Chapter 357 Jealous? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Passing through the quiet courtyard, along the winding corridor, I came to the concubine Yan's house and pushed the door in.

I saw a layer of red veil shrouded between the inner room and the outer room. Through the veil, I saw a woman with scattered blue silk, not yet dressed, wearing a thin nightgown, holding a baby in her arms, humming softly. An unknown tune.

Hearing the sound of pushing the door, the woman was startled and raised her head abruptly. When she saw Ji Wuye's familiar face, the woman lowered her head again, coaxing the baby in her arms, and said lightly: "came back?"

The woman's simple greeting made Ji Wuye stunned for a while, and a strange feeling poured out from the bottom of her heart.

Ji Wuye stared at the woman who was coaxing the baby, and her footsteps became softer.

Concubine Yan, who had not received a response, didn't care either, she still lowered her head to coax the child, and said lightly, "What's wrong with you? I haven't seen you all night, why do you feel as if you've changed a person."

"is it?"

As if afraid to startle the baby in Concubine Yan's arms, Ji Wuye stepped into the back room, sat down slowly, and laughed, "Maybe I'm thinking too much."

"Oh? Think about it?"

Ji Wuye smiled and nodded 630: "Well, I just heard your voice come back, and I suddenly have a feeling of facing my wife after returning home after not returning overnight."

After saying something casually, he lifted the teapot beside him with a smile, raised his head, and started drinking.

Although he didn't take it seriously, when Concubine Yan, who was coaxing the child, heard this, she couldn't help but stagnate and was stunned.

"Cough, cough..." After drinking more than half of the tea in the teapot, Ji Wuye put down the teapot in his hand, wiped the tea around his mouth with his sleeve, and said with a smile.

"Don't say it, if it's not Yan Dan's child, but my child, we are really like a family of three now."

Although Concubine Yan's attitude towards him did not seem to have improved much, at least it was no longer the same as before. When she saw him, she looked at him coldly, and even exuded murderous aura, which made Ji Wuye feel a lot closer.

It's not that Ji Wuye didn't doubt Guo Yue'er's identity. For this reason, he even checked Guo Yue'er's information.

But what he got was the same as what he imagined.

Character: Ji Ruqiantaki (Princess Gaoyue of Yan Kingdom)

Level: 0

Ability: none

Gao Yue's hidden identity was also revealed, but for Ji Wuye, these had no reference value at all.

Ji Wuye, who had never been there for a whole night, stretched his waist, moved his neck, and went straight to her change. As soon as he took off his boots, he was ready to collapse.

The faint fragrance blowing from her face made Concubine Yan, who was in a daze and wondered what she was thinking, instantly recovered, and her brows were slightly wrinkled: "Women's rouge gouache?"

The faint fragrance blowing from her face made Concubine Yan, who was in a daze and wondered what she was thinking, instantly recovered, and her brows were slightly wrinkled: "Women's rouge gouache?"

"Huh?" Ji Wuye, who had stepped on the collapsed with one foot, was stunned when he heard the words, and brought Lian in front of Concubine Yan, and laughed, "What? My Lord Dongjun is jealous?"

Concubine Yan shook her head indifferently and said, "Go wash, I don't want my bedding to be contaminated with the smell of other (ajfd) women."

It may be that Concubine Yan is stronger than him, which makes him look different.

Or maybe it was because Concubine Yan's attitude towards him was finally improved, and she didn't want to make the relationship between the two of them stiff.

It may also be because Concubine Yan's sentence just now came back, which gave him a different kind of touch.

There may also be other things mixed in. After hearing Concubine Yan's words, Ji Wuye, who was in a good mood, laughed out loud.

"Hahaha... Yes, my Lady Yan."

After saying that, Ji Wuye strode out of the house.

Looking at the figure of Ji Wuye leaving, the expression on Concubine Yan's face was extremely complicated.

After a long time, when Ji Wuye disappeared from her eyes, Concubine Yan sighed and shook her head...

Ji Wuye's sleep can be said to be extremely fragrant, and it can even be said to be the heaviest and most stable sleep since he came here.

When he woke up, it was already evening.

Smelling the scent of the remaining Concubine Yan on the silk quilt, Ji Wuye took a deep, deep breath, squinting his eyes, and a hint of intoxication appeared on his face.

"Can you stop showing that disgusting look to my bedding?"

The cold voice suddenly entered Ji Wuye's ears, causing him to regain his senses in an instant, turned his head, and looked for the sound.

I saw Concubine Yan, who was wearing a close-fitting and long skirt, sitting in front of the window with her back to him, resting her cheeks with one hand, looking out the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

The willow-like thin moon should not be full enough to be grasped, the wonderful fragrance, the high buttocks, the raised, the really protruding front and the rear, and the curves are exquisite.

Damn, does this woman have eyes behind her?With your back to yourself, can you know the expression on your face?

Ji Wuye coughed lightly and said with a sly smile: "How long have you been here? As for Yue'er, haven't you always been close to her?"

"Also, is it possible that you have fallen in love with me deeply, and you are reluctant to leave even one step, and you have been here for me until now?"


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 358 I'm here for you

Concubine Yan's expression was indifferent, she slowly turned around, her eyes were cast on Ji Wuye, and she said, "You came to Jicheng this time to kill Yanchun Jun?"

Obviously, such a big thing that Yan Chunjun was killed, even though Concubine Yan was not very concerned about what happened in the unexpected world at this time, it still passed into her ears.

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