Concubine Yan shoved a rattle into Yue'er's hands with a smile, and said lightly without raising her head: "Since you came here, you have been looking at me like this for so long, do you see anything?"

Mrs. Xiang remained silent, her eyes fixed on Concubine Yan.

It seems that since the birth of Yue'er, Concubine Yan's temper has also changed a lot. She doesn't mind Mrs. Xiang's direct gaze, and she is still holding Yue'er in her arms with a smile on her face.

After a long time, Mrs. Xiang, who didn't find anything, was finally defeated. She gritted her teeth and said, "What is the relationship between you and the person called Ji Ye?"

Suddenly hearing the name from Xiangfu's mouth, Concubine Yan's hand stroking Yue'er's small face lightly paused, and her heart that had been calm as water suddenly set off a storm.

And Concubine Yan's subtle movements did not escape Mrs. Xiang's attention. Mrs. Xiang sneered and said meaningfully: "It seems that the relationship between you and him is a bit unusual."

Concubine Yan's face suddenly sank, she slowly raised her head, cast her eyes on Mrs. Xiang's face, and said lightly, "Do you have any news about him?"

Although Concubine Yan's surface was as calm as water, but holding Yue'er's hand, 997 couldn't help but tremble slightly.

After such a long time, when she heard this name again, her heart was full of mixed feelings, very complicated.

She used to think about finding the other party day and night, and then killed him, using the other party's blood to wash her body, leaving traces by the other party.

In the past, it can be said that when she thought of the name Ji Ye, there was only one thought in her mind.

That is to kill him and smash him into tens of thousands of pieces.

However, when she really heard the name again at this time, she actually felt the slightest confusion and panic in her heart.

kill him?Let Yueer be a fatherless child since childhood?

Continue to let Yue'er regard Yan Dan as her father and keep her from knowing the truth for the rest of her life?

But, can this kind of thing really be hidden?

When she grows up and finds out that her father died at the hands of her mother, what kind of blow will it be to her?

Now that Yue'er is everything she has, she will give everything she can, no matter from all aspects, to give Yue'er the best things, so that Yue'er can become the happiest child in the world.

But this father...

On the father's side, no matter how strong her Concubine Yan was, it seemed that she couldn't solve this problem.

This is something she can't give no matter what.

At this time, Concubine Yan had never realized that she would be so afraid to hear this name.

She had never heard the name, and she could tell herself that because she couldn't find him, she couldn't do anything about him.

She can still hold the idea of ​​​​swearing to kill the other party with hatred and continue living like this.

But when she really heard the name, her heart began to panic.

Kill him regardless?

Concubine Yan subconsciously glanced at Yue'er in her arms, and saw that Yue'er had an innocent smile on her face. .

Seeing Yueer grabbing the hairpin on her head again, for fear of hurting Yueer, Concubine Yan took the hairpin off her head, put it aside, and sighed.

Seeing Yueer grabbing the hairpin on her head again, for fear of hurting Yueer, Concubine Yan took the hairpin off her head, put it aside, and sighed.

That's all, he has already made her crippled in terms of family affection, so why bother to kill her father and make her future life dark.

Let the past be in the past.

At this point, Concubine Yan completely let go of the hatred in her heart.

Perhaps, from the moment Yue'er was born, her revenge was destined to never be repaid.

After all, in addition to being her enemy, the other party has an identity that no one can change, Yue'er's father.

Concubine Yan, who is ruthless (adaa), has the attributes of a good wife and a good mother.

When she met Ji Wuye, an enemy with a complex identity, her revenge was destined to be unresolved.

Concubine Yan who looked away gently caressed Yue'er's little face, and said lightly: "Forget it, the past is over, you don't need to help me investigate this person in the future."

"I will continue to help you do what I promise you."

"Forget it?" Mrs. Xiang sneered and said, "Now, it's over."

Hearing Mrs. Xiang's words, Concubine Yan was stunned, looked at Mrs. Xiang in confusion, and said, "What do you mean?"

There was a hint of murder in Mrs. Xiang's eyes: "Although I don't know what your relationship is with this Ji Ye, but now, it's not your business anymore."

"This person... must die. I will make his body into a puppet and place it in Xiaoxiang Valley."

Listening to Mrs. Xiang's resentful tone, Concubine Yan raised her eyebrows slightly: "Oh?"

She couldn't figure out why this bastard had something to do with Mrs. Xiang again, and judging from the anger on the other side's face, it seemed that the feud was not small.

Mrs. Xiang gritted her teeth and said, "Our two sisters have no grievances with this person, and even have never masked their faces. This bastard actually spread rumors on the rivers and lakes."

"Making rumors?" Concubine Yan looked at Madam Xiang with interest.

Originally, this kind of thing had nothing to do with her, so Concubine Yan had no interest.

At this moment, for some unknown reason, a trace of curiosity arose in my heart.

Based on what she knew about the Yin-Yang family, the Yin-Yang family didn't seem to care much about reputation.

She really couldn't figure out what kind of rumors the other party spread to make Mrs. Xiang so angry.

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