He held the thin quilt tightly in his arms, his body arched slightly, his teeth clenched tightly, and he sobbed softly.

The scenes from last night reverberated in her mind one after another. She had no regrets for dedicating her life again for Yue'er.

However, even in the dream, it was Ji Wuye, and the absurd picture, which made her unbearable.

It has been almost two years since she returned to Yan Kingdom. She seldom even dreams. Even if she does occasionally dream, she dreams of Yue'er, or her previous life in Yin Yang's house.

She, who has never even dreamed of a man, actually dreamed of the man who tortured her again and again last night, even this kind of absurd dream.

The most unacceptable thing for her is that in the dream, not only did she not resist, she actually enjoyed, enjoyed and cooperated very much.

She can endure what has happened to her, but she can't accept that she is even shaken by a man who has brought her to where she is today.

After a long time, Concubine Yan wiped away the tears on her face, stood up sparsely, and glanced at the empty room.

The man disappeared from her side again without her noticing, just like last time.

Looking at the letter left by the pillow, Concubine Yan opened it subconsciously. The lines were the same as the handwriting by the lake, and the crooked words came into her eyes.

"Baby, did you sleep well last night? Although I also want to stay by your side and watch you get up and get up, how lazy and lazy, but..."

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid that you can't think about it for a while and do something to murder your husband."

"Although I love you more than myself, even if I die at your hands, I have no regrets, and I will even feel very happy."

"Originally, I have already planned, in order to see how you look when you wake up, even if you die."

"Originally, I have already planned, in order to see how you look when you wake up, even if you die."

"But I thought about it later. If I die, I'll leave you alone in this world. I'm a little worried about you."

"I'm not afraid of death, especially at your hands, but I'm afraid that after I die, no one will love you like I do."

"So, even for you, I have to live well."

"Even if I'm alive makes you very unhappy, that's okay."

"For you, in order to have someone in this world who loves you very much, even if you get angry, even if I really want to die at your hands, I will work hard to live."

"By the way, don't worry about Yue'er. I really planned to use it for Yue'er, and I would use Yue'er to threaten you."

"But this time I went out in a hurry and forgot to be at home 0..."

"I didn't mean to lie to you either. I did feed Yue'er some food two days ago."

"I also thought I gave Yue'er Shixiang Ruanjin Powder, but when I woke up today, I was going to find an antidote for Yue'er."

"I suddenly remembered that at that time, it seemed that Yue'er was thirsty, and the water I fed her seemed to be ordinary water."

"I'm really sorry, I really didn't mean to lie to you."

"If you think I lied to you, I'll make it up again next time."

"When we meet next time, I will definitely feed Yue'er Shixiang Ruanjinsan, and then I promise you that you won't do anything and will detoxify her for free."

"Okay, I'm leaving, don't miss me."

"When I can beat you someday, I will take you home."

"Your husband... oh, I almost forgot, you guys seem to be calling your husband in fashion."

"Your husband, Ji Wuyeliu."

After reading it, Concubine Yan's face was ashen, she tightly held the silk book left by Ji Wuye in her hand, and gritted her teeth.

"Bastard, you lied to me again, ah..."

A golden flame instantly ignited in Concubine Yan's hand, and 0.2 wanted to burn the silk book in her hand to ashes.

But when the golden flame spread towards the silk book, it suddenly stopped for some reason.

Looking at the silk book in her hand, Concubine Yan took a deep breath, closed her eyes lightly, and the flame in her hand gradually faded and disappeared.

Holding the silk book in her hands, Concubine Yan picked up the sleeping Yue'er, and her figure gradually disappeared from the room.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 315 Nu Ying (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

On the way back to Korea, Ji Wuye was lying on the roof of the carriage, looking at the white clouds floating in the sky, he couldn't help humming a little song.

After killing Tian Guang, although the upgrade pill obtained was very refreshing to use, after eating it, the whole person was refreshed, as if he had just finished SPA.

However, cool is cool, but it only made him level 1.

But it went from 82 to 83.

But he didn't plan to do any more tasks or upgrade at this time.

After calculating the time, Ying Zheng should have almost sorted out the country by now.

If there is no accident, it will not take long for the Qin army to march eastward, which is the beginning of the pace of domination of the world.

He now has to go back and deal with the remaining trivial matters in Korea and China, and handle the handover with Ying Zheng.

After finishing these trivial matters in 03, he can concentrate on task leveling for the remaining few years.

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