The painful sound of the two women, one big and one small, suddenly made Ji Wuye feel a headache. He quickly put his hands on Concubine Yan's shoulders and said, "Can you calm down first"? "

"Calm down, can you coax this little one in your arms first, and we'll talk about it later?"

Seeing Yue'er crying, Concubine Yan, who was silent in grief, seemed a little panicked. She wiped the tears on her face indiscriminately, forced a smile, and hurriedly hugged Yue'er and coaxed her.

"Yue'er be good, don't be afraid, mother is good..."

After coaxing for a long time, Yue'er's cry finally fell silent again, she pursed her lips, and fell into a deep sleep.

Concubine Yan carefully placed Yue'er on the couch, turned around, and quietly looked at Ji Wuye, the tears that remained on Qing Guo Qingcheng's cheeks, which looked very poignant and sad.

Concubine Yan carefully placed Yue'er on the couch, turned around, and quietly looked at Ji Wuye, the tears that remained on Qing Guo Qingcheng's cheeks, which looked very poignant and sad.

Ji Wuye put his hands on Concubine Yan's shoulders, looked at her eyes, and said slowly: "With the grudge between you and me, it is impossible for me to let you go in this life, maybe I can try it in the next life. Try it."

Concubine Yan clenched her hands tightly, her face was pale, and she gritted her teeth: "Among the people I killed, are there any of your relatives?"

Ji Wuye smiled and shook his head.

Concubine Yan gritted her teeth, and Su Yuexiong rose and fell sharply: "That's why I accidentally hurt you?"

Ji Wuye still shook his head with a smile on his face.

"You..." Concubine Yan's face was flushed, and she was about to roar, when she saw him pointing at Yue'er who was sleeping, she suppressed the anger in her heart and gritted her teeth, "Then what is going on between us? The deep hatred and hatred you want to treat me like this?"

Ji Wuye shrugged and said with a smile: "Who made you look so beautiful, made me fall in love with you at first sight, think about it every day, and even made me have no appetite and sleepless nights since I left you these days, Lost dozens of pounds."

"Do you think you and I have a deep hatred? You think how can I let you go so easily?"

"You..." Concubine Yan bit her lip, Yue Xiong's chest rose and fell in a hurry, glaring at Ji Wuye, she gritted her teeth word by word: "It's because..."

How could she believe such a nonsense reason?Lost dozens of pounds?This ruddy face with a radiant face is really not convincing.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Ji Wuye said with a smile: "` 々 It's something that has happened since ancient times, you have to have confidence in yourself."

With that said, Ji Wuye lifted Concubine Yan's chin and smiled: "Okay, don't think about it, maybe you think that love at first sight is a bit nonsense."

"Yes, I also think it's nonsense." Ji Wuye shrugged and said with a smile, "Then let's be serious."

Speaking of this, Ji Wuye looked solemn, stared deeply at Concubine Yan, and said, "Perhaps you think we haven't even met a few times, but, you know, I've been watching you silently for how long. Is it time?"

"It can even be said that I am the person who knows you best in this world." Ji Wuye said with a faint smile on his face, "Including Yan Dan, no one knows you better than me."

"You? Know me?" Concubine Yan sneered with disdain on her face.

Counting this time, she and Ji Wuye only met twice.

A person who has only met twice told her that he is the person who knows her best in the world.

This kind of words, let alone her Concubine Yan, I am afraid that anyone else would not believe such nonsense.

If Ji Wuye was a member of the Yin Yang family, it would be better to say that even if it was an unknown disciple, he might have started to pay attention to her silently when Concubine Yan didn't notice him.

But obviously, Ji Wuye didn't seem to have stayed in Yin Yang's house in any way.

Ji Wuye may be able to fool those outsiders who don't understand with his magical hurricane, but he can't fool Concubine Yan.

Concubine Yan, as the lord of the Yin-Yang family, there is nothing she does not know about the Yin-Yang technique of the Yin-Yang family.

Concubine Yan sneered: "If you want to say that you were once a genius of the Yin-Yang family, or that you once stayed in the Yin-Yang family, you don't need to say it."

"I...not those people in the farmhouse, will listen to your nonsense.".

Chapter 312 You don't know how many tables, chairs and benches I smashed (for flowers, ask for monthly tickets)

Ji Wuye stroked Concubine Yan's cheek lightly and said with a smile, "Does it have to be someone from the Yin-Yang family who understands you?"

With that said, Ji Wuye slowly sat on the floor and said, "Others may only think that you are a ruthless woman, even Yan Dan, don't you still think that you still can't let go of your identity as Dongjun of the Yin Yang family?"

Ji Wuye stretched out his hand and pulled Concubine Yan's arm. After she sat beside him, he gently stroked her soft catkin and said slowly, "Only I know in this world that you are actually a For the sake of the one you love, you can give up all good wives and good mothers."

"You, was it just a coincidence that I met you and Yan Dan at the lake?" Ji Wuye played with Concubine Yan's slender fingers with a faint smile, and said slowly: "Actually, I was there for the sake of you went."

"Of course, you can also think that I'm obsessed with your beauty, and that's true. You are indeed beautiful, and your beauty makes my heart move."

"However, the main reason why I can't extricate myself from you is because of your character and my understanding of you."

"If it is said that Yan Dan is really your sweetheart, someone who is worthy of your life, I will naturally not disturb you."

"But... is he?"

Speaking of this, Ji Wuye showed a mocking smile on his face, sarcastically: "Actually, no matter whether you admit it or not, all he has in his heart is this broken and shattered state of Yan."

"He's with you, do you think it's because of you?"

"If you don't have this super strength, if you don't have the identity of the yin and yang family Dongjun, do you think he will really be with you?"

"He was originally with you, but he wanted to use the Yin-Yang family to help him become the King of Yan and revitalize the so-called Yan Kingdom."

"Unfortunately, what he didn't expect was that the Yin Yang family didn't look down on the country of Yan and chose the country of Qin."

"Since then, you have become dispensable to him."

"The only value you have left for him is your outstanding strength."

"When you still foolishly thought he liked you, and for him, you killed the Mo clan's six-fingered black man and helped him become a Mo clan giant, you have no use value in the slightest."

"Because, if he still keeps you by his side, the Mo family will definitely think that he instructed you to kill the six-fingered black man (adad). Do you think his position as a giant of the Mo family can still be maintained?"

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