While Ji Wuye was staring at Genie in the dark, Yue'er was also looking at him.

Although she did not find anything on Ji Wuye's face, nor did she find any evidence.

But she instinctively felt that the uncle who gave her an inexplicable intimacy in front of her had something to do with her mother's silk book.

In her memory, her mother only smiled when she was coaxing her in front of her.

It was also often when she fell asleep, sitting alone in front of the window, staring at a scroll of silk books, that she would occasionally show some smiles.

When she was young, she didn't understand why, she only knew that she was happy when her mother was happy.

Because of this, she used to pretend to fall asleep for countless nights, and then quietly looked at her mother who was sitting in front of the window in a daze with an unknown volume of silk books.

Gradually at 133, she began to remember things, which she once thought should have been written by her father to her mother a long time ago.

But when she grew up slowly and couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart, finally one day, when Concubine Yan was away, she couldn't help but flip out the silk book.

She can read and understand what is written on it. From the above content, the relationship between the two seems to be very close indeed.

Among them, even her child will feel a little tired when she sees it.

However, the signature is not Yan Dan.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it.


Chapter 391 You said he was a bad guy or a good guy? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Not only Duanmu Rong had never heard of Concubine Yan's friends, but even her daughter had never heard of her having any friends.

Apart from Duanmu Rong, in Gao Yue's memory, the only one who could talk to her mother was the woman who took her mother away.

Inexplicably, there is such a volume of silk books that are not Yandan, but the name makes people feel a little tired.

Gao Yue could see from the silk book that the person who wrote the silk book should like her mother very much.

She was used to seeing Yan Dan's cold face towards her mother since she was a child, and Gao Yue even fantasized about how nice it would be if the person who wrote the silk book was her father.

Until not long ago, she had some doubts, looking at the coldness between Yan Dan and her mother, it seemed that there was no emotion at all.

Her mother should not be taken by Yan Dan by taking advantage of her status as a prince to forcibly separate her mother from the person she likes.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that there was a possibility, and only in this way could it make sense.

A silk book written by a mysterious man, the cold relationship between Yan Dan and her mother.

It is not obvious that Yan Dan used the status of the prince to forcibly occupy her mother.

Then her mother couldn't forget her old love, so much so that Yan Dan became annoyed and lost her temper inexplicably when she mentioned her mother.

She was very familiar with her mother, and gave her an inexplicable intimacy, which made Gao Yue instinctively feel that the person in front of her was the one who left the silk book.

Looking at Ji Wuye and pondering for a long time, Gao Yue suddenly said, "Uncle, are you Ji Wuye?"

Ji Wuye, who was thinking about how to answer the previous question, was shocked when he heard this.

Holy crap, this little girl has become a sperm?How did she find out who I am?

Didn't the labor and management just glance at Gai Nie, how do you know that the labor and management are Ji Wuye, and Gai Nie is not the only one who knows the labor and the capital.

Moreover, the labor and management have only had a relationship with him once, and they are not familiar with each other.

Gao Yue knew Ji Wuye, this was totally unreasonable.

No matter how you think about it, no matter how you think about it, there is no such possibility, whether from the original book or from the present world that has changed the plot.

It's really getting old, and I'm still thinking about how to prevent it from being recognized by Gai Nie, this TM was recognized by this little girl inexplicably?

Ji Wuye coughed lightly, pinched Yue'er's nose with a smile, and said with a smile, "Uncle's name is Ji Ye, but it's not Ji Wuye ¨~."

The robber on the side also said: "How can Big Brother Ji be the bad guy Ji Wuye, don't talk nonsense, your Uncle Ji is a good person, then Ji Wuye is a bad person, how can he be compared with your Uncle Ji? "

The robber on the side also said: "How can Big Brother Ji be the bad guy Ji Wuye, don't talk nonsense, your Uncle Ji is a good person, then Ji Wuye is a bad person, how can he be compared with your Uncle Ji? "

For Yue'er's words, let alone stealing Zhi, even Duanmu Rong, who was not far away, didn't take it to heart. They just treated Yue'er's words as a child's nonsense.

Thief Zhi was very carefree, although he didn't know why Yue'er knew about Ji Wuye, but he didn't take it to heart.

And Duanmu Rong knew why Yue'er said this. Hearing Yue'er's words, Duanmu Rong couldn't help feeling a little headache.

Once upon a time, Yue'er often asked her about Ji Wuye.

Although she wondered why Yue'er was interested in Ji Wuye, she patiently told her how bad Ji Wuye was, a bad person who betrayed the country and sought glory.

But Yue'er couldn't believe it, if it wasn't clear that Yue'er had never been in contact with Ji Wuye since she was so old, Duanmurong would even have some doubts whether Yue'er was given any medicine by Ji Wuye.

She wondered, when the State of Yan was still there, Yue'er had been living in the Prince's Mansion and had never had contact with any suspicious person.

After the demise of the Yan Kingdom, she never stepped out of Jinghu Medical Village.

Why is she so persistent that Ji Wuye is a good person?

Seeing the uncle in front of him denying it, Gao Yue's little face showed a trace of disappointment, and he still asked unrelentingly: "Then uncle, do you know Ji Wuye? Is he really like what Sister Rong said, a man A bad guy who betrayed his country for glory?"

Judging from the expression on this little girl's face, Ji Wuye understood. It wasn't that she recognized her, but she just said it casually.

For Gao Yue to know the name Ji Wuye, Ji Wuye didn't care. I think it must have been from Duanmu Rong's mouth when he was bored on this island.

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