"Hahaha... Mrs. Tian is talking about this. Over the years, who doesn't know that Mrs. Tian (De Nuo's) has worked hard for Kuiweitang and my farm family..."

Tian Meng greeted him with a smile, then sighed softly and said, "Ah, Mrs. Tian, ​​Tian has also heard about it, and Tian deeply regrets this, he never thought that Sheng Qi would do such a thing. Despairing of conscience."

"However, don't worry, Madam Tian, ​​my farm family will definitely escape to justice for Madam Tian."

Tian Meng patted Yue Xiong's mouth and assured that, if he didn't know, he really thought that Tian Meng was an old-fashioned man with a strong sense of justice.

At least hearing this, it really makes people feel very warm.

Even the disciples of Kuiwei Hall who were following behind Tian Mi and Ji Wuye were looking at Tian Meng with admiration. .

Chapter 292 Lieshan Hall (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Seeing this, Ji Wuye couldn't help but secretly said, this Tian Meng is really a person who knows how to win people's hearts, no wonder he in the original book can become Tian Guang's designated successor.

From this point of view, it is not unreasonable to be able to become Tian Guang's designated successor by virtue of his means.

Although it is true that he is a member of the Tian family, it must be known that there is also a strong Zhu family who has a very high prestige in the farm family.

If Tian Meng was like Tian Hu who couldn't help Adou, even if Tian Guang wanted to appoint him as his successor, he would not be able to convince the public, at least the superficial work had to be done.

Of course, Tian Guang appointed Tian Meng as his successor, which was also because he was a member of the Tian family.

Tian Guang is not a good thing. If he really has no selfishness and focuses on the farmer's family, how could he go to Yan Kingdom to confuse Yan Dan and stir up the wind and rain.

If he is the kind of righteous, upright, selfless person, even if Tian Meng has a high prestige, it is not enough to designate him as a hero.

After all, the Shennong Hall of the Zhu family overwhelms the 107 farmhouses and is the first lobby of the farmhouse.

It can be seen that the Zhu family's prestige both in the farm family and in the rivers and lakes is higher than that of Tian Meng.

As for Tian Meng, if this is what he showed, why should he collude with Tian Mi in the original book to get rid of Sheng Qi?

It can't be said that Ji Wuye's own mentality is dark, so he thinks of everyone in the bad.

Ji Wuye is not a young child who has not yet been deeply involved in the world. How can he say that he has also stirred up the wind and rain in the Korean and Chinese imperial halls for a period of time. When looking at this kind of thing, it is natural to look deeply.

Of course, whether Tian Meng is a good person or a bad person has nothing to do with him at all.

He only knew that the stumbling block in his way, even if it was Sage Kong, he would slap him away without any psychological burden.

Hearing Tian Meng mention Wu Kuang, Tian Mi's face turned from sunny to cloudy, and she was about to cry: "Husband, he...it's all because of me, (adbe) if it wasn't for me, husband, he wouldn't be able to. …”

Speaking of this, Tian Mi looked desolate, tears rolled in her eyes, she was very painful and remorseful, it was really sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who saw it.

It was as if Wu Kuang died because of her. If it wasn't for her existence that made Sheng Qi feel bad about her, Wu Kuang would not have died.

Tian Mi sobbed: "If I follow that person, my husband will not die, it's all because of me... I killed my husband... uh..."

Ji Wuye, who was standing behind Tian Mi, twitched at the corners of his mouth. It would be a waste not to be an actor with your acting skills.

Compared with you, some actresses in later generations who have to drop eye drops even in crying scenes, even those actresses who can't cry even with eye drops.

Compared with you, some actresses in later generations who have to drop eye drops even in crying scenes, even those actresses who can't cry even with eye drops.

If they can get [-] million, aren't you worth [-] million?

Tian Meng looked sad, and said, "Mrs. Tian also asks for your condolences, don't worry, my farm family will definitely give him justice for Brother Wu Kuang's affairs, and let you stand outside the door is my Lieshan Hall's hospitality. Say, let's go in and talk!"

After saying that, Tian Meng stepped aside and welcomed Tian Mi in.

At this time, Tian Hu, Tian Zhong and other hall masters had also been waiting in the hall for a long time. Although Tian Mi is not the hall master now, she is also the highest leader of Kuei Kui Hall. In addition, she will become the hall master of Kui Kui Hall sooner or later. Things, of course, were invited into the lobby.

As for Ji Wuye, he was just a guest, so he was naturally left in the courtyard outside the lobby.

For this kind of neglect, he didn't care at all, and it was not yet time to confront the farmer.

The purpose of his trip was only Tian Guang, and he didn't want to have too much contact with the rest of the farm family for the time being.

It's not a good thing for him to expose himself too early, to attract attention too early.

Standing bored in the courtyard, he had nothing to do and looked around.

I have to say that Tian Meng from Lieshan Hall is quite tasteful.

Although there are not some precious trees and stones around, the overall layout looks fresh and elegant, very grounded.

It's no wonder, no matter how Tian Meng is a member of an aristocratic family, but in the final analysis, the farm family is still dominated by ordinary people.

A resident of a farmhouse, if it is really magnificently furnished, it would seem a bit nondescript.

Look at the rockery, look at the carvings, look at the peach tree in the distance, and even the little girl under the peach tree... eh?little girl?

Ji Wuye was stunned for a moment, and looked intently, only to see a little girl of six or seven years old squatting under the peach tree, holding a branch on the ground, as if she was studying something.

Although this little girl was wearing a simple soapy white ruffled skirt, she was exceptionally clean and tidy, and even the blue silk that was tied up was meticulously combed.

Although she is still young, from her white, tender face like a porcelain doll, as well as her exquisite body and figure, it can be seen that, given time, she is definitely a rare beauty.

Ji Wuye licked, licked, mouth, lips, grinned, rubbed his hands, and walked towards the little girl under the peach tree......

Chapter 293 Fucking Little Lolita (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

"Hey little girl, what are you doing?"

Ji Wuye came to the little girl with a smile, squatted down, and reached out and rubbed the little loli's head.

The little girl who was holding a branch and fiddling with the ground stopped, raised her head, and looked at Ji Wuye: "Aren't you from Lieshan Hall?"

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