After some madness and madness, he was already somewhat awake, lying in Ji Wuye's arms, as if he had lost his soul, staring blankly at the light, flickering, flickering candlelight not far away.

Although now she has lost the slightest love for Yan Dan in her heart, all that remains is endless hatred.

Although now she has lost the slightest love for Yan Dan in her heart, all that remains is endless hatred.

Although this is not the first time she has had this kind of thing happen to the man beside her.

But she never imagined that one day, the man she once loved would send her to the bed of a man who gave her endless nightmares.

In the past, although she hated Yan Dan, she at least still had some good memories.

Now she, even those good memories of the past, have been completely destroyed.

All along, what did Yan Dan take her for?

In the past, in terms of talent and all aspects, he was superior to the Moon God, and the celestial son of the Yin-Yang family would one day become no different from the concubines of ordinary big families.

In this era, although concubines seem to be a little higher than maids, there are people waiting for them every day.

But her status is the same as that of a maid, and the master has the right to give her to anyone.

It is even normal for some gold owners to take their concubines and play with others in order to seek stimulation.

This time, the blow to Concubine Yan was tantamount to being higher than the previous two.

The first two times were considered coercion.

But this time, Concubine Yan, like the concubine of some big family, was sent to the bed of another man by her husband, and she even administered the medicine herself.

Concubine Yan's eyes were empty and her heart felt chills. How could she betray the Yin and Yang family because of such a man.

Now that I think about it, it's ridiculous.

Following such a man, today he can drug her and send her to Ji Wuye's bed, then tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, who will drug her to send her to?

Feeling the lifeless body in his arms, Ji Wuye clenched his arms tightly, hugged Concubine Yan tightly, and said, "'Don't be sad, for such a man, it's not worth it. 〃.”

Concubine Yan still did not respond, and still stared blankly ahead.

Ji Wuye said lightly, "Want to know why Yan Dan did this?"

Hearing this, Concubine Yan finally reacted (well, well), slowly raised her head, and looked at him silently.

Looking at Concubine Yan's calm and pretty face like stagnant water, Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel a little distressed, and gently tidied her hair by her ears, and said softly, "I told you a long time ago. , Yan Dan is with you, just to take advantage of you."

"I originally thought that you were useless to him, and he didn't need to toss you again in the future."

"However, it's very unfortunate that even I didn't expect that he actually found a place to use on you again."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 347 So I'm Here (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Looking at Concubine Yan's blank eyes, Ji Wuye tightened his arms around her fragrant shoulders, sighed softly, and said, "You should know what Yan Dan's dream has always been."


Concubine Yan's eyes were full of puzzlement. Isn't what Yan Dan wants most is the throne of Yan Kingdom?

What does this have to do with giving yourself to Ji Wuye?

Although Ji Wuye covered the sky with one hand in Korea, this is not Korea.

If it was Yan Chun-jun lying beside her now, she would be able to understand.

Could it be that Ji Wuye can still help him ascend to the throne?

As if knowing what Concubine Yan was thinking, Ji Wuye chuckled and shook his head, "It's not what you think, but it's not much different."

"You should know that the heir to the throne, no matter what his character is, there is another thing that he cannot avoid and is indispensable."

"That's the issue of the offspring."

"Children?" Concubine Yan felt even more at a loss. Although Yue 380'er was not a male, did she blame herself?

After returning from Qin State, he seemed to have changed as a person, or, in other words, revealed his true colors?

After he returned from Qin State, he turned his face on himself inexplicably.

When he wanted to distance himself from himself for the sake of being a giant, why didn't he think about the issue of heirs?

Now, finally think of the issue of the heirs?

Although he is here, it is impossible for him to have any children, but he can go to other women.

What is the purpose of giving her to Ji Wuye?

Ji Wuye whispered: "Although I don't know why Yan Dan wants me to help him and you have a child for him, but..."

"It doesn't matter, the important thing is that I am here because this woman is you."

Of course it was impossible for Ji Wuye to tell Concubine Yan that Yan Dan had become a crippled person, otherwise, with her head, after a little thought, she would know what was going on.

After all, she knew very well that Yan Dan was hurt by her own hands.

If Concubine Yan knew that Yan Dan was abolished at that moment, she would think that the reason why Yan Dan became like this was entirely because of him, Ji Wuye.

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