At this moment, Ji Wuye yawned and walked downstairs. Looking at the crowd in the hall, Ji Wuye smiled and said hello.

"Morning everyone..."

Yan Dan nodded at Ji Wuye, while the others had heavy expressions on their faces, not knowing what they were thinking.

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, then walked down the stairs slowly, and asked inexplicably, "What's wrong with everyone?"

Tian Meng's face was heavy, and he said solemnly, "The two white tigers that were parked in the backyard are gone."

"What?" Ji Wuye was startled and quickly said, "What's going on? Is there no one to look after it?"

Yan Dan said solemnly: "Last night, six of the ten disciples of the guard agency Baihu died in the woods outside the city. The way they died was very strange."

"Judging from the marks left on the bodies, they should have appeared there by themselves and then killed themselves."

"There are four other disciples whose whereabouts are unknown, and their lives and deaths are unknown."

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, and said in a loss: "Suicide? it too unbelievable."

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, and said in a loss: "Suicide? it too unbelievable."

"I didn't sleep in the middle of the night, I ran to the woods outside the city to kill myself, and not one, but six together?"

"Such a bizarre method of murder, I think it must have come from the Yin and Yang family." Tian Meng said in a deep voice, and then turned his attention to Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, since you said it was from the Yin-Yang family, what do you think about labor and capital?Labor and capital are not yin and yang families...

Eh, thinking of this, Ji Wuye instantly came back to his senses, in the eyes of Tian Meng and others, it seemed that he really came from the Yin Yang family.

Ji Wuye coughed lightly and said, "There are many types of yin and yang techniques. As far as I know, both the yin and yang puppet technique and the soul capture technique can do this."

Old Man Ban glanced at Ji Wuye curiously, and said, "Director Ji still has research on onmyoji?"

Everyone present turned their attention to Ji Wuye. They had never heard of the two onmyoji techniques he mentioned.

"Just a little bit of understanding..." Ji Wuye continued: "If I expected it well, the Yin Yang family should have arrived in Xinyi. Now that we have lost the White Tiger, it is better to make plans earlier."

After hearing this, no one cared about how much Ji Wuye knew about the Yin Yang technique, and they all fell into deep thought.

The people of the Yin and Yang family, did they pass by here, or did they come specifically for them.

Only high-level people from the Nong and Mo families know about the killing of Ji Wuye's family. Those ordinary disciples, until now, don't know what their purpose of coming here is.

In theory, there should be no possibility of leaking information.

However, since the Yin-Yang family came directly at the White Tiger, they didn't seem to be passing by.

If the Yin Yang family really came for their group, it would be a little troublesome.

If the Yin-Yang family just took Ying Zheng's orders to pick up Ji Wuye's family, and when they passed by Xinyi, they happened to find a group of them, and then they stole the white tiger.

At least it proves that there will not be many people coming from the other party.

But if the other party received the news in advance and turned to 4.0 to become his own group of people, then the trouble would be big.

The Yin-Yang Family, Nightfall, and possibly Luo Net also participated in this operation. For some of them, it would definitely be a disaster.

In the lobby of the restaurant, the faces of the farmers and the two families were heavy, and no one noticed. At this time, Ji Wuye, who was standing on the stairs, showed a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 340 How can I let him go

Ji Wuye had just mastered the posture of the White Tiger, and the White Tiger was stolen. Is it really a coincidence?

Just last night, he leaked the method and position of driving the white tiger, and the white tiger was lost, and the death of the six disciples was described from their mouths.

Although Ji Wuye did not receive the news, at this time he was sure that the Yin Yang family had already arrived in Xinyi City.

Moreover, what Ji Wuye knew about these two kinds of Yin Yang techniques seemed to be only Star Soul.

Even the star souls who rarely walk around the outside world have come, indicating that there must be a lot of masters from the Yin Yang family this time.

The people from the Yin and Yang family have all arrived, so naturally the people who caught the net will also arrive.

He glanced at Tian Meng, Tian Hu, Tian Zhong, and Yan Dan secretly. If possible, he really wanted to keep these people here.

Among these people, it didn't matter if Yan Dan ran away, but if the brothers of the Tian family died here, it would be a good thing for him.

Best, it would be even better if they could fight Xiangjun out.

As for why he wanted Xiangjun to die, is there any need to ask?

The man 03 who has an alluring wife is already a capital offense in Ji Wuye, not to mention that he also has a pair of twin sisters.

It's not an exaggeration for such a man to die [-] times, right?

It's better to die as badly as possible.

I have to say that Ji Wuye's psychology is really dark.

Xiangjun didn't mess with him, just because he fell in love with his wife, he wanted to kill him, which was really frustrating.

At this moment, a full-bodied voice rang out in the hall.

"So what if the Yin and Yang family came, just to get rid of these Ying Zheng's lackeys."

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