"Huh?" Ji Wuye raised his brows and said, "I remember when Bai Yifei used the Gu technique to control Tianze, he seemed to be the one who prepared his medicine."

Mrs. Pearl said: "Yes!"

Ji Wuye stared at her for a while, and said, "Then you still say you don't understand?"

Mrs. Mingzhu leaned over and put her arm on Ji Wuye's shoulder, smiled charmingly at him, and said, "Since you already know it, then you still ask me if I understand it, isn't this nonsense."

Mrs. Mingzhu leaned over and put her arm on Ji Wuye's shoulder, smiled charmingly at him, and said, "Since you already know it, then you still ask me if I understand it, isn't this nonsense."

"You!" Ji Wuye gave Mrs. Pearl a vicious look.

"Okay, okay...don't be angry, just smile." Mrs. Pearl tugged at his cheek, giggled, and flirted with the long hair around her ears, her mouth and corners hooked, smiling. Said: "What did you ask me to do? Give this little brother a Gu? Tell me, what kind of Gu do you want me to give him."

This woman is really under-tuned and taught, Ji Wuye glanced at her angrily, and said: "I don't know anything about Gu, you can give him a random one, as long as you don't kill him, you can make him have trouble. It’s okay to get sick, and it’s okay to be uncomfortable.”

"What kind of hatred does this little brother have with you, you want to torture him like this?"

Mrs. Pearl laughed lightly, raised her hand, and a blood-red worm appeared on her hand, no matter its appearance or size, it looked like a leech-like bug that Ji Wuye had seen in her previous life.

Mrs. Mingzhu smiled sweetly, her slender jade fingers moved lightly, and the Gu insect in her hand flew to the neck of Robber Zhi, and in the blink of an eye, it burrowed into Robber Zhi's body.

Afterwards, the comatose Robber Zhi, the muscles on his face twitched, showing a painful expression.

Seeing this scene, Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He knew that this woman had such a hand to kill him. At first, he didn't dare to use force against this woman. God knows how Mrs. Mingzhu would have been taken by him. down.

Seeing Ji Wuye's strange expression, Mrs. Mingzhu giggled, leaned down, and leaned close to his ear, her soft, soft breath blew on his face, and said softly, "Are you lucky? When you used force on me, I didn't give you any strange Gu?"

Ji Wuye twitched his mouth and said, "Since you have such a skill, why didn't you use Gu on me when I used force on you?"

Seeing the expression on Ji Wuye's face, it was Mrs. Mingzhu's turn to feel a little surprised, only to see her expression stagnant, and said: "Don't you want to tell me...you really did I didn't know I could do magic tricks."

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, and said, "' ' Otherwise, what do you think?"

Mrs. Pearl gritted her teeth and said word by word, "I thought you knew that I knew how to trick me, so I was prepared..."

"So...you are worried that if you fail, it may cause my anger?" Ji Wuye had a strange look on his face, suppressing the smile in his heart, feeling extremely fortunate.

At this moment, Mrs. Pearl only felt a little dizzy in her head and took a deep breath. God knows, she would actually make such an oolong.

She was scheming when she was using her power in Ji Wuye, and she really wanted to attack Ji Wuye.

But after thinking about it, since the other party knew she knew how to use Gu, and dared to use force against her with such a fearless appearance, she must have the other party's means.

Never thought that this guy didn't know...he didn't know he could use Gu?

All of this is just because of herself (Zhao Zhao's), is she thinking too much?


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it.


Chapter 382 What kind of Gu did you give him?

Mrs. Mingzhu sighed secretly, stroked her forehead, and said, "It turns out that sometimes thinking too much and worrying too much is not necessarily a good thing."

"Hahaha..." Ji Wuye laughed loudly: "Okay, although this kind of accident has such an accident, even if you succeeded in giving me Gu, in myself, you may not necessarily How can you take me."

"Besides, aren't you having a good time now?"

"Even if it was an accident, it was a beautiful accident, wasn't it?"

Mrs. Pearl shook her head with a smile, as if she agreed with what he said. Even if the beginning was not very good, at least she is quite satisfied with the result now.

At least the current life, she doesn't hate it.

Ji Wuye smiled and said: "Okay, don't think about it, by the way, what kind of Gu did you give him?"

Mrs. Mingzhu recovered her thoughts and said, "Blood worms are androgynous, they live on blood, and after entering his body, they will live on his blood, laying eggs and multiplying in his body continuously. "

"The spawning cycle is one month, and hundreds of eggs can be spawned at a time."

"The incubation growth cycle is one month, that is to say, after two months, at least hundreds of blood leeches will be born in his body."

"The blood leech will move 180 times a month for three days. As for what he will become in those three days, you can imagine the feeling of hundreds of blood leeches squirming and moving in the body."

As soon as Mrs. Pearl said this, Bai Feng and the others couldn't help feeling chills, goosebumps all over their bodies, and looking at Mrs. Pearl, they also became a little frightened, and they unconsciously distanced themselves from Mrs. Pearl. .

Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart: "Hundreds of them, plus that terrifying ability to reproduce, wouldn't he die soon?"

This woman is really like her temperament, both tempting and dangerous.

Mrs. Pearl lightly smiled and said: "Don't worry, you won't die, the blood they sucked will still be discharged from his body in the end, this Gu is only used to torture people, and it won't kill people. "

"Furthermore, there are blood worms that are constantly converting the blood in his body into fresh blood. Until the Gu worm is removed, he can't die if he wants to."

"It can be regarded as an alternative longevity, but the price of this longevity (ajbe) is very high."

"Think about it. With the terrifying reproductive ability of the blood cricket, it is conceivable what his body will become in the end."

"By then, he will really be worse off than dead."

"That's why I said that this Gu was born to torture people."

Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel chills all over his body. If it wasn't for his system, he would never dare to bring such a woman by his side.

A woman like Mrs. Pearl, who is beautiful but also mortally dangerous, is really not something that anyone can endure.

Ji Wuye said, "Can you solve this Gu?"

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