useful, investigate the matter clearly, and avenge his dead brother.

In the original book, he was led by Tian Meng, Tian Hu, and Tian Zhong, who led the disciples of the peasant family, and he was captured by siege.

Now, after some brainstorming, he who wants to avenge his brother, how can he care about other things, let's live first.

He can't die until he finds out the murderer who killed Wu Kuang by 'impersonating' himself.

Seeing the figure of Sheng Qi fleeing in a hurry, Tian Mi suddenly became a little anxious, and hurriedly came to Ji Wuye, and said anxiously: "Sheng Qi has run away, why don't you hurry up?"

Ji Wuye sighed secretly, why didn't he want to chase, but Sheng Qi's blow just now almost broke his bones. Even if he wanted to chase at this time, he was helpless.

Ji Wuye waved his hand pretending to be indifferent, and said, "What do you do after chasing him, you still think about how to accept Kuiweitang next."

"Anyway, he escaped like this, and he has completely confirmed that he killed his brother and humiliated his sister-in-law."

"Having seen so many eyes, it's impossible for a farmer to let him go."

"Now, how could he end up being fired by the farmer and pursued with all his strength? We don't need to care about him for the time being."

"However, if you don't remove the roots, you're not afraid that there will be disasters in the future?" Tian Mi frowned and looked at Ji Wuye, a little worried expression on her face.

When she thought about it, only when Shengqishengqi died, this matter could be buried in the ground for a long time, and she could sit back and relax.

"Okay, you'd better get down to business first!"

Ji Wuye said: "If it is expected, Tian Zhong, Tian Hu, and Tian Meng will also follow suit and attack Sheng Qi."

"Sheng Qi, you don't need to worry for the time being. You should worry about Tian Meng and the others. Now that the head of Kuiwei Hall is vacant, there is no reason why they don't want to extend their hands here."

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