The faint moonlight shines through the gaps and gaps in the leaves, and shines on the little red face of Snow Maiden. The irresistible medicinal effect is even more from the cheeks, the neck, and the whole body, with a strange look. The rosé 0 .........

Seeing this scene, Ji Wuye couldn't bear it anymore, he rushed forward and pressed Xue Nu on the grass...

In Jicheng, because of the death of Lord Yanchun, it was already in chaos, and countless soldiers surrounded Feixue Pavilion.

When Yanchun Jun died in Feixue Pavilion, everyone in Feixue Pavilion was naturally suspicious, and Gao Jianli, who was covered in scars, was the most suspicious one.

Rao is Gao Jianli's desperate explanation, saying that people were not killed by others, and Feixuege was also a victim.

If Xue Nv was also kidnapped by the murderer who killed Yan Chunjun, they would ignore him at all, and take Gao Jianli back with scars.

Even if these people knew that Gao Jianli was not the murderer of Yanchun Jun, but the death of a royal family was still the powerful Yanchun Jun.

The people who do things below have to give an explanation to the above, don't they?

What should I do if I can't catch the real culprit, unfortunately, I had to catch Gao Jianli as a scapegoat.

Fortunately, Yan Dan received the news in time, and went to the prison overnight to propose 0.4 to Gao Jianli.

Otherwise, Gao Jianli, one of the leaders of the later Mo family, might die in a cell tonight and become a scapegoat for others.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 355 Snow Maiden (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Yan Dan, who wants to win over people with lofty ideals in the world and help Yan Kingdom, naturally knows about Gao Jianli.

After all, the entire Jicheng is so big. In Jicheng, who are the people of the hundreds of families, and which are the strong and skilled loose people, he, the prince, is naturally clear.

It's not that he didn't come forward to invite Gao Jianli before, but Gao Jianli's body and mind were all placed on Xue Nv in Feixue Pavilion, and Xue Nv rejected Yan Dan's invitation, so Yan Dan had to give up temporarily.

Now that Gao Jianli was wrongfully imprisoned, how could Yan Dan not seize such a good opportunity to buy people's hearts.

Yan Dan personally sent Gao Jianli, who was covered in injuries, to Feixue Pavilion, and enthusiastically invited his own royal doctor to treat Gao Jianli's injuries.

Gao Jianli was moved to tears, grabbed Yan Dan's rough hand, and said emotionally: "His Royal Highness, I know your purpose for saving me, if you can help me rescue Xue Nu, I will promise you and join the Mo family. ."

Hearing this, Yan Dan was overjoyed, and quickly said: "What did Brother Gao say, although Yan really wants Brother Gao to join the Mo family, how could he do such a robbery, the matter of the Snow Girl? It's wrapped around Yan."

Yan Dan said righteously: "Although Brother Gao did not join the Mo family, Yan has long regarded you as his own brother. Your business is naturally mine, don't worry, I will send someone to search for the Snow Maiden. The whereabouts of the girl."

"No... I'll go in person, brother, you can rest easy, and for brother, I'll help you save the Snow Maiden girl."

Having said that, Yan Dan patted Gao Jianli's shoulder enthusiastically, turned around and strode away.

When Yan Dan learned that Jun Yanchun died in Feixue Pavilion, he already knew who did it.

Although Yan Chunjun himself has no strength, his power in Yan country is enough to make any sect among the hundreds of schools, and he is afraid of him.

If there is not enough interest, no one will be idle to kill such a thing.

With Yan Dan's hatred for Yanchun Jun and the strength of the Mo family, it would be easy to assassinate a Yanchun Jun.

But Yan Chunjun could not die at the hands of Yan Dan and the Mo family, because he could not stand the investigation at all.

If things come to light at that time, not to mention that King Yan will not pass the throne to him, even the people of the world will ridicule him for using such a low-handed method to fight for power and the throne.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yan Dan has always been the image of a tolerant and benevolent monarch. He does not want to let the character that he has built so hard to collapse because of a Yanchun monarch.

But Ji Wuye's shot is different. Ji Wuye is a farmer, no matter how he gets involved, he can't get involved in Yan Dan's head.

At that time, he could completely deny that he had instigated Ji Wuye and asked him to help him kill Yan Chunjun. He could even say that he had persuaded Ji Wuye but failed to persuade him. things are up.

When Ji Wuye shot, he watched from the side secretly, and planned that if Ji Wuye missed, he would make up for the knife secretly, and count Yanchun Jun's death on Ji Wuye's head.

Unexpectedly, things went smoothly beyond his imagination.

As for Xue Nv, Gao Jianli wanted to find him, so he helped him find it. Anyway, Yan Dan believed that his brother Ji would not do anything to Xue Nv. If he died, he would sleep with her.

As for Xue Nv, Gao Jianli wanted to find him, so he helped him find it. Anyway, Yan Dan believed that his brother Ji would not do anything to Xue Nv. If he died, he would sleep with her.

It's just a woman, she sleeps when she sleeps.

In Yan Dan's eyes, although Xue Nu had some strength, she was nothing but an entertaining dancer.

After getting a positive answer from Gao Jianli, Yan Dan laughed and walked out of Feixue Pavilion.

As for the promise of Gao Jianli to find Xue Nu for him, Yan Dan is not worried.

He planned to wait until Ji Wuye came back during the day to have a good talk with Ji Wuye.

As for tonight...

Just let the first dancer of the Yan Kingdom do him a favor and reward his hero...

The faint moonlight sprinkled on the hillside outside Jicheng. Under the water-like moonlight, a man was pressing on the body of a beautiful woman with long silver hair.

The melodious and melodious Jiao, Yin, and voice echoed in the wind.

For Xue Nu, Ji Wuye had no pity or pity. The two of them were not familiar with each other, and Xue Nv belonged to the kind of cold beauty like an iceberg.

How could Ji Wuye feel any pity for such a woman? Yes, there is only a sense of accomplishment after the conquest.

By the time the battle was over, Snow Maiden, who was already unconscious, had already fallen into a semi-conscious state.

Ji Wuye sat beside Xue Nv, and after smoking a cigarette, he casually pulled over Xue Nv's aqua blue dress that had been thrown aside and covered her body. 767

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