The reason why Duanmurong joined the Mo family was only because Yan Dan took advantage of her youth, and when her master had just passed away, he took advantage of the emptiness and tricked her into it.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 336 Flower Shadow (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Xiao Gao and Xue Nv should be still in Feixue Pavilion in Yan Kingdom now, one is a dancer and the other is a piano teacher.

As for the big hammer, Ji Wuye only remembered that he joined the Mo family after being rescued by Yan Dan on the battlefield.

Since he is not here now, he should still be a junior officer in the Yan Kingdom's army.

Master Xu, the master swordsmith, naturally couldn't come to participate in such a thing.

Since Master Ban, the master of the mechanism technique, has come here, the Mo family should have also brought a powerful mechanism beast on this trip.

Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel his heart sinking when he thought of the performance of the Mo family's institutional beasts on the battlefield when Meng Tian destroyed Chu in the original novel.

If the Mo family really brought in the four divine beasts in the original book, it would really become a little tricky this time.

Yan Dan smiled, pointed at Ji Wuye and said, "This is the brother Ji I mentioned to you, when I was on the way back to Yan, and I met him at first sight. I think something happened in the middle, but you don't know, this brother of mine is a master of the art of war, he..."

Hearing that Yan Dan wanted to introduce him in detail, Ji Wuye, who was pondering, hurriedly interrupted with a smile: "Brother Yan has praised him, but he just learned a little bit, so let's not mention it."

What a joke, he told Yan Dan that he was a descendant of the Zongheng family, and when he entered the farm family, he told the farm family that he was a descendant of the Yin and Yang family.

Now that there are people from the Nong and Mo families, and if he goes on, the farmers will ask him to explain.

This TM will be passed down vertically and horizontally for a while, and will be passed down from Yin and Yang families for a while.

Although he can fool around, but he is too lazy to bother.

In fact, it is very simple to put it together. What he told Yan Dan was that an unknown old man taught him some military lessons when he was a child.

Anyway, when he was a child, after the unknown old man had taught him what he had learned in the military, he was taken aback by the passing Yin-Yang family and forcibly brought him back to the Yin-Yang family, which makes sense.

He was just too lazy to talk to these people anymore.

At this moment, a beautiful woman dressed in red stood up with a smile, and said with a smile, "I have heard for a long time that Hall Master Tian Mi has recruited a powerful general manager for Kuiwei Hall. I saw you today, Sure enough, the heroic and martial arts are extraordinary, and the little girl respects the season's chief steward for a cup.〃."

The voice of this woman was as beautiful and wonderful as the spring water, and it was refreshing, Ji Wuye raised his head and looked for the sound.

I saw that this woman's skin and skin were better than snow, her shoulders were shrunk, her curves and lines were exquisite, and her white neck was a tall Cui Yue Hung.

His eyes were like a flood of clear water, and when he was looking forward to it, he was quite hooked and soul-sucking.

After seeing the face of the woman in front of him, Ji Wuye was stunned, Huaying?Isn't she in charge of the Zuimenglou for the Zhu family?How did you get here?

Seeing Ji Wuye staring at Huaying in a daze, Tian Meng laughed and said: "What? Our Director Ji is also addicted to the beauty of Huaying girl? If you let you Tian Mi know this, after you go back It's not going to be a bad day."

As soon as Tian Meng said this, the whole room burst into laughter, looking at Ji Wuye with a knowing smile.

In this era, the relationship between men and women is not as serious as in the later period.

In ancient times, men and women communicated freely. After entering the patriarchal society, women gradually became the vassals of men.

In ancient times, men and women communicated freely. After entering the patriarchal society, women gradually became the vassals of men.

However, even in the Central Plains of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Chinese people still somewhat retained the legacy of primitive clans. In the middle of spring, men and women met freely and had fun.

That is to say, until the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was still no so-called great defense between men and women.

At that time, as long as the two of them looked right, even if both of them were married, they could go to Wushan together and enjoy the joy of fish and water.

Don't say that outsiders won't say anything, even their husbands and wives won't have any opinions on it.

Until the Warring States Period, the nobility family etiquette stipulated in Confucian classics emphasized the separation and alienation of men and women, and strictly prevented excessive contact between the two sexes who were not married.

It was really done, and a woman was not allowed to have a love and surname relationship with any man who was not her husband.

Within the family, men and women are strictly differentiated, and even handing things is not allowed.

The most strict one is that from the Song Dynasty, the division of men and women was more strict in the families of scholars and officials.

Imprisoning women in a small world not only restricts and destroys women's love for the ideal opposite sex.

And distort their thoughts, feelings, desires, and aspirations, making them self-consciously a tame tool for feudal moral power.

The lower classes, such as the common people, are much more relaxed, but they are also deeply affected.

But in this period of Ji Wuye, although it is not as absurd as the Western Zhou Dynasty, it is far less serious than after the Song Dynasty.

Widows in this era still have the right to remarry, not to mention someone with status like Tian Mi.

Wu Kuang died and Tian Mi became a widow, so remarrying is a matter of course.

This is also why after Ji Wuye returned to Kuiwei Hall, Tian Mi flung himself into his arms without any scruples in front of the disciples of Kuiwei Hall, and no one would say anything.

And these people who are also at the top of the farmhouse, naturally have some understanding of those things between the churches.

Even though Ji Wuye was the chief butler of Kuiwei Hall, everyone knew about the troubles between him and Tian Mi.

If Wu Kuang was still alive, this would naturally be an incredible event.

But Wu Kuang is dead, Tian Mi finds another man (good Zhao Hao), that is her own right, even the farmer has no right to interfere.

This is also the reason why Tian Meng did not accuse Ji Wuye and Tian Mi at this time, but could still laugh at Ji Wuye.

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