Chapter 110 Your majesty knows heroes with eyes (give a subscription support)

“Do you want to go to sea?”

Through a curtain in the carriage, Jidaiyun can clearly see that it is the boundless sea, and there are a large number of ships staying nearby.

“Aunt, are we leaving our homeland?”

The familiar sea surface began to come into view, Ji Lan surged with great dissatisfaction towards his homeland, and couldn’t help asking.

“It seems that Qin Jun wants to take us to Daqin

Until now, Ji Daiyun, who was aware of what happened, once again hugged his niece Lan’er, as if he could bring her spiritual support.

There is one more sentence that hasn’t been finished. The two aunts and nephews will be taken to the offering, most likely Daqin’s emperor.

“Da Qin”

Daqin is undoubtedly a very unfamiliar word. Ji Lan glanced at the familiar building behind her again, her uneasy and confused emotions intertwined with each other.

“Lan’er, Auntie will definitely protect you, even if it does.”

Without thinking about the next sentence, Jidaiyun thought of their fate and wanted to cry.

Their fate as princesses is so, let alone the rest of the women in the palace, as well as the female families of the ministers.

Two consecutive mental shocks, as well as today’s departure from home, may not come back for a lifetime.

A great fatigue swept through the whole body, Jilan’s eyelids became heavier and heavier, and then fell asleep in the arms of his aunt Jidaiyun.

“Tick Tick Tick Tick”

After his niece Jilan fell asleep, Jidaiyun, who was under all the pressure alone, dropped tears after all.

That is, represents a destiny that cannot be resisted

“Start sailing!”

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Ben brought news about Xu Fu to the two noble princesses who were dedicated to the emperor, and more than 30,000 soldiers and soldiers returned to Daqin.

“Han Xin, collect information about the local population and topography, and ask senior generals to come and listen to orders.

The next step was to stabilize the early stage situation. After watching Wang Gui set sail, Chen Qingzhi turned around and ordered.

“Hey, General Chen” “.”

With some changes brought about by Gein’s appointment, Han Xin’s title was changed from deputy commander to general, and he responded.

And in the words just now, it is not difficult to hear an excited emotion, how much ridicule and eye-rolling I have received, I am finally going to come out.


Immediately, Chen Qingzhi led the tens of thousands of Zhe Chong army to see off, and returned to the current station-Wang Xianli.

And the palace can’t go beyond when it is young, maybe the emperor will visit here east, and in the end, use a not too small mansion as the place for the Chinese military to discuss.

“According to the original records, there are 2.75 million local people, some of whom live in the main cities and some in the countryside with inconvenient transportation.”

Holding a bamboo slip that is not too old, Han Xin stood near the middle and read aloud.

“If it is due to inconvenient traffic on the road, it will be difficult for our army to suppress it in a short period of time, and the troops will not be able to reach the place where the rebellion occurs as soon as possible.

Compared with Sima Xin, who returned to Daqin, Dong Yi, one of the senior generals who stayed behind, quickly put forward a more critical point.

“That’s right, if the army is not sent in time to suppress it, it will inevitably increase the power of the thief army.”

“General Chen, the final proposal is to dispatch troops to various places to implement effective deterrence and prevent the scene of rebellion.”

“This method is feasible. It will reach every corner of our military’s deterrence and stabilize the overall situation at the fastest speed.”

Suddenly, all the generals present were discussing and expressing their own opinions.

“General Chen, the final general does not approve of the strategy of dividing troops, but gathers heavy troops in his hands.”

Just when the generals held the same opinion, Han Xin, who had just read some basic military information, stood up.

If they have sufficient troops, the method just mentioned is completely fine, but the current situation is just the opposite.

What the army values ​​is strength and military merit, and Han Xin, one of the planners of the decisive battle, won their direct approval.

In this regard, the senior generals present stopped discussing, wanting to see what the other side had different opinions.

“What do you think, say it and listen.”

Han Xin is not an empty talker, but a good seedling of the practical school. Chen Qingzhi still values ​​it.

“At present, our army does not have a lot of troops. There are not a few places that need to be suppressed for the 40,000-zhe red army and the 7,000-white robe army.”

“According to the strategy of dividing forces just now, the actual control is there, but it lacks the deadliest ability to quickly bounce.

After sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Han Xin’s thinking was quite clear, and he said clearly.

“Just now I just focused on strengthening my control, but I forgot that one. It’s better for Han Xin to think more comprehensively.”

Dong Yi and other generals all came from small soldiers, and they still had basic military knowledge, and they all expressed their own approval.

It is extremely difficult to train as a qualified cavalry, but there is no problem with basic horse riding without the charge between cavalry.

“^” Go on

There is no gorgeous rhetoric, but directly pointing to the core theme. Chen Qingzhi nodded, indeed is a talent worth training.

“Finally, the general suggested that, in addition to the basic garrison forces, surplus troops should be patrolled uninterruptedly.

“On the other hand, build a narrow single road that can provide war horses and fly over directly.”

“Once you find a rebel, you light up the wolf smoke you carry on your body, and concentrate all your efforts to annihilate it on the spot.

The important thing is to come up with a set of feasible plans, Han Xin did not sell anything, and explained one by one.

“Using war horses for walking is not required to be the same as cavalry. It’s just a simple horseback ride that can achieve the mobility of fast strikes.”

After all, I have experienced a lot of fights, and the generals on the scene immediately saw the clues, and suddenly felt that it was good.

“General Chen, the general believes that it is feasible. In addition to strengthening control, it can also effectively attack thieves who dare to rebel.”

Thinking about it, there is indeed nothing wrong, and it is military feasible, Dong Qian stood up and said. (It’s good)

After finishing speaking, I also took a look at Han Xin specially. It turns out that he has real talents.

“General Chen, the final general, etc. also agreed. Han Xin said very well, indeed it is a manufacturable material.”

What is important is how to stabilize the situation and the degree of completeness of the plan. Naturally, the other generals will not object for the sake of opposition.

“Don’t dare, it’s all thanks to your majesty’s kindness, otherwise, it is impossible to make suggestions here.

In this regard, Han Xin did not have the slightest arrogance, but with gratitude to the emperor.

It can be said that without that sentence at the time, he is still an ordinary soldier and has no chance to participate in the previous battle.

“Your majesty knows heroes with his eyes.”

I heard that Chen Qingzhi, Dong Yi and other generals couldn’t help but think of the dragon when the emperor reviewed the army.

If you put it on the other emperors, there are dozens of military rods, even if it is not like this, how can Han Xin be guilty and meritorious in front of the formation.

PS: Second!.

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