After King Wu of Zhou destroyed Shang, he enfeoffed his younger brother Ji Shi in the land of Yan, and was called Duke Zhao of Yan.

The state of Yan expanded to northern Hebei and western Liaoning, and after annexing the state of Ji, the king's capital Ji was established.

The location of the Yan Kingdom can be regarded as the real northern land.

I don't know if it was deliberately trying to distinguish the difference between the land of the North and the land of the Central Plains in this Qin world.

Summer has already entered the Central Plains, and the Yan Kingdom has just started spring.

So much so that Ji Wuye, who was still wearing a summer shirt to cool off in Dongjun, put on a coat again as soon as he stepped into the boundary of the Yan Kingdom.

From Tian Mi's mouth, she learned that Tian Guang was in the capital of King Yan, although she didn't know what Tian Guang was doing in Yan.

But based on the original work, Tian Guang should be the pit Yandan who is still persevering.

I remember that in the original book, when Jing Ke left, it was snowing heavily. If you count the time, Jing Ke's buddy should have died in Gai Nie's hands.

Along the way, looking at the desolate scenery outside the carriage, Ji Wuye couldn't help but sigh.

Patriotism is indeed true, but is it necessary to persevere in such a country of Yan?

Needless to say, Qin has been hanging all the way since Duke Xiao.

During the Warring States Period, the four kingdoms of Chu, Zhao, Wei, and Qi each had a powerful side, and they were the best in the world.

Even South Korea, which has always given people a funny and dragon-like impression, once was called Jinhan by the world.

Only this country of Yan, in the hundreds of years of the Warring States period, has never had a strong time.

Since the beginning of King Yan Yi, in all dynasties, there was no shortage of power and officials in the dynasties, and there was even a time when there was no king.

When other countries sent envoys to Yan, they had to find out whether they were looking for the prince or the prime minister.

The prince was hanged and beaten all the way by the prime minister, and the last family committed suicide.

The country of Yan was originally a bitter and cold place, and it was still in civil turmoil for years.

To say that among the seven kingdoms, which country's people are the most persecuted, if the Yan country is the most persecuted, no one dares to fight with him.

Even a selfish and powerful official like Ji Wuye couldn't help but sigh, is such a country really necessary to exist?

In such a country, he would feel a little uncomfortable for Ji Wuye to be a powerful minister here and enjoy all the glory.

Although he was regarded as a selfish person, he saw the hard life of the people of Yan State.

Thinking about their experience that they never had a good day, he really couldn't bear the heart to be a powerful minister and suck their blood.

He Ji Wuye asked himself that he is not a person with the heart of the Virgin, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a rotten person.

If there is no threat from the Qin State, he can be a powerful minister in Korea for a lifetime, even if he usurps the throne and becomes a king, and then becomes a foolish monarch who oppresses the people, he will not have any psychological burden.

After all, although the lives of the Korean people are not as good as they are, they are still pretty decent.

No matter how bad it is, the Korean people are living a good life.

But this country of Yan... It's a bit ugly to say, squeezing a gold coin from the hands of these people of Yan country, Ji Wuye felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

But this country of Yan... It's a bit ugly to say, squeezing a gold coin from the hands of these people of Yan country, Ji Wuye felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

Such a state of Yan would be destroyed sooner. For these commoners, it might be a relief.

At least the days of these people, no matter how bad they are, will not be worse than they are now.

Of course, this is also based on the destruction of the various princes in the Central Plains.

If it was destroyed in the hands of the barbarians in the north, it would be another matter.

All the way to Yanwangji, in the city of Ji, it is a scene of prosperity and prosperity.

Behind this vain prosperity, who can see the uninhabited scene outside Yan Wangji.

Entering Jicheng, Ji Wuye, dressed in a black coat and carrying a blood-slaying demon wrapped in black brocade, jumped out of the carriage, raised his head, looked at the bustling street, and threw a few gold coins to the driver. Without going back, he walked towards an inn.

"This guest officer, do you want to stay at the hotel, or...¨"."

Before the shopkeeper could finish speaking, Ji Wuye threw a black waist card on the counter.

"I find you!"

The hand of the shopkeeper who was tapping on the abacus paused slightly, glanced at the black waist card that fell on the counter, raised his head, and glanced at Ji Wuye.

He held the waist card in both hands and returned it to Ji Wuye's hand, with a flattering smile on his face: "This guest officer, please go upstairs."

After that, the shopkeeper led Ji Wuye upstairs.

As soon as he entered the room, the shopkeeper bowed at Ji Wuye and said, "Little man Dong Wen, I have seen Director Ji."

Ji Wuye waved his hand, took off the Zhan Yao Weeping Blood on his back, put it on the table, lay down on the soft side, and said lightly: "' 々 Which farmhouse do you belong to?"

Dong Wen quickly replied: "The villain is the steward of Lieshan Hall in Jicheng."

Ji Wuye nodded, although the farmhouse was originally a family, although the six halls were calm on the surface, there was a lot of fighting in private.

Fortunately, this has nothing to do with the Kui Kui Hall where he is located. Although the six farmhouses are now divided into two factions, Tian Mi's Kui Kui Hall is still in front of the two parties.

Tian Mi is a woman who can be said to be exquisite in everything she does. Although she has invested in the Tian family, she also has contacts with the Zhu family and others through the relationship between Shengqi and Wu Kuang.

In theory, although it is indeed impossible for her to be trusted by any party, Kuiweitang is a considerable force. Both the Tian family and the Zhu family want to pull her into their own camp.

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